Friday, November 09, 2007

Chemistry In Life Fourty-ninth Edition

Greetings. Welcome back to Chemistry in Life.

Anyway, how are you? Hope you'll fine.

Recently, rain falls down almost every afternoon at my place. Usually, until the night comes. So, the weather is a bit cold.

But that's a good time to stay at home, and write a novel, right? 'Cause this is NaNoWriMo month!

Are you participating? Yes or not, you should come here now. Maybe for a refreshment? Because I have a bunch of fun dialogues between some F1 drivers and the press, also some team principal at some press conference, which could make you laugh out loud.

But before that, here is Another View of Myu-chan.



*Indonesian mode ON*

24 Oktober 2007

Setelah Indonesia disebut Indon di Malaysia, giliran mereka yang kena batunya. Sekarang, Malaysia disebut: Malingsia, dengan slogan Malingsia Truly Maling Asia.

Rasain tuh. Hihi.

Tapi kurang satu huruf: harusnya Malingsiah. --;

Well, buat siapapun yang merasa dirinya warga Malay dan merasa tidak pernah menjelek-jelekkan orang Indonesia dan menyebut kami Indon, tolong jangan marah.

Semua ini kan gara-gara kelakuan pemerintah, pers, dan orang-orang Malaysia yang ga tahu diri lainnya..


Mahasiswa dikira pembantu, pembantu disiksa.. Trus apa lagi?

Rasa Sayange dicuri, Jali-Jali juga katanya diubah biar jadi lagu Malaysia, kok kayanya ga punya identitas ya, itu negara?

Sekarang, mau apa lagi? Mau mencuri apa lagi, heh?

Beneran deh. Mana, bawain itu PM-nya ke saya. Dasar PM tolol, tidak punya otak.

Apa di Malay ga ada orang yang normal? Apa orang normal yang baik hati itu selalu dicari-cari kesalahannya, lalu dipenjara di Malay?

Duh, berhenti ngirim TKI dan siapapun ke Malay deh. Biar nyaho.

25 Oktober 2007

Reine ternyata ga bisa diselamatkan.. Udah dicoba berbagai macam cara, tapi ga berhasil juga. Katanya kalau bisa, cek fisiknya dulu, tapi dari luar mah ga kenapa-napa, kemungkinan yang di dalamnya yang rusak.

Nyu~ T.T


FIA akhirnya menyetujui rencana balapan F1 di malam hari di Singapura. OMG.

Yah, setelah dilihat-lihat, sirkuitnya lebih baik dari Monaco. Jalannya lebih lebar. Masalahnya, kenapa harus malam hari? Katanya banyak pembalap mengeluhkan soal lampu, di mana, lampu bisa mengganggu pandangan, apalagi kalau hujan.

Kenapa ga dibikin balapan siang aja? Bernie, ganti jadi siang saja sana! Kalau tidak, saya akan tetap membenci sirkuit di Singapura itu sampai kapanpun, seperti saya membenci Monaco.

27 Oktober 2007

Halal bihalal di rumah Ambu...

Yang datang: Miyu, Ryorin, Iputz, Audriel, Lily, Renny, Ireth, Terri. Parker katanya mau datang, tapi kok.. Sore. Dan entah deh, dia beneran datang apa ga, soalnya Miyu pulang duluan..

Dan.. tahukah apa yang terjadi di sana? Sementara Lily mojok sama Renny (hayo, masih kecil udah berani ngomongin selingkuhan! :P).. Saya, Ryorin, Audriel, Terri dan Ireth main poker. ^^; Ambu sama Iputz mah kebagian nontonnya aja..


Banding McLaren soal kasus di GP Brazil baru akan dibacakan tanggal 15 November..

Masih lama. *grumbles*

Ron, ini bukan suatu jalan atau rencana untuk menjadikan Lewis juara kan? Jelas-jelas dia bilang dia tidak rela menjadi juara di luar trek...

Tapi, katanya Max Mosley, hasil banding tidak akan mempengaruhi hasil kejuaraan... Jadi, juara dunia tahun ini tetap Kimi Raikkonen.

Are you sure, Max?

Because.. If you changed your mind (the appeal change the result of the championship), I bet there will be three disappointed people. One being Kimi, because his title, which was his dream, his birthday present, cancelled. (And it means, it is his third time 'unlucky', for being second) Another is Alonso, because he said, he don't want Hamilton to win. And last, Hamilton, who said recently that he want to win, but on-the-track, not off-the-track. And all McLaren drivers said that title appeal is wrong...

Oh, well..


Hari ini, katanya ada perundingan untuk perdamaian di Darfur. Tapi.. Kok ga semua pihak datang ya? Beberapa pihak pemberontak katanya ga datang dalam perundingan..

*hugs Queenie*

Mau sampai kapan Darfur dibiarkan seperti itu, eh?

*Indonesian mode OFF*

30 Oktober 2007

Katanya, ada konspirasi di balik kasus Stepney-gate, dan juga kemenangan Kimi. Katanya lagi, DC bersaksi soal ini. Sayang, saya lupa dari mana asal berita ini.

Oh yeah?

Kalau itu benar, apakah tingkah laku Kimi selama ini juga bagian dari konspirasi?

*digorok karena ngawur berat*

Ya, maaf aja kalo saya ngaco. Habis, ada-ada saja. Rasanya bukan cuma di F1 kalau pun memang ada konspirasi. Di tempat lain juga banyak. Dan itu bukan rahasia. Bagi saya.


Katanya juga, angklung sudah resmi dibajak Malaysia. Artinya, Malaysia sudah mempatenkan alat musik itu jadi alat musik khas Malaysia.

Tapi.. ga ada berita pastinya.

Jadi ya, agak ragu juga. Mungkin sudah, mungkin belum. Cuma, tetap saja.. menakutkan.

Bagaimanapun, setelah baca ini, saya rasa sudah saatnya kita benar-benar menjaga apa yang menjadi milik rakyat Indonesia. Sudah saatnya juga kita belajar menghargai milik orang lain, termasuk milik sesama anak negeri.

Kalau kita sendiri tidak menghargai milik orang, saya yakin pencurian harta budaya kita (dan mungkin negara lain) oleh Malaysia (dan mungkin *juga* negara lain) akan terus berlanjut...


Ngomong-ngomong soal hak cipta... Adakah yang tahu di mana saya bisa mendaftarkan hak cipta dari karya-karya saya di Indonesia?

Bisa ga ya, postal copyright-ing di kantor pos Indonesia? Soalnya, kata Amy, biasanya di kantor pos bisa...


Kalau iya, saya mau siap-siap mendaftarkan semua karya saya...

2 November 2007

Belajar main bowling.. Ternyata tidak semudah yang Myu bayangkan!

Tangan jadinya pegel-pegel, deh. Apalagi, dua hari ini dipakai nulis terus, gara-gara ikutan NaNoWriMo...

Tapi senang, apalagi tadi ada anak-anak lucu yang lagi belajar sama ayahnya. Hihi, Ryorin dipanggil 'Om', lho! Euh, saya dipanggil 'Tante' juga, sebenarnya..

Dan, setelah beberapa kali main, akhirnya menemukan beberapa trik untuk Myu sendiri:
1. Jangan terlalu niat.
2, Jangan dilihat. Habis ngelempar, balik badan aja langsung

Emang sih, kata Ryorin, rileks aja. Tapi meskipun begitu, kadang Myu ngelempar bolanya rada barbar. Bahkan kalau tangannya Myu bisa lepas, lepas beneran deh. Hihi.

Kalau kalian baca ini, mungkin tangan saya juga masih pegel-pegel. Gimana ngga, mainnya ga jelas.. ^^;

3 November 2007

Dapat National Geographic terbaru, dan ada artikel tentang bidan di dalamnya. Menarik, karena sampai sekarang, masih banyak orang yang takut ke bidan atau dokter waktu melahirkan bayinya. Biasanya sih karena alasan biaya, atau, lebih percaya dukun ketimbang tenaga medis yang sudah terlatih. Dan yang mengejutkan saya, angka kematian ibu dan anak di Indonesia katanya adalah yang tertinggi di Asia Tenggara. Bahkan kemungkinan juga di Asia.

Zaman memang semakin maju, tapi ternyata, pikiran orang, terutama yang di daerah dan masih 'primitif', belum tentu maju.

Ah, Myu sih pengennya nanti kalau melahirkan sama dokter atau bidan aja... Mahal ga apa-apa, yang penting terjamin.


Fakta tentang kehamilan dan melahirkan:
1. Dari 100000 kelahiran hidup, 307 ibu akan meninggal karena komplikasi kelahiran.
2. Penyebab terbesar kematian ibu adalah perdarahan pascapersalinan. Penyebab lain di antaranya eklampsi akibat hipertensi dalam kehamilan, infeksi, komplikasi aborsi, dan persalinan lama.
3. Dari 1000 kelahiran hidup, 35 bayi akan meninggal sebelum usia 1 tahun.
4. Penyebab kematian bayi baru lahir antara lain tetanus, gangguan hematologis, infeksi, masalah pemberian makanan, berat badan rendah, kesulitan bernapas, dan lain-lain. Yang paling besar adalah berat badan rendah, diikuti kesulitan bernapas.


Hal-hal yang berisiko saat melahirkan (dan sesudahnya):
1. Persalinan dengan bantuan tenaga yang tidak terampil dan terlatih. Sepertiga dari seluruh persalinan di Indonesia masih ditangani dengan cara ini, padahal sering kali tidak disertai deteksi kehamilan dini dan tanpa rujukan yang optimal dan tepat waktu.
2. Mendorong dan memijat perut ibu selama persalinan, menarik plasenta dengan tangan secara paksa, juga memaksa lahirnya bayi pada persalinan yang macet dan sungsang dapat menyebabkan kematian ibu dan bayi.
3. Memandikan bayi dengan air dingin supaya menangis dan bernapas, apalagi pada satu jam pertama sesudah kelahiran. Hal ini justru bisa membuat si bayi sesak napas, kekurangan oksigen, kedinginan (suhu kurang dari 36,5 derajat Celcius), bahkan kematian.
4. Memisahkan bayi dari ibunya setelah melahirkan juga membuat bayi lebih sering menangis, kesulitan menyusu, dan berisiko kena infeksi yang berbahaya.
5. Memberikan makanan tambahan selain ASI. Bagi bayi yang baru lahir, hal ini berbahaya. Apalagi, saluran pencernaan bayi yang baru lahir belum mampu menyerap nutrien dari makanan bukan ASI, sehingga makanan tersebut dapat mengiritasi usus bayi. Bayi yang diberi susu formula pun cenderung mengalami diare, dehidrasi, dan infeksi.
6. Menaburi jalan lahir dengan rempah-rempah atau ramuan khas. Ini juga berbahaya. Meskipun katanya bisa membunuh kuman, menghilangkan bau, dan merapatkan kembali vagina, tapi praktik semacam itu bisa menimbulkan rasa panas, bengkak, nyeri, infeksi, serta rawan perdarahan.
7. Perawatan tali pusar yang tidak steril juga membahayakan bayi yang baru lahir. Contohnya, mengoles pangkal tali pusat dengan ampas kopi, abu dapur, kunyit atau sirih, serta mengikat ujung luar tali pusat dengan tali yang tidak steril.
8. Bayi dari ibu yang tidak mendapat imunisasi tetanus secara tepat juga memiliki risiko terkena infeksi yang tinggi.


Hal-hal yang dianjurkan saat melahirkan (dan sesudahnya):
1. Bersalinlah dengan bantuan tenaga kesehatan yang sudah terampil dan terlatih. Ini adalah cara terbaik mengurangi angka kematian. Kalau 90% saja persalinan di Indonesia ditangani oleh tenaga ahli, angka kematian akan menurun sekitar separuhnya. Persalinan oleh tenaga medis yang terampil dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan akurat, pemantauan persalinan secara benar, serta segera mengenali penyulit dan komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi.
2. Dekaplah bayi Anda yang baru lahir agar kulitnya bersentuhan langsung dengan kulit ibu selama satu jam pertama. Secara naluriah, bayi akan menyusu sendiri. Tindakan sederhana ini dapat mencegah 22% kematian bayi baru lahir yang diakibatkan infeksi dan kedinginan, juga menstabilkan pernapasan dan suhu tubuh bayi secara optimal.
3. Susui bayi Anda. Pakai ASI, tentu saja! Ini adalah cara terbaik untuk meningkatkan dan melindungi kesehatan bayi baru lahir. ASI mencegah diare, infeksi, dan pneumonia - penyebab utama kematian bayi baru lahir hingga usia satu minggu. Dibandingkan susu formula dan makanan lain, ASI mengandung nutrien yang lengkap, lebih cocok bagi bayi, dan memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh bayi. ASI juga merupakan imunisasi pertama bagi bayi itu sendiri.
4. Seminggu pertama adalah seminggu yang rawan bagi seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan. Ia masih rawan terhadap komplikasi yang dapat mengakibatkan kematian, karena itu ia membutuhkan pengasuhan oleh tenaga terampil. Jangan lupa, nutrisi yang sehat dan istirahat yang cukup diperlukan juga oleh ibu, agar ia bisa memberikan ASI-nya, dan fisiknya pun cepat pulih. Sebaiknya, ibu juga melakukan olah fisik dan mobilisasi (berjalan secara bertahap) pada minggu pertama ini.
5. Potong tali pusat dengan peralatan steril dan jaga agar tetap bersih, kering, dan terhindar dari berbagai jenis infeksi. Ikat tali pusat dengan tali yang steril dan biarkan mengering sampai terlepas dengan sendirinya.

6 November 2007

Well.. Abang keluar dari McLaren. Dan sepertinya banyak orang yang mendukung...

Tapi habis itu si Abang kemana ya?

9 November 2007

Kasus lagi, kasus lagi.. Katanya nih, ada kasus spionase baru yang melibatkan timnya eyang Flavio Briatore dan om Rom Dennis. Iya, Renault dan McLaren. Katanya Renault menyimpan data rahasia mobil McLaren.

Aduh... Yah, saya memang tidak suka McLaren, tapi eyang Flav, om Dennis, cepetan diberesin ini kasus. Siapapun yang salah, hayo ngaku dan minta maaf (plus jalani apa hukumannya). Kalau ternyata tuduhannya ga bener, yang nuduh, hayo, minta maaf...


Usually, I just read a Formula One press conference after the qualifying and the race a bit. But some time ago, I stumbled upon a Thursday or Friday conference, and I found something funny there. Even I could imagine everyone at the conference laughing out loud together at the time.

After that, I read almost every press conference, and… There are some fun, happy moments I found throughout the year.. And usually, they are on Thursday press conference and Sunday press conference (after the race). On Thursday, the drivers are usually optimistic about the race day, while in the Sunday, they are relaxed because they have done the race. Well, sometimes there are satires, but you still could laugh, or just smile.

These are them, but probably just a part, because I didn’t save them all from the beginning. But you could enjoy them. Most of them are conferences with the drivers, plus one with the team principals.

Anyway, many thanks for, also the FIA, for sharing the press conferences transcripts with all of us. All credit goes to them, of course.

And, here we go! Pay attention to the bolds!

(A side note from me: Felipe, you're really fussy! :P)

Q: So how close was it when you were at 180mph running side by side?
FA: I don’t know. One or two centimetres probably. (laughter)

(FIA post-race press conference, 17 June 2007, USA)

Q: (Randy Phillips - The Gazette) I read this week that you said pole position was better than sex, where do you rank this? (laughter)
NH: He’s too young still.
LH: Yesterday it was a joke, it’s a completely different feeling but… (more laughter)
AW: Did something change since yesterday?
(more laughter)
LH: It’s definitely another level of feeling from yesterday, that’s for sure.

(FIA post-race press conference, 10 June 2007, Canada)

Q: (Peter Windsor - F1 Racing) And to Mark, I gather you were ill on Sunday morning and during the race. What did you eat on Saturday night and where did it come from?
MW: Fernando’s phone chip! No, I think it was tuna, it was food poisoning and I was very ill Sunday morning and ill before the race, and ill during the race. It was a very difficult race for me but I was 100 per cent on Monday morning which was frustrating. It was just a 24-hour bug that hit me quite hard.

(FIA thursday press conference, 4 October 2007, China)

Q: Kimi, I believe it was a bit of a big day yesterday, your birthday.
Kimi Raikkonen: Yeah, but when you get older, it’s not the same any more. When you’re young you’re more excited but it was a normal day really.
FM: Yes, he is, he’s very old.

(FIA thursday press conference, 18 October 2007, Brazil)

Q: (Flavio Gomes - Warm Up) You are two young guys, very talented and you could be the best friends in the world, in an ideal world, but you are almost enemies and from a human point of view do you think Formula One, because of this, is a waste of time?
FA: I didn’t understand the question. (laughter)
Q: (Flavio Gomes - Warm Up) You are two young guys, drivers, talented, everything else, but you are almost enemies…
FM: No, you can see they are best friends…
Q: (Flavio Gomes - Warm Up) From this human point of view, would you say that this is a waste of time?
FA: I still don’t understand…(aside to Lewis, aloud) I hear your answer and then I... (laughter)
LH: I don’t think it is a waste of time otherwise I wouldn’t be here.
FM: Brazilian people are very difficult to understand. (laughter)
LH: Maybe Felipe should answer it…
FM: No, I’m fine.

(FIA thursday press conference, 18 October 2007, Brazil)

Q: (Dan Knutson - National Speed Sport News) Kimi, we saw you do a bit of a donut spin there coming back into the pits. What happened?
KR: I lost it.
KR: No, I have always wanted to do one and here it is much easier so… And it was the second race engine, so it doesn’t really matter if you make life harder for it.

(FIA post-race press conference, 16 September 2007, Belgium)

Q: Lewis, happy with second on the grid?
LH: Yeah, absolutely, especially knowing that the gap was so close. Going into qualifying, I knew that we had the pace, obviously throughout testing we seemed to be perhaps either with Ferrari or slightly faster, so I was quite confident going into it. Q1 and Q2 were a bit of a surprise to me. The car didn’t feel great and I couldn’t really get a clean, smooth lap, and I was fourth, I think, for both of them. Going into the two qualifying laps that I had in Q3, the first one was not too bad, I knew where I lost time and I knew that I could improve on it but I didn’t think it would be half a second, six tenths. But going into the last lap, I really put everything together and I knew it was a good lap. I lost a bit of time at the last corner, but I think it’s the same for everyone. It’s a very very tricky corner, but I’m very very happy: second, I can’t complain.
FM: He hasn’t been to the toilet today, that’s why he’s second.
LH: Yeah, but you have, so… If I did, maybe it would be a bit closer.

(FIA post-race press conference, 25 August 2007, Turkey)

Q: (Rodrigo Franca ? Racing Magazine) For all three of you, in the 1980’s, it was famous that Nigel Mansell, Nelson Piquet, Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost were four guys who were friends and who were then chasing the title and they stopped being friends… The four of you, including Raikkonen, seem to be friends. Will it be the same when you are chasing the title?
FM: I think first of all, we have a good relationship, but it doesn’t mean we are friends. The other very important thing is that we all have a best friend and it is not always a guy from Formula One, but from other things; maybe a guy who grew up with you or something like that. But I think the relationship is good and everybody respects one another and that is how it has to be. I mean, for sure, a couple of times we are going to have some issues, but that is normal in this sport. But the day after everything is fine, so….
FA: (only does a ‘thumbs-up’, does not speak; laughter)
LH: Same… Next question.

(FIA post-race press conference, 27 May 2007, Monaco)

Q: (Rodrigo Franca ? Racing Magazine) Lewis, what did you learn from GP2 series and who do you see from your old GP2 rivals who could do a good job in Formula One?
LH: GP2 was a great category obviously and it helped boost my opportunity to get into Formula One and is a great stepping-stone for anyone’s career. I haven’t really had the opportunity to watch it as I am so busy during the weekends, but there are lots of drivers there ? without giving any names ? who did a great job and they all have the potential…
FM: Let’s hear about Nelson Piquet… (laughter)

(FIA post-race press conference, 27 May 2007, Monaco)

Q: Now, I keep hearing stories in the press room about a gorilla suit…
KR: (Laughs) Yeah, but was it really me? You don’t know. You hear a lot of stories always from the people there, so…

Q: But you won. Are you going to disclaim the win?
KR: Yeah, we’ve got the trophy already. It was just a boat race and we just went for fun.

(FIA thursday press conference, 2 August 2007, Hungary)

Q: (Peter Farkas - Auto Motor) A questions for all of you. Ron Dennis said in his statement two days ago that whistle blowing should be encouraged in Formula One. What do you think of that?
CK: I think we are not in a position to comment.
AS: Yeah, I think so too.
CK: It is not our problem.
CH: It’s a difficult one. Formula One is a competitive business, people move from team to team and obviously when they move from team to team they take ideas and knowledge with them in their head.
FB: Yes.
CH: But it is supposed to be in their head, not on pieces of paper. I don’t have any drawings of any Renaults.
FB: Are you sure?

(FIA friday press conference, 3 August 2007, Hungary)

FA: Fernando Alonso
KR: Kimi Raikkonen
LH: Lewis Hamilton
FM: Felipe Massa
NH: Nick Heidfeld
AW: Alex Wurz
MW: Mark Webber
FB: Flavio Briatore
CH: Christian Horner
CK: Colin Kolles
AS: Aguri Suzuki


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Name: Dian Anggraini
Nick: Dian ~ Myu-chan ~ Miyuri ~ Xiao Yan Zi ~ Lady Di ~ Zeng Tian Mei ~ SC ~ Chryseis McSylvester ~ Muffin Princess
Birthdate: January 9th, 1988
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Astrology: Fire Rabbit
Birthplace: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Home: Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia
Current Residence: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Job: Student of Department of Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology
Side Job: Writing Formula 1 Reports on this blog, writing poetry and short-stories...
Interests: Science (Chemistry), Music, Nature, Culture, Arts, Formula 1, MotoGP, and many more...


~Michael Schumacher~
~Kimi Raikkonen~
~Junichi Okada (V6)~
~Miroslav Klose~
~Sakurai Shou (Arashi)~
~Felipe Massa~
~Robert Kubica~
~Ralf Schumacher~
~Zhao Wei~
~Michael Learns To Rock~
~Celine Dion~
~Utada Hikaru~
~Lin Xin Ru~
~Chae Rim~
~Rubens Barrichello~
~Takuma Sato~
~Valentino Rossi~
~Daijiro Katoh (R.I.P)~
~and many more...~


NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

Hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
Ironna hana o miteita
Hito sorezore konomi wa aru kedo
Doremo minna kirei dane
Kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
Arasou koto mo shinai de
Baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
Chanto mune o hatteiru

Sore na noni bokura ningen wa
Doushite kou mo kurabeta garu?
Hitori hitori chigau noni sono naka de
Ichiban ni naritagaru?

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Komatta youni warai nagara
Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
Ganbatte saita hana wa dore mo
Kirei dakara shikata nai ne
Yatto mise kara dete kita
Sono hito ga kakaete ita
Iro toridori no hanataba to
Ureshi souna yokogao

Namae mo shira nakatta keredo
Ano hi boku ni egao o kureta
Dare mo kizukanai youna basho de
Saiteta hana no youni

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
Hitotsu toshite onaji mono wa nai kara
NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

I saw many kinds of flowers
lined up in front of the flowershop.
everyone has their favorite kinds
but all of them are pretty.
Without competing to see
which was the best among them,
they were standing
straight up proudly inside the bucket.

So why then do we humans
have to compare ourselves to one another?
Eventhough each and every person is different,
why do we want to be number one?

Yes we are each..
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

There are people who are
constantly unsure of what they want,
as they laugh a little put out.
It can't be helped, all those flowers,
that did everything they could to bloom, are pretty.
when at last that person comes out of the store,
they're holding a colorful bouquet
and I see them smiling happilly as they go by me.

I never knew their name but
that day they made me smile.
we too are like flowers that bloom in places
where no one pays any attention.

Yes we too are each...
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

Small flowers and big flowers,
none are the same as one another.
There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana - SMAP


~Hard Luck Hero - V6~
~Kinjirareta Asobi - ALI Project~
~Madoite, Kitare, Yuuda na Kamikakushi ~ Border of Death - IOSYS~
~I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion~
~Wish I Had An Angel - Nightwish~
~Seishoujo Ryouiki - ALI Project~


~Ryorin ma chere amoureux~
Ambu Dian
Mami Ming
Marie Granger
Nna Sawamura
Putri Akanishi
Putri Halliwell
Trinie Lupin


Kitty's Paws Pieces
The Poet Sanctuary
The Poet Sanctuary Website
Harry Potter Bandung
Harry Potter Indonesia
Formula 1 Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Website
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September 8
Ryou Kinomoto

September 9
Talitha Pedersen

September 10

September 13
Kamui Kobayashi

September 14
Maria Theresa Gow

September 17
Damon Hill

September 28
Mika Hakkinen

..and everyone else celebrating their birthday in September...


Yukari Yakumo
~Youkai of Boundaries~

Original picture taken from: Touhou Imageboard

Picture modified by: -mYu-.



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Create your own Friend Test here
Create your own Friend Test here
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