Chemistry In Life Twenty-seventh Edition
Well, it seems I've been too lazy again updating this blog. Actually, not so lazy, because I am getting busy with my study. This edition including Today In Class 6-1 Episode 2-3 *which occurs on week 2 of my PPB project timeline last April-May*, Another View of Myu-chan, and a short report of this weekend's F1 Racing.
*Indonesian mode ON*
Episode 2
Hari ini tak ada yang istimewa dari kuliah. Hihi, kecuali hari ini hari terakhir Bu Dessy memberikan materi pada kami, sebelum kami harus mempersiapkan rancangan percobaan dan presentasi. Err, dan tentu saja percobaan itu sendiri. ^^
Lalu apa yang saya maksud dengan judul episode di atas? Penggantian kelompok. Berhubung ternyata Keni, Sisi, dan Anna punya proposal sendiri... Jadilah mereka disuruh bikin kelompok sendiri. Akibatnya, kelompok saya, Keni, Maya, dan Sisi terpaksa dibagi dua, lalu masing-masing ditambah satu orang pengganti. Saya dan Maya, harus rela satu kelompok dengan Ocha. *Pada dasarnya, saya sih senang... ^^;* Lalu Keni, Sisi, dan Anna jadi satu, seperti yang sudah saya tulis tadi.
Nah, lalu apa yang terjadi dengan kelompok yang ditinggalkan Ocha dan Anna? Tebak saja sendiri.
*penulis digeplak*
Hihi. Kan sudah tahu, pasti ada pertukaran supaya jumlah anggotanya tidak kurang dan tidak lebih. Yang jelas, ada dua yang tidak berubah.
Episode 3
The Assistant
Setelah presentasi (termasuk persiapan) selama dua minggu, akhirnya kami harus memulai penelitian alias percobaan alias... Ya... Itu deh.
Hari Kamis kami akhirnya bertemu dengan asisten masing-masing. Untuk kelompok DNA saya, asistennya Bu Prima. Euh, tapi saya harus rela berbagi dengan kelompok lain... ^^;;
Hari Senin jam 3, kami membicarakan mengenai cara kerja, serta alat dan bahan apa saja yang diperlukan.. Yang bikin saya sedikit kaget, walaupun ga terlalu sih...
Myu: Jadi media-nya dibikin sendiri, termasuk YEPD-nya?
Bu Prima: Iya.. Kan namanya juga penelitian kecil...
Dan yang konyol...
Bu Prima: Sentrifuganya bisa pakai tabung Eppendorf saja kok...
Ocha: Tapi kan itu 1,5 ml, bu... Tabung Eppendorf ga cukup...
Bu Prima: Cukup, kok...
Ocha: Ga tumpah, bu?
Bu Prima (mengambil satu tabung Eppendorf): Nih. 1,5 ml kan? Ga akan tumpah kok... Kan ada tutupnya juga...
Ocha, Myu, Maya (plus ekspresi kaget yang ngga banget): Hah?!
Sumpah. Kami tahu tabung Eppendorf itu memang kecil, berwarna putih dan ada tutupnya. Tapi ga sampai tahu kalau isinya bisa sampai 1,5 ml.... Parah. *bodoh, yah?*
Dan saking lamanya kami bertanya dan ditanya *termasuk soal streaking ragi ke media dengan jarum ose, yang akhirnya Bu Prima keukeuh menyuruh kami pakai jarum itu supaya bisa belajar*, kelompok lain terpaksa membatalkan diskusi mereka dengan Bu Prima... Dan tahu apa yang dibilang Bu Prima? Kelamaan. *Ibuuu~ --;*
Habisnya, kami ga nyadar waktu... Bener-bener ga lucu. --;
To be continued....
7 September 2006
Pertama kalinya jadi asisten di Lab. Biokimia... Bolos kuliah Kapsel Biokimia gara-gara telat 20 menit.. Hihi. Habis, ngasih tes awalnya juga udah telat. Tapi katanya sih Bu Fida mau bicara dengan Bu Dessy...
Btw, jadi asisten ternyata lebih pusing dari jadi praktikan biasa.. Cuma lebih menyenangkan... Soalnya biasa dinilai, sekarang menilai. Cuma.. Ah~ Praktikannya menyebalkan. Ada-ada aja permintaannya... Yah, untung saya bukan asisten untuk anak-anak Honors... ^^;; *lirik Ocha dan Keni*
8 September 2006
Datang pagi-pagi ke kampus... Ga ada kuliah pagi. Dan ternyata, kuliah diganti jam 1 siang.... *gubrak*
Nemenin anak-anak test-drive UNO Stacko, kuda-kudaan, sama permainan yang... yah, yang lari/jalan, tapi 3 orang pakai 4 kaki itu.. Lucu~~~
Siangnya, datang lagi ke Prodi, ketemu Iman, dan dia bilang: "Kuliahnya ga ada. Si Ibu pergi." *gubrak lagi, deh!* Padahal udah sms Novita dan bilang kalau Myu ga bisa jadi asisten KA.. Akhirnya, Myu pergi ke Lab. KA deh...
Btw, Ruu~~~ Besok kalau giliran saya jadi asisten kamu, belajar buat tes awal yaaa~!! ^^ *Tapi kayanya dia ga bakal tes awal sama saya deh... ^^;;*
O ya, dua anak kucing di UKJ, hari ini tingkahnya konyol... Kote ngegodain Meng terus... Dan dia dikasih makanan malah lebih tertarik sama dompetnya Bena.. *gubrak* Aih~ Lutunaaaaaa~~~
Pas dia mau makan beneran, eh.. Meng-nya malah nakal.. Mau ngerebut makanan-nya Kote.. Ah, dasar kucing. *euh.. saya kan juga kucing... --;;*
9 September 2006
Pengen liat PAB~ Tapi bangun kesiangan, jam 7.30.. Dan masih ngantuk pula, padahal semalam tidur jam sembilan... Sial bener... --;;
Ryorin pulang... Huaaa~ My hubby is back~ My hubby is back~~~ Nyan~ senangnya... Katanya sih sekeluarga... Kyaa~ Ibu datang~*happy*
10 September 2006
Bangun jam 8 pagi.. Niatnya sih ke Pasar Seni ITB. Tapi.. Aih, begitu berangkat, jam 10 lebih, macetnyaaaa~ Lama-lama pemerintah kusuruh bikin tempat parkiran di luar Bandung, kalau-kalau ada acara seperti ini... --;
Sumpah deh. Jadi ilfil begitu udah nyampe. Mana hampir semua jalan ditutup... Jadinya, masuk bisa, keluar nggak... Susah bener. Yah, paling ga sempet liat dikit lah... Dan ketemu Ryorin. ^^;; Cuma yang sebel, niatnya mau liat kalau-kalau ada yang lucu, tapi ga bisa.. Yah, gitu deh...
Euh, kira-kira Ambu datang ke PS ITB ga yah??
Dan.. Schumi menang GP Italia.. lagi. ^^; Fernando Alonso mendapat masalah pada mesin dan harus keluar lomba. Akibatnya, selisih poin Schumi dan Alonso menipis menjadi 2 poin saja, saudara-saudara. Jadi, mampukah Schumi memenangkan kejuaraan Formula 1 tahun ini? Atau Alonso bisa bangkit lagi? Kita lihat di tiga seri terakhir. Btw, Kimi Raikkonen dan Robert Kubica berhasil naik podium. Pembuktian bahwa Kimi layak untuk Ferrari? Hmm. Liputan selengkapnya ada di bawah, ya... ^^;; *of course, in English, darling...*
11 September 2006
Pagi-pagi nonton TV... Ada berita... Schumi mengakhiri masa lajangnya..? Bukan, bukan itu. *disambit istri dan anak-anaknya Schumi* --; Ternyata, Schumi benar-benar memutuskan pensiun setelah sekian lamanya berkecimpung di dunia F1...
Dan.. Kimi terpilih sebagai pengganti Schumi... Hmm. Berarti tahun depan, Kimi bakal tandem sama Massa.. *lovelovelove~*
Ngomong-ngomong... Saya pun harus memberikan keputusan.. Soal saya mendukung siapa nanti setelah Schumi pensiun... Ada juga di bawah... ^^
Btw, add to edit, hari ini kuliah Kapsel Biokim bareng ama Keni n Sisi~! Kyaa~!! *happy*
*Indonesian mode OFF*
Btw... I forgot to tell you that Ryorin gave me a cute, lovely, pink stuffed cat... Actually, I was too excited to see that on the display at the mall... I told him, and he ask me if I want him to bought it for me. Well, I want, but since I know he is sometimes... yeah.. You know. I said no, but he always offered it to me.
The next day, I asked him to go out together. He asked me if I want to accompany him to IP, to buy the cat... And, well, he did. He bought it and gave it to me... Nyaa~ Thankies~ *bounces*
It's so cute~ Well, the cat reminds me to the cat in the Strawberry Shortcake show... Anyone remember her name? ^^;
OK. Next, my Formula 1 report, Schumi's decision to retires from F1, and my decision.
This weekend, Ferrari's Michael Schumacher wass flying high on top again. Actually, that was Kimi Raikkonen who was flying high at high speed in his McLaren car. Well. That two men was really superb this Sunday. At the Saturday qualifying, Kimi took the pole, with Schumi behind him with only 0.002 seconds gap. *If I'm not mistaken* Massa, being the fastest that day, 1:21.225, took the fourth position on the grid after failed to make better result for himself.
At the race, the starts went smoothly, no accident, nothing happened. Except, if you ask me, there was changes in position. Anyway, Kimi and Schumi still on front, behind them is Kubica and Massa. Everything went very nice until Monza took its first victim, at lap 9. Nico Rosberg, after suffered from driveshaft, must be the first man to retired from the Grand Prix. Poor man...
Well, Schumi followed Kimi until Kimi's first pit, lap 15, and keeped their gap with the others for about 17 seconds. *They was crazy since the first time, I know that.* Schumi himself entered the pit at lap 17, after lengthening his gap with the others. Anyway, they must dropped to the front-middle of the grid after the pit. *Not enough gap, I know that.*
Lap 19, Alonso and Massa pits. It was a good pit.. Everything went smoothly again, even though Yamamoto must be retired from the race because of hydraulic problem on lap 18, and de la Rosa retired after getting problem with his engine in lap 20.
About lap 22, Schumi and Kimi, now Schumi in front after Kubica and Heidfeld entered their first pit. They was running so fast, keeped their gap with the others for about more than 20 seconds... 28 seconds before they stopped again, if I'm not mistaken. And it's enough to keep their position after their second pit stop.
Lap 26, Fisichella took his only pit stop that day. It seems that Renault used one-stop strategy for one of their drivers.
Lap 38, Kimi pits, after one lap, Schumi and Massa, too. As I said before, the gap between Schumi, Kimi, and the others is about 28 seconds. So, the two men is still in front of the others.
Lap 41, Alonso pitted again. It's a quick and nice stop. However, two laps after this, he must suffered DNF. That's right, Monza took its fourth victim. Engine failure, again. And it's the same place where he *I don’t know why..* took the wrong line at the qualifying. You know where I mean. *Oh, my, pity pity boy...*
So, after 53 laps... Schumi wins the Italian GP. Everyone in Ferrari was absolutely happy... Kimi second, and Kubica next. Fishichella fourth, and Massa, must finished on the ninth grid after he took the third pit because a problem... And Honda is the only team with both drivers that gets point... Button 5, Rubens 6.
After the marvelous win that day, Schumi told that he will be retiring from Formula 1 next year....
After his 90th race winnings, 1354 points, and 7 world championship titles... Schumi confirmed that he retires from F1 at the Monza after race press-conference...
A bit shocking news for his fans, isn't it? Well, as he retires, Ferrari chooses Kimi and Massa for the next year...
So, here we go. Schumi retires, it means I must decide who would I support next year. Too bad, if you guess that's Alonso. It's definitely not him. Sadly, not him.
Since I'm a huge fan of Ferrari since my first F1 GP, and huge fan of Schumacher family, being fan of Alonso is.. Well, it's hard to say. I love him 'cause he's a good driver, too. Anyway, I'm in love with Kimi since his first time at Formula 1. Some friends of mine maybe known him as my second love.. *g* So sorry, ppl.. I decided to support Kimi and Massa for next year, Ralf comes behind the duo, then Alonso on my third place. Well, I'll update the 'I Love You' segment soon... So sorry for Alonso fans who want me to support Alonso with all of my heart... Sorry.
Okay, that's the end of this edition. About October, I'll write the 'In Love with Michael Schumacher' segment, as my tribute to him..
See you next time. Bubble bye~!
PS: Full F1 reports, and news could be read at Formula 1 Official Site...
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