Sunday, September 30, 2007

Chemistry In Life Fourty-sixth Edition

Hi. Nice to meet you again.

As I promised last time, there is another article from the in love with series.. Now with Kimi Raikkonen.


18 September 2007

Sara hilang.. Cuma 10 hari menjelang ulang tahunnya.

Dan ayahnya sama sekali tidak peduli. He doesn't care about ANYTHING BUT HIMSELF.

Mum sih bilang supaya bikin pengumuman, yang menemukan Sara nanti diberi imbalan.. Tapi saya udah kadung putus asa... Apalagi Ryorin cuek.

Well, she's just an USB flash disk. But she's already like my own daughter... And she go away with all the works and memories I made with her...

And for now, I really HATE her father. Such a fuckingly damned man.


Duh, kalau saya memang membosankan, kenapa sih dia masih menulis 'Proud to be the Cat Princess' soulmate'? Kenapa dia masih mempertahankan saya?

Kenapa tiap kali saya minta dia mencari wanita lain, yang sesuai dengan seleranya, yang ga manja, ga egois, ga membosankan, dia malah ga mau? Padahal sudah jelas... Dia tidak menyukai saya lagi. Myu ini kan terlalu manja buat dia...



Tiba-tiba teringat sesuatu: Pernah, suatu saat, Myu nonton Oprah Winfrey Show. Dan di sana, salah satu tamunya adalah seorang tuna netra (saya lupa namanya). Dia buta sejak lahir, bahkan ga punya mata, sampai diberi mata buatan (sebagai kosmetik). Tapi, sejak kecil dia pintar banget main piano. Sampai suatu saat, dia masuk college (CMIIW), dan gurunya menyuruh dia masuk marching band daripada paduan suara. Jelas dong, dia kesal. Ayahnya juga begitu. Orang udah tau dia buta kaya gitu kok malah disuruh ikut marching band. Udah buta, pakai kursi roda lagi. Tapi rupanya si guru ini punya rencana lain. Ia ingin membangkitkan rasa percaya diri yang sesungguhnya pada diri sang anak. Dan, yah, dia jadi satu-satunya anggota marching band yang naik kursi roda dan bawa pendamping, yaitu ayahnya sendiri...

Lalu ketika ia muncul di acaranya Oprah, dia baru mendapatkan anugerah dari UNICEF (kalau ga salah), sebagai anak muda berbakat yang memberi inspirasi bagi anak-anak lain. Dan di situ, dia mengatakan satu hal yang benar-benar membuat Myu terharu: Bahwa dia melihat kebutaannya itu bukan sebagai ketidakmampuan, tapi sebagai kemampuan. Orang lain bisa melihat warna kulit, rambut, mata, pakaian, dll, tapi dia mampu melihat sesuatu yang lain yang ada pada diri setiap orang: Cinta.

Sesuatu yang bahkan Myu sendiri ga bisa lihat bener-bener wujudnya seperti apa...

Well, cinta mungkin buta. Tapi sesungguhnya, kita sendiri juga buta soal cinta. Karena cinta memang ga bisa dilihat dengan mata...

20 September 2007

Sara belum juga pulang.. Dan Myu benar-benar rindu...

Tapi Myu yakin, Sara pasti pulang. Pasti, karena Sara punya rumah.

Myu ga mau Sara seperti Ei, yang benar-benar ga kembali..

Sara, pulang ya..



Nonton Kick Andy, dan kali ini, topiknya adalah: Blak-blakan dengan Kanjeng Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.

Ada beberapa hal yang saya kagumi dari Kanjeng Sultan: ramah, baik, demokratis, namun tetap berusaha menjunjung tinggi adat-istiadat. Satu hal yang membuat saya sedikit tersindir dan kagum di saat yang sama:

Ketika Kanjeng Sultan ditanya, mau jadi apa beliau seandainya bisa dilahirkan kembali, beliau mengatakan bahwa (intinya) dia tidak mau dilahirkan kembali, dan dia menerima dirinya (baik dirinya yang sekarang, atau dirinya kalau bisa dilahirkan kembali) apa adanya. Kira-kira begitu. Tapi justru perkataan Kanjeng Sultan yang ini yang membuat hati saya seakan ditusuk jarum. Bagaimana tidak? Wong biasanya kita itu kan kalau ditanya hal yang sama, pasti pengen yang enak. Kalau hidup kita sekarang enak, pengen yang sama atau lebih enak lagi. Kalau hidup kita nggak enak, maunya ya yang enak, kalau perlu jadi putri raja, atau milyuner sekalian.

Bermimpi sih memang boleh-boleh saja, tapi kan seperti apa yang tersurat dan tersirat dalam perkataan Kanjeng Sultan, bahwa kita ini harus menjalani hidup kita seperti adanya, mensyukuri apa adanya diri kita ini. Karena hidup itu ga selalu enak, walaupun ada yang kelihatannya seperti itu. Hidup itu pasti ada suka dan dukanya..

Jadi, buat Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, matur sembah nuwun, atas pelajaran-pelajarannya yang berharga. Mungkin Kanjeng Sultan tidak merasa ingin memberi petuah, nasehat, atau pelajaran pada orang-orang yang menonton acara itu, tapi dengan segenap hati, saya berterima kasih pada Kanjeng Sultan karena banyak yang saya pelajari dari seorang Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.

25 September 2007

Hasumi tiba-tiba ngambek, keluar layar biru gitu. Untung aja waktu di-cek Ryorin, ternyata ga apa-apa, cuma ada kekacauan waktu defrag (plus listrik mati sesaat)..


Sara belum pulang juga.. padahal ulang tahunnya tinggal 3 hari lagi..

Bukan apa-apa, kalau Sara pergi bawa topinya, gpp.. Tapi dia meninggalkan topi jerami kesayangannya pada saya..

(Well, kalau kau tak tahu, topi untuk usb mp3 flash disk = tempat baterai.. ^^)

Meskipun Myu punya yang baru (adiknya Sara, Mareinetta aka Reine, red.), Myu masih mengharapkan Sara pulang... Karena Myu sudah cukup kehilangan Luna, Ei, dan Taiyou... Myu ga mau bener-bener kehilangan Sara...

28 September 2007

Hari ini Sara ultah. Dan dia belum juga pulang..

Mungkin ga akan pernah pulang lagi..


Gosh... I really missed her...


Pas conference, dikasih Reff link-link berita, dan entah kenapa, saya lebih tertarik pada berita ini daripada berita bayi prematur 15 minggu

Ya~ Gimana ya... Kayanya saya bakal melakukan hal yang sama kalau jadi si ibu sopir...


Dan, baca blognya Ambu yang ini..

Myu kok merasa aneh ya? Ga, ga, bukan soal FPI-nya~!

Kalau itu, saya setuju berat. FPI kan memang Forum Perusuh Indonesia. Bleh. :P

(Bodo amat, emang mereka baca blog ini gitu? Lagian, emang mereka kenal saya? :P)

Ya, masalah puasa dengan atau tanpa godaan itu.. Emang sih, lebih berat kalau ada godaan..

Masalahnya, Myu ini kalau ngeliat makanan ada di depan mata ga tergoda.. Tapi kalau ada orang ngomongin makanan doang tanpa ada barangnya di depan Myu, Myu bisa sewot berat... ^^;

Jadi mending, kalau mau ngomongin makanan tanpa bikin Myu ngambek-ngambek... Bawa makanannya sekalian, atau paling ga, bagi skrinsyut-nya, atau... tolong kasih tau resepnya ama Myu.. :P

*kabur sejauh mungkin*

29 September 2007

Euh, pas kualifikasi ada yellow flag... Rupanya Uncle Ralf nabrak mobil lain..

Yah, kok bisa-bisanya.. Untung pas Q1 udah tinggal 0 detik..

Dan, tampaknya tadi pagi hujan di Jepang..


Hasil kualifikasi siang ini: Akang Lewis, Abang Fernando, Kimi, Felipe.. 4L deh.

Ya~ Yang muda ga boleh mendahului yang lebih tua ya~

Lah, kan bener. Yang lebih muda ga boleh mendahului yang lebih tua.. Nikahnya.. :P

(Apa hubungannya sama hasil kualifikasi coba..?)


Umm, dan, btw, ada satu Toro Rosso di sepuluh besar.. ^^;

30 September 2007

Akang bilang, dia ga pengen Abang ada di McLaren lagi. Tapi dia tetep pengen balapan, bersaing secara normal dengan Abang.


Hujan~! Euh. Myu sih seneng-seneng aja, tapi cowok satu itu (Kimi, red.) kan mengkhawatirkan kalau hujan..


Terus, Alex Wurz punya anak.. Lagi~!

Whoa~! Congrats, Alex! *hugs*

Jadi, kapan...

Kapan saya nikah dan punya anak..?


Akang dan Abang sempat melintir.. Felipe kena drive through penalty...

Kimi? Untung dia ga apa-apa.. Tampak baik-baik saja hari ini...

Tapi Abang nabrak dinding! Dan berhenti balapan..

Duh, Abang.. Kok bisa-bisanya nabrak... T.T

Mana mobilnya hancur gitu..

(Dan Ryorin malah teriak, 'hore~!', waktu Myu kasih tau..)


Dan~ hasilnya adalah.. Akang, Heikki, Kimi, DC, Fisico, Felipe, Kubica, Liuzzi.

*hugs Kimi and Felipe*

I bet Finnish fan will be happy today.. Two Finnish on the top! ^^


Btw, tampaknya saya harus sering 'mengomel' di depan TV kalau Kimi balapan di bawah guyuran hujan..

Soalnya, kalau gitu, dia malah ga kenapa-kenapa.. ^^;



Dan~ Kenapa jadi pada minum champagne dulu sebelum disemprotin? Sejak kapan Kimi mengajarkan minum dulu sebelum disemprotin..?

*kabur sebelum digetok Akang, Heikki, dan Kimi*


Konnichiwa~! Fuji Speedway e youkoso!

Yesterday, rain was pouring down above the renewed Fuji circuit. On the end of Q1, Ralf Schumacher accidentally crashed with Sakon Yamamoto’s car. And finally, Lewis Hamilton got the pole position, with Fernando Alonso behind him. Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari ended up third, while his team mate Felipe Massa was fourth. There was a little surprise from Jenson Button, who was seventh, and, Sebastian Vettel, who was ninth on qualifying. But, since Nico Rosberg who was sixth changed his engine, he has to dropped down a few position, and Button would start from the sixth place.

And, I heard a news about Lewis Hamilton. He said that he doesn’t want Alonso to be racing for McLaren next year, and that he want to be number one in McLaren. But He also said that he want to race against Fernando Alonso fairly. People said that Lewis told this because of Alonso’s email that made McLaren lost all their points.

Well, I don’t know, but.. Hearing Lewis, I remembered my friend who said Alonso was strange since he want to be number one. Well, it’s my friend who was STRANGE. And now it is not just strange, but funny as well, since a man named Lewis Hamilton also desired to be number one in Macca…

Guess it’s just normal…

Meanwhile, in the Ferrari, Felipe Massa is ready to help Kimi Raikkonen to win the drivers’ championship if he is ordered to do that.

Enough for the chit-chat. Let’s enjoy the race!

Anyway, it’s cloudy there…

Wait! It is R-A-I-N-Y!!

So, the start was ordinary and usual, except that Safety Car was leading, and the pit lane was open.

Even I didn’t noticed it WAS a start..

From Heikki’s radio on lap 3, they said that the condition is getting worse. Meanwhile, in the beginning of lap 4, Kimi Raikkonen entered the pit for a stop.

Seems that it’s a little bit better than the rain at Nurburgring..

Lap 7, Lewis Hamilton was still leading. Safety Car was still on the track, too. The Ferrari duo are number 20 and 21.

I’m waiting for the rain to be stopped, and a dry track, since.. It seems that this time, we have a boring rainy race…

Anyway, Alex Wurz had a new baby boy last night.. Congrats~!

It’s already 10 laps, and the Safety Car was still there.

Lap 12, Liuzzi was having a pit stop.

Well, I barely could see through the mist… It’s really thick..

Lap 14, it’s Sakon Yamamoto’s turn to have a stop. Lewis was still leading, Alonso second, and Heidfeld third. Sebastian Vettel sixth.

Lap 15, Kimi entered the pit.. Once more..

And that makes me feel even more and more.. Worried.

C’mon, Kimster, stop making me worried…

One lap after, Massa also pitted. Alex Wurz also in for a stop a while after that.

Felipe got a drive trough penalty for overtaking under the lead of the Safety Car. Silly boy.

And~ when it’s already about 19 laps, the Safety Car was back to the pit lane. Everything id restarted. Felipe crashed with Alex Wurz. He continued racing, but Alex retired. Yellow flag.

Lewis first, Alonso second, and Sebastian Vettel was third. Felipe was in, to the pit, once more..

The yellow flag only lasts for about 2-3 laps. Lap 23, Takuma Sato was having a pit stop. And his car was burned~! But he kept rejoin the race. Fortunately, the fire was out… Kimi Raikkonen was 12 at the same time.

Good luck, Kimster~!

After a few times struggling, finally Kimi passed Ralf Schumacher, and became eleventh.

Lap 27, Alonso came in to the pit. Lewis did the same thing about one lap after. Sebastian Vettel led the race~!

Lap 31, Vettel was still leading, Hamilton third, Alonso eighth.

Lap 33, Vettel pitted from the lead. And now, Webber led the race. Lewis second, Alonso seventh, Kimi tenth. I lost Felipe’s track.

Lap 34, Hamilton spun, and dropped back to fourth place.

Lap 36, Alonso also spun. He was tenth after that.

Lap 37, Hamilton got a problem. He was much more slower at that time. Kimi eighth, Alonso ninth.

30 laps remaining, and now Heikki Kovalainen led the race. Hamilton fourth, Kimi seventh, Alonso eighth.

28 laps to go, the fourth race leader, Heikki, came into the pit. Kubica had a drive through penalty for causing a collision. Kimi fifth, Alonso sixth.

And, Kimi pitted for the third time one lap after that. Maybe also for the last time. Kubica did his penalty.

Lap 42, Yamamoto spun. Fisichella pitted. Lewis back on the lead. Alonso retired after collided into the wall. Yellow flag, and the Safety Car was deployed. Felipe Massa was sixth.

22 laps to go, Webber was out of the race after being hit by Vettel. Vettel was also out.

20 laps remaining, the Safety Car was in to the pit lane.

18 laps to go, Lewis led the race over 2 s ahead of Heikki. Felipe third, Kimi fifth.

14 laps remaining, Ralf Schumacher retired..

And, just one lap after that, Ant spun and became the next driver who retired. Yellow flag was on, again. Kimi was still pushing REALLY hard behind Coulthard.

Kimster, be careful, okay?

10 laps to go. Finallly, Kimi passed DC, and became fourth. Massa was in to the pit for a new set of tires. He rejoined ninth.

7 laps remaining, and now Kimi Raikkonen was doing a rampage. He was pushing his car in order to try to get past Heikki. Meanwhile, Rubens Barrichello was pitted. The Toyota of Jarno Trulli also pitted one lap after that.

Only 2 laps before the end, Nick Heidfeld was retired. Kimi was still fighting with Heikki until the end of the race. Felipe also battled against Kubica and ended up sixth.

And~ Lewis Hamilton won the Japanese Grand Prix, second was Heikki Kovalainen, third was Kimi Raikkonen, fourth was David Coulthard, fifth was Giancarlo Fisichella, sixth was Felipe Massa, seventh was Robert Kubica, and the last point goes to Vitantonio Liuzzi.

Race Review
Drivers’ Quotes
Press Conference

Edit-to-Add: According to this, Liuzzi was penalised for overtaking under the Safety Car, and the final point goes to Spyker's Adrian Sutil.


(This is actually a re-write, the original one is missing, along with my daughter, Sharazade...)

Maybe all of you wonders why I write about Kimi, not Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton, or even..Felipe Massa. I don't know about it myself, since actually I don't really know much about him. But this article is all about the thing called 'first love', or to be more exact, 'first love at the first sight'.

Like Peter Sauber, I can't believe why I could fallen in love with this 27 years-old guy from the first time I saw him. That was on Australian GP 2001, his first GP. At that time, I saw him finished sixth with Sauber, and one thing instanty came to my mind: This guy is great.

Later, I found out who was that man: He's Kimi Raikkonen, a Finnish driver. And he was... Cute! Well, Kimi was really cute back then, when he's still 22.

Yeah, Kimi really attracted me since the first time I saw him. When I was having a summercamp with my friend at the beach, we were sitting around the fire and chatting. One of them asked me, who was my first love. Well, the actual guy was my friend at school, but since I am too embarassed to say who he was, I told my friend that it was.. Kimi Raikkonen.

Of course, everyone's laughing at that time, and they told me that I didn't know what is the difference between love and adore. Well, but I love cute boys.. ^^; (Don't ask why I could fall in love with Ryorin.. He stole my heart in almost the same STRANGE way as Kimi did...)

So, instead of finding every information about the guy I was chasing at that time, I tried to find everything about Kimi. And~ I found that his birthday is only 1 day after that friend of mine (my friend was 16th, and Kimi was 17th. Both are on October). Voila~! What a coincidence.. And sure, my love for him grow even larger and larger...

He almost always impressed me, even since his first season with Sauber Petronas. I'm a little disappointed when he joined McLaren to replace Mika Hakkinen (2002), since his performa with McLaren was a bit up and down.. Well, you know. And I was badly wanting him to join Ferrari at that time ('cause I don't like Macca at all). He was still impressive, anyway, except if he got problem with the car...

After 5 years, 5 seasons of love-and-hate, finally Kimi joined Ferrari. Now, to replace Michael Schumacher who was going to be retired in the end of 2006. I was happy, but I was also sad. Happy because what I want is realized. Sad because.. Schumi wasn't there anymore. Well, I love Felipe, but my dream team was always Ferrari with Schumi and Kimi as the drivers.. See how the driver's names rhyme!

Err~ What should I talk about now..? Really, I don't know what again to write. I've told you before, eh? That I don't really know much about him?

Oh, yes. Why did I fall in love with him.. Sure, that was his cool and calm demeanor. I love cool people. Also, Kimi doesn’t talk too much. *g*

And, that's all. The only things I know about Kimi are that we have some similarities, that he has a beautiful wife named Jenni (I'm serious, Jenni! *g*), and that he has two dogs... Oh, and every other fact about him that I know, I would like to keep it secret, which means you have to find out about that yourselves. :P

Well, not much people that could impressed me and made me fall in love at the first sight. Not just because the physical appearance, but also because of the performa, because of what he/she's been doing at that time. And Kimi Raikkonen, a guy from Espoo, Finland, who is going to celebrate his 28th birthday this October, did that to me.

So~ See you next week. Bye~!


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Name: Dian Anggraini
Nick: Dian ~ Myu-chan ~ Miyuri ~ Xiao Yan Zi ~ Lady Di ~ Zeng Tian Mei ~ SC ~ Chryseis McSylvester ~ Muffin Princess
Birthdate: January 9th, 1988
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Astrology: Fire Rabbit
Birthplace: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Home: Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia
Current Residence: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Job: Student of Department of Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology
Side Job: Writing Formula 1 Reports on this blog, writing poetry and short-stories...
Interests: Science (Chemistry), Music, Nature, Culture, Arts, Formula 1, MotoGP, and many more...


~Michael Schumacher~
~Kimi Raikkonen~
~Junichi Okada (V6)~
~Miroslav Klose~
~Sakurai Shou (Arashi)~
~Felipe Massa~
~Robert Kubica~
~Ralf Schumacher~
~Zhao Wei~
~Michael Learns To Rock~
~Celine Dion~
~Utada Hikaru~
~Lin Xin Ru~
~Chae Rim~
~Rubens Barrichello~
~Takuma Sato~
~Valentino Rossi~
~Daijiro Katoh (R.I.P)~
~and many more...~


NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

Hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
Ironna hana o miteita
Hito sorezore konomi wa aru kedo
Doremo minna kirei dane
Kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
Arasou koto mo shinai de
Baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
Chanto mune o hatteiru

Sore na noni bokura ningen wa
Doushite kou mo kurabeta garu?
Hitori hitori chigau noni sono naka de
Ichiban ni naritagaru?

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Komatta youni warai nagara
Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
Ganbatte saita hana wa dore mo
Kirei dakara shikata nai ne
Yatto mise kara dete kita
Sono hito ga kakaete ita
Iro toridori no hanataba to
Ureshi souna yokogao

Namae mo shira nakatta keredo
Ano hi boku ni egao o kureta
Dare mo kizukanai youna basho de
Saiteta hana no youni

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
Hitotsu toshite onaji mono wa nai kara
NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

I saw many kinds of flowers
lined up in front of the flowershop.
everyone has their favorite kinds
but all of them are pretty.
Without competing to see
which was the best among them,
they were standing
straight up proudly inside the bucket.

So why then do we humans
have to compare ourselves to one another?
Eventhough each and every person is different,
why do we want to be number one?

Yes we are each..
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

There are people who are
constantly unsure of what they want,
as they laugh a little put out.
It can't be helped, all those flowers,
that did everything they could to bloom, are pretty.
when at last that person comes out of the store,
they're holding a colorful bouquet
and I see them smiling happilly as they go by me.

I never knew their name but
that day they made me smile.
we too are like flowers that bloom in places
where no one pays any attention.

Yes we too are each...
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

Small flowers and big flowers,
none are the same as one another.
There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana - SMAP


~Hard Luck Hero - V6~
~Kinjirareta Asobi - ALI Project~
~Madoite, Kitare, Yuuda na Kamikakushi ~ Border of Death - IOSYS~
~I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion~
~Wish I Had An Angel - Nightwish~
~Seishoujo Ryouiki - ALI Project~


~Ryorin ma chere amoureux~
Ambu Dian
Mami Ming
Marie Granger
Nna Sawamura
Putri Akanishi
Putri Halliwell
Trinie Lupin


Kitty's Paws Pieces
The Poet Sanctuary
The Poet Sanctuary Website
Harry Potter Bandung
Harry Potter Indonesia
Formula 1 Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Forum
IndoHogwarts Official Blog
National Novel Writing Month
True Friend Test
Hogwarts On Line
WWF Passport
Make Roads Safe
Free Burma!
HOL Ravenclaw
Death Eaters Indonesia
Johnnys Indonesian Forum
Monsters Game
El_leaved's Stories
Shaven Asylum
V6 Squad Forum
Potion Master Dungeon
Virtual Hogwarts


September 8
Ryou Kinomoto

September 9
Talitha Pedersen

September 10

September 13
Kamui Kobayashi

September 14
Maria Theresa Gow

September 17
Damon Hill

September 28
Mika Hakkinen

..and everyone else celebrating their birthday in September...


Yukari Yakumo
~Youkai of Boundaries~

Original picture taken from: Touhou Imageboard

Picture modified by: -mYu-.



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