Chemistry In Life Fourth Edition
My lovely new segment... "In Love With"... First is about Ralf Schumacher. He is the younger bro of the Sixth Time Formula 1 World Champion, Michael Schumacher, and the guy who makes me a Schumacher 'clan' fanatic. Ralf was born in June 30th, 1975, in Hurth-Hermulheim, Germany. He entered the race arena when he was young, in go-kart arena along with his elder brother. Year 1992 until 1993, he entered Formula Junior, then Formula Germany from 1994 until 1995. At 1995, he followed Formula Nippon. He entered Formula 1 in 1997, 6 years after his brother, and joined the Jordan team. Year 1999, he joined Williams BMW. And in 2002, Ralf married Cora and had a son one year after.
Ralf nearness with his brother, sometimes trigger negative sentiments from Formula 1 observer. They said that the two Schumacher put their blood relationship in front of professionalism. It's true, but anyway, Ralf's success is not disregarding Schumi. Especially, although they are in the different team, they still have time to talk about Formula 1. Well, one thing I remember when first time know about this siblings is that someday after race, both of them were debating in a dad-piloted helicopter, in their way to home.
Ralf and Schumi are so close. They are too close, that's why when Ralf had an accident at the Indianapolis last week, Schumi was so worried. He thought, "Please, no, no... not something bad..." Finally, he could calm down when the team kept telling him that Ralf is alright. The same thing also happen in practice in Monza around year 2003. When Ralf had an accident, honestly, the first things came on my mind are how the condition of Ralfie was and hw about Schumi's feeling... Every time I know that Ralf was alright, and Schumi feels unconcerned, I also feel relieved. Well... however, maybe in Schumi's deep heart, he still worried of his brother, because he is the one who responsible about Ralf.
In Formula 1 arena, Ralf seems to be shadowed by his brother name. He is demanded to get (almost) the same result. A tough matter one for this pasta lover. Especially, their way to race and tactics of the teams are a bit different. Personally, Ralf is not too determined, but also a bit impatient. Ralf emotion until today still labile, especially after Juan Pablo Montoya entered Williams BMW, he become a bit more aggressive to get the team's attention. Unfortunately, Williams BMW is sunk because of this. When Monty proposed by McLaren Mercedes for the 2005 season, Ralf also decided to move to Toyota. When he is asked about it, he said, "If Montoya hold out in Williams BMW, maybe I would also hold out. Yeah, we are not a good team. Especially, being a team doesn't mean being a good friend. But, honestly, if Montoya not here, I wouldn't become like this time." My God...
above the podium, Ralf is a little bit quiet person (although he won). Except, if he and his brother get the podium together. Their craziness always out... Talking about the race above the podium, after Schumi congrats his little brother. Always happen...
Now, let's get out of the race arena. This June 30th, 2004, Ralf will celebrate his 29 years old birthday. Happy Birthday to my dearest Ralfie, hope he would be a more matured and better driver, good luck always for him. Take care of you and your family. Oh... And, get well soon. We missed you for France.
EURO 2004
Well, this time, something funny happen. I just for fun predicted all the result of the quarter final. And, all of them are right. First, when England met Portugal for the first match on the quarter final. When I saw the news, I thought, "Well... It seems Portugal would go on to semi final." And Portugal won 8-7 from England (6-5 on penalties).
Next, between France and Greece. I was talking with my friend that day before the match. I said, "It must be very ridiculous if the Greek people won..." He said, "No, no, France would get the victory." And then... TADA~!!! Greece won 1-0 from France. And when I asked my mom whether she saw it or not... SHE WAS UNHAPPY~!!! Well... she was unhappy France lose from Greece... (And I'm so happy...) But, anyway, when I told her about my prediction, she laughed and told me, "Then, you should become a fortune teller..." YEAH~!!! It seems that these days the goddess of fortune getting mad with those people who were too disparage others...
Then between Netherlands and Sweden. At that day, I'm dizzy with a mosquito flying in front of me. I tried to kill it and said, "If I could kill this, Sweden would go on." But, the mosquito flied and... Netherlands won 5-4 on penalties.
The last is about Czech-Denmark. Its a bit false. I was thought on myself, "Czech would win from Denmark, but it seems a bit difficult..." I thought that Denmark would also make a goal, at least, but Czech beat Denmark 3-0. Well... I still wanna predict the semi final and final. But, I can't tell you now... I have to predict about it the day before the match. It would be a little bit true. Anyway, maybe I could tell you my prediction until this day.
Semi Final
Portugal vs. Netherlands: Portugal (with the support of the host...)
Czech vs. Greece: Czech (well, it seems... though I don't mind whether Czech or Greece would win...)
Portugal vs. Czech: Czech
Well, it just a prediction... Please don't mind about that... Oh, and if on the semi final and final Greece win, I also don't mind... Ha ha... (^_~)
EURO 2004
*Indonesian mode ON*
Akhir-akhir ini, semakin banyak saja kasus mengenai narkoba yang melibatka generasi muda. Selain narkoba, banyak juga di antara mereka yang menghisap rokok. Saya tidak akan membahas mengenai kasus-kasus tersebut, namun mengenai efek narkoba dan rokok tersebut terhadap kebugaran jasmani dan rohani.
Narkoba, atau Narkotik dan Obat Terlarang, sebenarnya memiliki dampak negatif yang cukup besar bagi kebugaran. Namun, di antara para pemakainya, banyak yang menganggap bahwa mitos menggunakan narkoba akan meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam berbagai hal itu benar. Mitos tersebut tentu saja tidak benar. Narkoba pada awalnya memang membuat si pemakai merasa sangat senang, bersemangat, dan sebagainya. Namun, setelah beberapa lama, si pemakai baru akan merasakan sakit, terutama saat ia tidak sedang memakai.
Narkoba, diantaranya ganja, kokain, morfin, heroin, dan sebagainya, mengandung berbagai jenis zat kimia. Beberapa jenis zat kimia ini ada yang sebenarnya memiliki kegunaan yang penting di bidang kedokteran. Namun, dalam narkoba, kandungan zat-zat tersebut melebihi batas dan digunakan tanpa seizin dokter alias tanpa resep. Zat-zat kimia tersebut diantaranya adalah amfetamin, aspirin, dan sebagainya.
Penggunaan narkoba secara berlebihan dapat berakibat buruk pada tubuh si pemakai baik dalam jangka pendek maupun panjang. Narkoba dapat menyebabkan euforia (perasaan senang berlebihan), kantuk berlebih, lesu, mual dan muntah, mengeluarkan kata-kata menghina, penyempitan pupil, menurunnya aktivitas fisik, tertawa tanpa sebab yang jelas, menurunnya pernafasan, semakin rentan terhadap infeksi, meningkatnya resiko terkena AIDS dari jarum yang terinfeksi, koma, dan bahkan kematian.
Di antara akibat-akibat buruk narkoba tersebut, menurunnya aktivitas fisik dapat berpengaruh pada kebugaran si pemakai. Tanpa aktivitas fisik yang cukup, kebugaran dapat berkurang, apalagi pada pemakai narkoba yang jelas-jelas sangat kurang aktivitas fisiknya. Tubuh si pemakai dapat tiba-tiba menjadi lemas tidak bertenaga. Apabila lemas seperti demikian, tentu saja ia tak dapat berolahraga untuk meningkatkan kebugaran tubuhnya.
Pernafasan yang menurun juga berpengaruh terhadap kebugaran. Nafas pemakai narkoba amat tidak teratur, sehingga pada saat berolahraga, nafasnya akan tersengal-sengal. Dengan demikian, si pemakai tidak dapat berolahraga dengan baik dan kebugarannya pun tidak bertambah.
Rokok juga memiliki akibat yang buruk terhadap kebugaran. Dalam rokok terkandung 4000 elemen, dengan 200 diantaranya berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Zat-zat ini berbahaya baik bagi perokok aktif maupun perokok pasif, namun akibat paling buruk tentu bagi si perokok aktif.
Nikotin yang berada dalam rokok dahulu pernah digunakan sebagai racun serangga, namun kemudian dilarang akibat tingginya kadar racun dan pengaruh buruknya terhadap manusia. Nikotin sepuluh kali lebih beracun daripada DDT dan dapat menyebabkan gagal nafas apabila dihisap dalam jumlah banyak. Nikotin juga meningkatkan tekanan darah, jantung, serta mengganggu denyut jantung normal.
Pada perokok aktif, seperti yang telah saya katakan tadi, denyut jantungnya akan tidak normal. Sehingga apabila orang tersebut berolahraga, kemungkinan ia akan menjadi cepat lelah, dan denyut jantungnya tidak teratur. Dengan demikian, kebugaran si perokok kemungkinan besar tidak baik, malah mungkin juga menurun.
Dalam rokok juga terkandung karbon monoksida yang juga akan dikeluarkan dalam asap rokok (selain dalam asap kendaraan). Gas CO ini sangat beracun, dan dapat mengurangi kemampuan darah untuk menyerap oksigen, sebab sel-sel darah merah lebih suka menyerap karbon monoksida daripada oksigen.
Apabila zat ini masuk dalam jumlah banyak ke tubuh, maka kadar oksigen yang ada dalam tubuh akan berkurang. Ini juga berpengaruh buruk terhadap kebugaran. Apabila kita tidak mendapat oksigen yang cukup, terutama sehabis beraktivitas, maka tubuh justru akan menjadi lemah.
Tar, yang juga terdapat pada rokok, merupakan suatu substansi hidrokarbon, di mana ia bersifat lengket dan dapat menempel pada paru-paru. Sifatnya tersebut dapat saja mengurangi kemampuan paru-paru untuk bernafas.
Narkoba dan rokok memiliki banyak sekali efek negatif terhadap kebugaran tubuh. Bagaimanapun, satu-satunya cara untuk meningkatkan atau setidaknya mengembalikan kebugaran adalah dengan cara berhenti menggunakan narkoba dan merokok. Selain itu, olahraga sangat penting untuk menjaga agar tubuh tetap sehat dan bugar.
The last news, always from myself. This Monday, I have to go to ophthalmologist to exam my eyes. I have myopia (-3), and the latest news I got from the doctor... No changes, except I have -0,5 cylindris... O-oh... (>.<)
Well... See you next week. I'm Dian Anggraini. Good bye~! (^_^)/~~
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