Chemistry In Life Eighteenth Edition
~Special Birthday Edition~
Well... The first thing I wanna say in this special edition is... I'm so sorry about the earthquake and tsunami disaster that hits Aceh and other Asian countries, also Africa. So sorry for the victims... For my IJ friend, Ipeh Nagano... Be strong dear nee-chan... God bless u...
Alright, before I start the Chemistry in Life Eighteenth Edition, let's take a quiz...
This is stolen from Dianne , >Vicky, and Sley's blog...
* Make a list of 15 statements about yourself.
* 5 of the 15 statements must be LIES
* Post your list and have people guess which five are lies!
1. I don't have any V6 poster.
2. My first V6 crush was Hiroshi Nagano.
3. I love pink.
4. I am half Indonesian and half Chinese.
5. I hate smokes.
6. My second in V6 now is Ken Miyake.
7. I named almost all my stuff.
8. I have short hair.
9. I want to have 11 children.
10. My first Chicken Soup book was Chicken Soup for The College Soul.
11. I was ever called Xiao Yan Zi by dad.
12. I don't like Physical Chemistry.
13. I have siblings.
14. My favourite anime is Inuyasha.
15. I have only one account in Yahoo!
OK, guyz... guess 'em now.. please write the answers in my Haloscan comment box...
*Indonesian mode ON*
Well... Another View edisi kali ini dimulai dari tahun baru...
1 Januari 2005
Happy New Year, dear minna~~~
Tahun baru...
Semangat baru...
Pacar baru... (2 minggu yang lalu, red.)
Baru tepar... >.<
3 Januari 2005
Hari pertama UAS... untuk ITB... myohohohoho~
4 Januari 2005
UAS pertama... Kalkulus I...
Ah well... Pengawasnya 'baka'... 15 menit terbuang sia-sia gara2 mereka pada lemot semua...
Tugas Fisika Modern akhirnya (hampir) selesai...
6 Januari 2005
Humm... UAS Kimia Analitik sedikit sucks... Hanya yakin benar 2 soal.. lainnya entahlah...
9 Januari 2005
My birthday~ 17 years old now... 17 tahun, berarti g musti lebih dewasa lagi...
11 Januari 2005
UAS terakhir... Fisika Modern... Hopefully dapat C untuk nilai akhir...
Tugas akhirnya benar-benar selesai, sayang dosen lagi ada perlu, dan katanya kumpulkan besok saja... *sigh*
*Indonesian mode OFF*
Alright... Since this is Special Birthday Edition, I won't talk about my idols, but about myself. First, let me introduce myself. I am Dian Anggraini, usually called Dian aka Myu-chan. I was born in Semarang, 9 January 1988. My Chinese name was Zeng Dian Mei, Zeng is my family name, while my name is Tian Mei, Tian means sweet and Mei means beautiful... Sakura Chiyo is my original Japanese alias, made by myself in 1998. It means Thousand Years Cherry Blossom... ^^;
When I was child, actually I wanna be a doctor. But since my mum and dad don’t like about it, I change my mind...I realize that I love chemistry so much, and then I choose it... I am 17 years old now, and study at Bandung Institute of Technology. I take Chemistry there, as I am really obsessed to be a scientist...
*to be continued next month...*
OK, this is the end of Chemistry in Life Eighteenth Edition, Special Birthday Edition... God bless ya all, and... Ja ne minna~! (^_^)/~~~