Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Chemistry In Life Fifty-fourth Edition

Nya~! Hello! How are you? Hope you're fine.

Anyway, this time we will have a bit long edition. As usual, I have Another View of Myu-chan in Bahasa Indonesia, Formula 1 Bahrain Grand Prix report, plus HOL Idol 2008 Survey and.. Something random.



*Indonesian mode ON*

26 March 2008

Kalau Mum ngajak ke Singapura, mungkin saat ini Myu akan menerima ajakan dengan senang hati.

Alasannya? Ada Singapore Flyer!

Yeps, saudara-saudara. Anda kan tahu saya punya impian untuk nonton balapan dari atas bianglala... Jadi kalau saya bisa nonton dari Singapore Flyer, kenapa engga?

Tentu, saya masih memimpikan untuk nonton balapan di Suzuka dari atas bianglalanya....


Nemu hasil scan artikel tentang perkataan Kimi di F1Racing Juli 2007 yang asli.

Klik ini, ini, dan ini.



Mikir, ECU di F1 yang baru itu buatan McLaren yang bekerja sama dengan Microsoft, kan? Atau cuma McLaren?

Masalahnya, kalau dikerjakan bersama Microsoft.. Ga takut di-hack? Serius, biasanya produk-produk Microsoft itu banyak sekali 'lubang'nya..

27 March 2008

Baru beberapa hari yang lalu Menkominfo mengumumkan akan memblokir situs porno, udah banyak yang protes. Yeah, para penjaga warnet yang kebanyakan pelanggannya adalah penggemar situs-situs tersebut..

Euh. Ini bukannya membantu negara jadi lebih baik, malah protes.. --;

28 March 2008

Akhir-akhir ini, muncul film buatan politisi Belanda, Geert Wilders, yang menjelek-jelekkan Islam. Katanya sih (Myu belum liat sendiri soalnya. MALES.), film buatan Wielders ini diawali dan diakhiri dengan kartun yang menggambarkan Rasulullah, serta menunjukkan sejumlah pernyataan dari ulama radikal dan mengutip ayat Quran yang diselingi dengan gambar penyerangan, dimulai dengan peristiwa 11 September 2001, penyerangan di Amerika Serikat, penyerangan 2004 di Spanyol, dan pembunuhan terhadap sutradara Belanda Theo van Gogh. Wilders juga mengatakan bahwa Islam dan Al Qur'an itu berbahaya. *sighs*

Film ini diprotes di berbagai negara (negara non muslim juga ada yang mengkritik, lho! Termasuk Belanda.), bahkan Sekjen PBB Ban Ki Moon juga mengutuk aksi Wilders. Liveleak.com pun terpaksa menghapus film itu dari situsnya setelah diprotes massa.

Beritanya ga bisa di link semua ke sini, soalnya kelewat banyak. :P Yeah, silakan gugling sendiri deh... Dijamin banyak.

Btw.. Apa yang dikatakan PM Belanda Jan Peter Balkenende sangatlah benar: "...feeling offended should never be used as an excuse for aggression and threats."


Good bye, Jean-Marie Balestre. May your soul resides in God's side. Amin.

30 March 2008

Kemarin, jutaan orang di lebih dari 25 negara di dunia berpartisipasi dalam event Earth Hour. Selama satu jam alias enam puluh menit (dari jam 8 hingga 9 malam), lampu-lampu dan segala macam barang elektronik macam TV, AC, komputer, dll akan dimatikan. Dari Suva di Fiji sampai Christchurch di Selandia Baru. Bahkan, Google juga berpartisipasi dalam event ini. Situs itu bahkan meninggalkan pesan di halaman depan pada saat event seperti ini: "We've turned the lights out. Now it's your turn."

Sayang, Indonesia belum banyak berpartisipasi dalam event ini.

Sekedar pemberitahuan, event ini awalnya diadakan di Australia. Kalau Miyu ga salah, awalnya itu dari Sydney. Tahun 2008 ini, Earth Hour mulai menjadi event dunia, dan kota-kota yang berpartisipasi bisa dilihat di sini. Kalau yang ini, daftar kota-kota yang berpartisipasi.

O ya, Earth Hour juga punya blog, lho! Klik di sini. Event-event Earth Hour, berita-berita yang berhubungan dengan Earth Hour.. Semua ada di situ!

Ah, ya, dan di sini, kita bisa mendaftar dan ikut berpartisipasi dalam event-event Earth Hour. Bahkan, kita juga bisa ikut merancang event Earth Hour selanjutnya. Dan.. Kita sign-up di situ atau tidak, kita bisa merancang event Earth Hour kita sendiri. Isn't that cool?


Katanya, pukul 13.30 WIB telah terjadi hujan es di beberapa daerah di Bandung. Miyu ketiduran, sih, waktu itu, jadi reportase tentang 'Eropa dadakan' di Bandung... Silakan lihat blog Ambu. :P

1 April 2008

Pas naik angkot ke Gramedia, ngeliat ada tempat sampah di dalam angkotnya. Kreatif!

Tapi.. Kepakai nggak yah? Soalnya, biasanya orang di angkot mah main buang sampah ke bawah kursi aja...

2 April 2008

Menyusul kasus film anti Islam buatan politisi Belanda, Wilders, pemerintah RI berencana akan menutup situs-situs berbagi video semacam YouTube, dll, yang masih memiliki dan belum menghapus film itu dari situsnya.

Euh~ Yah, sebenernya Miyu agak gimanaaaa~ gitu. Tapi ini mah lebih baik daripada orang-orang yang mendemo Kedubes Belanda atau Konsulatnya. Kaya yang di Medan itu, tuh. Sampai bakar-bakaran segala. Maksudnya, Kedutaan Besar Belanda di sana dibakar sama pendemo, gitu.

Kalau anarkis seperti itu, berarti membuktikan kalau orang Islam itu seperti apa yang dikatakan Wilders kan? *sighs*

Mending usulnya Mahathir. Boikot produk Belanda! Ga anarkis, kan?

Tapi~ Produk Belanda yang dijual atau dipakai di Indonesia apa ya? Ada yang tahu?

3 April 2008

Ehm, ehm. Adakah yang tahu jawaban atas pertanyaan Miyu ini:

"Kenapa ya, di Indonesia, kalau mahasiswa demo, ujung-ujungnya pasti ricuh?"

Ada yang bisa jawab? Ya~ Itu kenyataan loh. Nyaris 90 persen dari demo mahasiswa yang Miyu lihat di berita itu ricuh.

Apa karena mahasiswa itu suka belajar dan kelewat pintar, jadi mereka ga waras? Apa karena mereka yang kreatif itu kelewat stres dengan pelajaran, jadi mereka melampiaskan stres mereka dengan berbuat ricuh (yang menurut mereka kreatif)? Idiot.

4 April 2008

Tadi sempat mampir ke Reuters dan menemukan ini. Ga bisa dipercaya bahwa anak-anak umur 9 tahun seperti mereka bisa memiliki pikiran untuk menyiksa hingga membunuh orang. Bahkan di situ dibilang, mereka nyaris melakukan itu..

It's just.. Unbelievable.

*geleng-geleng kepala*


Ada yang baru di Formula1.com. Silakan klik di sini.

Yups. Safety section. Di situ, berbagai macam info tentang peralatan dan orang-orang yang mendukung keamanan di F1 bisa kita dapatkan. Dari F1 jaman dahulu kala sampai F1 yang modern.


Baca ini. Akang takut sama hiu? Euh, padahal Miyu cinta banget sama yang namanya orca, hiu putih, dan buaya (selain bangsa kucing).. :P

Pas dikasih tahu ke Ambu, Ambu bilang jangan-jangan dia itu Viktor Krum in disguise.

Nah, dia kan juga takut laba-laba.. Jadi, Akang itu Viktor Krum apa Ron Weasley, sih?


5 April 2008

Hasil kualifikasi hari ini (10 besar): Kubica, Felipe, Akang Lewis, Kimi, Heikki, Nick, Jarno, Nico, Button, Abang Fernando.

*peluk-peluk Kubica dan Felipe* Yeah, pole pertama untuk pembalap Polandia pertama!

Btw, Akang ama Kimi duduknya sebangku ya? *digetok Ambu dan Ryorin: Emang sekolah?"

Btw lagi.. *lirik sponsor tiga besar* Dell terbukti lebih cepat daripada AMD dan Intel. Jelas, Dell kan buat server.. Wekekek. *ditimpuk*

Err.. Tapi kalau BMW-Sauber di belakang, berarti server lagi lambat? *kabur sebelum dilempari helm*


Ambu kirim PM, ada FF yang menceritakan bagaimana kalau Hagrid diganti Steve Irwin. Baca di sini.

Sumpah, kacau! Sayang, fokusnya ke belakang-belakang malah jadi Severus-Minerva, bukan Steve...

6 April 2008

Minggu depan.. Yeah, sekitar minggu depan lah. Lupa tanggal berapa, wikikik! Ada pilgub Jabar. Tapi, males. Yah, masalahnya bukan karena Miyu bukan asli Bandung, tapi..

Meskipun dulu didaftarin ama pak RT (beneran, loh! seinget miyu..), sumprit, MALES. Abis, ga tau mau milih siapa.. Kayanya ga ada yang bisa menarik hati saya.. T.T

Jadi, Ambu ikut milih ga?


SMS ga jelas antara Miyu dan Ambu...

Ambu: "Abah inkonsisten! Antara magrib s/d j'8 mlm ga boleh nyalain tipi kec mlm libur, anak2 mesti blajar, tp kl ada balap...bubar de smuanya :P"
Miyu: "Wekekek! Kaya miyu. Kl lg pundung, tipi ga blh nyala biar bisa ngomelin Gunz. Tp kl ada blpan.. Diem dh sambil nonton... :P"



Felipe menang! Huhu.. Akhirnya ga tikusruk. Takut dimarahi Abah? :P

Kimi nomor dua, terus ada Kubica, Nick, Heikki, Trulli, Webber, ama Rosberg.

Akang? Setelah problem waktu start, selip entah di lap berapa di awal race... Akang finis nomor 13. Angka sial.

*peluk siapa ya? ga tau deh, di Bahrain ini.. :P*
*ya udah, nyerah, peluk Ryorin aja*

Felipe-Kimi mah sama Stefano, Raffaela, ama Jenni aja, yah? *kabur*

O iya, hidup BMW dan Ferrari! *nari pom-pom*


Btw, ada yang lucu. Waktu mau semprot-semprotan, Stefano tiba-tiba ngabur ke belakang, nyumput. Felipe mah kejar aja terus sambil cengar-cengir ga jelas. Terakhir, begitu Stefano kembali ke podium buat foto, Kimi ngasihin botol yang (Stef ga tau? :P) isinya soda buah, bukan sampanye itu. Sambil cengar-cengir ngga jelas juga.

Ampun, deh! Anak-anak! (Baca: calon-calon bapak yang masih kaya anak-anak. *kabur*)


Satu lagi! Lagu kebangsaannya Italia jadi keren sewaktu dimainkan di podium kemarin! Drum-nya itu, lho~ Sumpah, keren banget!


Dapet ini dari Ryorin, yang dapet dari Celestine...

Dua hari yang lalu gw ketemu dengan salah seorang AFI (Akademi Fantasi Indosiar). Selain lepas kangen gw juga dapat cerita seru dari kehidupan mereka.

Di balik image mereka yang gemerlap saat manggung atau ketika nongol di teve, kehidupan artis AFI sangat memprihatinkan. Banyak di antara mereka yang hidup terlilit utang ratusan juta rupiah. Pasalnya, orang tua mereka ngutang ke sana-sini buat menggenjot sms putera-puteri mereka. Bisa dipastikan tidak ada satu pun kemenangan AFI itu yang berasal dari pilihan publik. Kemenangan mereka ditentukan seberapa besar orang tua mereka anggup menghabiskan uang untuk sms. Orang tua Alfin dan Bojes abis 1 M. Namun mereka orang kaya, biarin aja.

Yang kasian mah, yang kaga punya duit. Fibri (AFI 005) yang tereliminasi di minggu-minggu awal kini punya utang 250 juta. Dia sekarang hidup di sebuah kos sederhana di depan Indosiar. Kosnya emang sedikit mahal RP 500.000. Namun itu dipilih karena pertimbangan hemat ongkos transportasi. Kos itu sederhana (masih bagusan kos gw gitu loh), bahkan kamar mandi pun di luar. Makannya sekali sehari.. Makan dua kali sehari sudah mewah buat Fibri. Kaga ada dugem dan kehidupan glamor, lha makan aja susah.

Ada banyak yang seperti Fibri. Sebut saja intan, Nana, Yuke, Eki, dll.

Mereka terikat kontrak ekslusif dengan manajemen Indosiar. Jadi, kaga bisa cari job di luar Indosiar. Bayaran di Indonesiar sangat kecil. Lagian pembagian job manggung sangat tidak adil. Beberapa artis AFI seperti Jovita dan Pasya kebanjiran job, sementara yang lain kaga dapat/jarang dapat job. Maklum artisnya sudah kebanyakan. Makanya buat makan aja mereka susah. Temen gw malah sering dijadiin tempat buat minjem duit. Minjemnya bahkan cuma Rp 100.000. Buat makan gitu loh. Mereka ga berani minjem banyak karena takut ga bisa bayar.
Ini benar-benar proyek yang tidak manusiawi. Para orang tua dan anak Indonesia dijanjikan ketenaran dan kekayaan lewat sebuah ajang adu bakat di televisi. Mereka dikontrak ekslusif selama dua tahun oleh Indosiar.. Namun tidak ada jaminan hidup sama sekali. Mereka hanya dibayar kalo ada manggung. Itu pun kecil sekali, dan tidak menentu. Buruh pabrik yang gajinya Rp 900.000 jauh lebih sejahtera daripada mereka.

Nah acara ini dan acara sejenis masih banyak, Pildacil juga begitu. Kasian orang tua dan anak yang rela antre berjam-jam untuk sebuah penipuan seperti ini. Seorang anak pernah menangis tersedu-sedu saat tidak lolos dalam audisi AFI. Padahal dia beruntung. Kalau dia sampai masuk, bisa dibayangkan betapa dia akan membuat orang tuanya punya utang yang melilit pinggang, yang tidak akan terbayar sampai kontraknya habis. mungkin ada yang tertarik buat ngangkat cerita itu ke media anda? Gw punya nomer kontak mereka. Gaya hidup mereka yang kontras dengan image publik kayanya menarik untuk diangkat. Ini juga penting agar anak-anak dan orang tua di Indonesia kaga tertipu lebih banyak lagi.


Tiap stasiun televisi di Indonesia mempunyai acara kontes-kontesan.
Tengok saja misalnya AFI, Indonesian Idol, Penghuni Terakhir, KDI, Putri Cantrik, dsb.
Sejatinya, tujuan dari acara ini bukan mencari bibit penyanyi terbaik.
Acara ini hanya sebagai kedok. Bisnis sebenarnya adalah SMS premium.
Bisnis ini sangat menggiurkan, lagi pula aman dari jeratan hukum -- setidaknya
sampai saat ini. Mari kita hitung. Satu kali kirim SMS biayanya --anggaplah- - Rp 2000.
Uang dua ribu rupiah ini sekitar 60% untuk penyelenggara SMS Center (Satelindo, Telkomsel, dsb).
Sisanya yang 40% untuk "bandar" (penyelenggara) SMS.
Siapa saja bisa jadi bandar, asal punya modal untuk sewa server yang terhubung ke
Internet nonstop 24 jam per hari dan membuat program aplikasinya.
Jika dari satu SMS ini "bandar" mendapat 40% (artinya sekitar Rp 800), maka jika yang mengirimkan sebanyak 5% saja dari total penduduk Indonesia (Coba anda hitung, dari 100 orang kawan anda, berapa yang punya handphone? Saya yakin lebih dari 40%), maka bandar ini bisa meraup uang sebanyak Rp (baca: Delapan puluh milyar rupiah).

Jika hadiah yang diiming-imingkan adalah ? rumah senilai 1 milyar, itu artinya bandar hanya perlu menyisihkan 1,25% dari keuntungan yang diraupnya sebagai "biaya promosi"!
Dan ingat, satu orang biasanya tidak mengirimkan SMS hanya sekali.
Masyarakat diminta mengirimkan SMS sebanyak-banyaknya agar jagoannya tidak tersisih, dan "siapa tahu" mendapat hadiah.
Kata "siapa tahu" adalah untung-untungan, yang mempertaruhkan pulsa handphone.
Pulsa ini dibeli pakai uang.
Artinya : Kuis SMS adalah 100% judi. Begitu menggiurkannya bisnis ini,
Kondisi ini sudah sangat menyedihkan. Bahkan sangat gawat.Lebih parah daripada zaman Porkas atau SDSB.
Jika dulu, orang untuk bisa berjudi harus mendatangi agen, jika dulu zaman jahiliyah orang berjudi dengan anak panah, sekarang orang bisa berjudi, hanya dengan beberapa ketukan jari di pesawat handphone!

@Idols: IMO ngutang buat menang itu kesalahan diri sendiri. Karena memang bukan begitu caranya untuk menang! Mestinya kan (mestinya) pemilihan itu purely dari penonton yang suka ataupun nggak. Jadi harusnya ya terima hasil aja di-eliminasi atau nggak. Well, kalo tentang kontrak dua tahun dengan gaji amat rendah, gue setuju bahwa itu emang keterlaluan.

Nah? *untuk kali ini, silakan menebak apa yang saya pikirkan :P*


Lagi-lagi dari Ryorin, dan ini dia sendiri yang nulis.. Miyu mah males nulis ulang.. :P

Selebaran Penipuan di ATM-ATM

What can i say... Semakin lama penipuan gaya baru-tapi-lama ini belakangan semakin marak. Di beberapa ATM yang sering saya datangi, ada setumpuk selebaran yang mengiming-imingi pembaca dengan uang banyak dalam waktu sedikit. Dengan mentransfer uang dalam jumlah kecil, pembaca dijanjikan keuntungan berlipat ganda.

Don't they ever learn? Ini adalah bentuk lain dari arisan piramida, dan hal ini sebenarnya bisa dikategorikan tindak pidana.

Selebaran itu ada karena cara peniuan tersebut bisa berhasil. Tebakan saya, selebaran itu sengaja 'dicurangi' dengan cara menampilkan transfer ke empat rekening berbeda yang sebenarnya dikendalikan oleh satu orang. Dengan begitu, sang penipu bisa menggaruk masuk uang banyak sekali... ini perkiraan saya:

n = Rp 20.000,-
dalam 1 selebaran ada 4 rekening yang harus disetor
selebaran yang difotokopi dalam 1 siklus oleh tiap orang yang meneruskan selebaran = 20 eksemplar x 5 lokasi = 100 selebaran
selebaran yang 'termakan' oleh orang yang tertipu = 5% per siklus = 5 selebaran (jadi ada 5 orang yang tertipu pada setiap siklus)
ongkos fotokopi per lembar = f = Rp 75,-
satu eksemplar selebaran = 4 lembar
z = Profit

z = ((5 x 4n) + (5 x 5 x 3n) + (5 x 5 x 5 x 2n) + (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x n)) - (f x 4 x 100)
<=> z = (20n + 75n + 250n + 125n) - 400f
<=> z = 470n - 400f
<=> z = (960 x 20.000) - (400 x 75)
<=> z = 19.200.000 - 30.000 = 19.170.000

Bayangkan, bila dalam 10-20 hari masyarakat memberikan hampir 20 juta rupiah pada seorang penipu... apalagi dalam beberapa selebaran nominal "sumbangan" yang diminta lebih besar. Rugi besar dunia akhirat, apalagi apabila anda ikutan ingin menikmati cipratan kerja keras orang-orang lain di bawah anda. Na'udzubillah min dzalik, pantes negara kita dihantam krisis melulu :P

Maka daripada itu, saya mengajak anda sebagai manusia-manusia yang berpikir untuk tidak tergoda untuk mengikuti atau membuat tindak penipuan yang sama. Bila anda menemui selebaran sejenis itu di ATM sekitar rumah anda, Segera buang semua selebaran ke tempat sampah! Kalau perlu, buang selebaran-selebaran itu ke tempat sampah di luar ATM yang kotor, bau, dan banyak lalatnya, biar ga ada orang tergoda buat memulung dan menirunya :P Sendiri, saya mungkin tak bisa berbuat banyak, tapi bersama, kita bisa :P

So.. Masihkah kita mau ditipu dan dibodohi begitu saja?


Akhir-akhir ini Miyu suka nonton acara 'Masa Kalah sama Anak-anak' di TVOne. Yang membawakan acara itu Helmi Yahya dan Becky Tumewu. Bagus, loh. Melihat seberapa dekat orang tua dan anak, dan yang Miyu liat selama ini, ga banyak orang tua yang dekat dengan anaknya. Selain itu, kadang, anak-anak lebih tahu dunia orang dewasa macam grup band, sinetron, dsb, daripada pelajaran.. (Kalo anak-anak tahu tentang dunia anime, kartun, or whatever is that, Miyu maklum.. Wekekek!)

Ironis banget, nggak, sih?

O ya, dan pengen senyum sendiri dengerin ucapannya Helmi Yahya pagi ini, bahwa acara itu bukannya untuk 'menjelek-jelekkan' orang tua atau apa, tapi untuk melihat seberapa dekat mereka dengan anak-anak mereka, semakin mendekatkan mereka pada anak-anak, dan... Bahwa orang tua sesekali juga harus mengalah dan/atau mengaku kalah/salah (kalau anaknya bener :P). Masalahnya, beberapa orang tua masih bertahan dengan paham kuno bahwa kalau anak salah, anak harus mengaku salah. Tapi, kalau orang tua tersebut salah atau kalah, mereka berhak untuk tidak mengakui kesalahan atau kekalahan mereka. Kalau perlu, mereka bisa menggunakan segala cara agar mereka dibenarkan walau salah.

Yeah, ga semua. Tapi lihat saja contoh nyata yang ada di keluarga Miyu. *sighs*

Doktrin nomor 1: Perkataan orang tua selalu benar.
Doktrin nomor 2: Apapun yang dilakukan orang tua selalu benar.
Doktrin nomor 3: Kalau orang tua salah bicara atau melakukan kesalahan, lihat nomor 1 dan 2.

Adakah orang tua lain yang seperti itu? Semoga tidak. *berharap Ambu-Abah, Uncle Greg, dan Grammy B ga seperti itu*


Tadinya pengen nulis tentang Aurora (tahu Aurora? chara original Miyu di IH :P), tapi sehabis nulis biodata pribadinya, bingung mau nulis apa. Err, ga bingung sih sebenernya, cuma kaya kehabisan kata-kata. Padahal tadinya mau menjelaskan asal-usulnya, dsb, dll.. Tapi ya itu dia, ga tau mau nulis kalimat apa!

Ada juga ini yang udah ditulis:

Name: Aurora Mielonen
Nicknames: Pikkukapinoida or Miss Little Rebel, some of her closest friends call her Rore
House: Ravenclaw
Nationality: Finnish
Date of Birth: 17 October 1961
Place of Birth: Varkaus, Finland
Name Day: 10 March
Skin: Fair
Hair: Golden
Eyes: Green
Current Residence: London, England
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Mielikki

Father: Matias, Finnish Ambassador to England
Mother: Sonja, housewife and healer
Elder sister: Kaisa, older by 3 years 4 month, currently a Queen Elizabeth's school student
Younger brother: Jean, younger by 3 year 11 month, currently an elementary school student
Grandfather: Valtteri, from father's side; Sebastian (R.I.P.), from mother's side
Grandmother: Anne, from father's side; Katriona, from mother's side

Qualification: Regular elementary school system in Finland (until 1970) and England (1970-1973), Currently attending Hogwarts School of Wizard and Wizardry (1973-now)
Favorite Subject(s):
Regular School: Sports aka Physical Education, Environmental Education, and Science
Hogwarts: Herbology and Potion
Languages Spoken: Finnish, English, Swedish, and a little bit German

Hobbies: playing with sling, climbing trees, playing ice hockey; skiing; dog-sledding (during winter), etc.
Pet: An Eurasian wolf named Hukka, a fire crab named Brenna, a German Shepherd named Ajax, a Crup named Tveirhali, and a snow owl named Lumisnjor (and probably she will get more pets later :P)
3 Things to Take on a Desert Island: Water, foods, and sling.
Ambition: To be a healer like Katriona and Sonja.
Dream Holiday: Alpine
Favorite Country: Finland
Favorite Foods: Cloudberry cake, sauteed reindeer, salmiakki (a kind of liquorice candy which contains ammonium chloride), pea soup, and Bertie Botts All Flavoured Beans.
Favorite Drink: Chocolate milk and home-made mead.
Handedness: Right-handed

Berasa kaya nulis biodata apaan~ gitu!

Eh, apa ini aja ya, yang di post di blog-nya IH? Wekekek. *kabur*


Well.. Actually I don't want to write this, but...

Well, okay.. Around one week until about three days ago, I had a fight with Ryorin. The problem might be unimportant for you, but I feel raged at that time, as he didn't come to my house, didn't tell me that he would not come, and.. lied to me.

What lie, anyway? Saying that he's sick, but at that very time, he's online! Ah, geez...

After that, I went totally angry, and cursed that his sickness wouldn't be cured. Ever, especially if he still lied to me. Unfortenately, he did it. So, Ryorin, you got sick for nearly 3 days, right? *evil laughs*

Yeah, but that's not the main thing. The day I found that he's lying, I wanted to break off the relationship. Really wanted that. But Mikan said that it's not good to decide on something while I am still in anger, and Ambu said that I shouldn't say something like that. At first, I didn't heed to their words. But later, when I stumbled on reading something about someone, I finally realized that Ambu and Mikan's words are right, so I reconciled with Ryorin. Well, I can't promise I would not say such a thing anymore, since if I am angry, I often say things like 'I'll kill you' or something like that..

Ah, my. I got lost into words. So, well, actually, I want to confess something. Not a confession, maybe, but more to an expression of thank you to someone who reminded me that I still love Ryorin so dearly, though he never met me, never had a conversation with me in real world or in net world (though I do sometimes imagine 'talking' with him)...

Thanks, Kimi Raikkonen! If you and Ryorin read his, I want to say that loving you both is just... A pleasure for me. More than that, actually.

(Well, I just realized that my wish when I was in 10th grade is already granted: to have a boyfriend like Kimi. Well, not in apperance, but in personality. For me, Ryorin's personality is.. much like Kimi's. So.. yeah, you know.)

Ah, and if you want to find out why I wrote those two words in my signature in HPI, that's the reason.

Kiitos, Kimi!

8 April 2008

Silakan baca ini dan ini.

Yeah, Miyu juga setuju kok, Mbu, sama ucapan salah satu blogger yang ini (namanya mas Eko, kan?): "..TV dengan sinetronnya yang tidak mendidik, harusnya diblok duluan, karena penetrasinya lebih besar."

*ikut tepuk tangan sambil berdiri bersama Ambu*

*Indonesian mode OFF*


Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you again. This weekend, our dearest F1 drivers would race in Bahrain, Sakhir to be exact, where they really need traction control, because the circuit is 'in the middle of nowhere', and the wind carries sands to the track. So, could the drivers handle this circuit with all the talents and car they have? Because as we have known, FIA prohibited the use of traction control.

Also, FIA had confirmed minimum lap time for qualifying. It's likely would be different for each circuit, and in Bahrain, they have announced that the minimum lap time is 1m39s between the second safety car line (50 m before Turn One) and the first safety car line (after Turn 15). Any car exceeding the time between those points will be deemed to have been driven unnecessarily slowly. The purpose of this is to prevent drivers on qualifying laps from being impeded by other drivers who are travelling more slowly. You can read the full news here.

For the qualifying, BMW's Robert Kubica gives BMW maiden pole position, ahead of Ferrari's Felipe Massa and McLaren's Lewis Hamilton. The world champion, Kimi Raikkonen is fourth, Heikki Kovalainen fifth, Nick Heidfeld sixth, Jarno Trulli seventh, Nico Rosberg eighth, Jenson Button ninth, and Fernando Alonso tenth.

It's maybe a little bit off-topic, but I heard that Kubica undertook a slimming program before the start of the season. Well, he said that now he is weighing much less than normal, but his program enhanced the performance of his car, so yeah.. You know.

And now, let's enjoy our 57 laps...

When the lights went out, McLaren's Heikki Kovalainen started from the outer side of the track, passing his team mate Lewis Hamilton who was unfortunate. Lewis' car was a bit stalled at that time, so he had a bad start and dropped down to ninth place. Meanwhile, Felipe Massa had a very good start and took the first place from Robert Kubica. Kimi Raikkonen third, Heikki Kovalainen fourth. A Toro Rosso which was driven by Sebastian Vettel retired after entering the gravel.

Lap 2, suddenly there's oil on track on Turns 5, 6, 7, and 8. I didn't know where the oils came from, but this caused yellow flag, and some drivers gone wide because of the oil, including Lewis.

Lap 3, Kimi overtook Kubica, while Lewis pitted after the problem he has in the previous lap along with David Coulthard. The young British rejoined 18th after the pit stop.

Lap 4, Lewis was about 50s behind the race leader, Felipe. Nick Heidfeld passed Heikki, so at that time, he became fourth.

Lap 5, Kubica set the fastest lap.

Lap 8, Felipe set a new fastest lap.

A few laps after (around lap 10 or so), I heard an interview with Vettel. I didn't really get it, anyway, but I heard something about Fisichella.

Lap 11, Renault's Nelson Piquet Jr. was battling so hard with Toro Rosso's Sebastien Bourdais.

Lap 13, a new fastest lap for Felipe. Lewis now is over one minute (1:02.513, to be exact) behind him.

Lap 16, Kimi set a fastest lap.

Lap 18, Kubica pitted and rejoined ninth. Again, Kimi set the fastest lap.

Lap 19, Kubica drove a little bit wide on turn 11. David Coulthard had an accident with Jenson Button, causing Button to lose his front nose.

Lap 20, Jenson pitted, but it seems that he has another problem that caused him to retired.

Lap 21, Kimi entered his white box. Rejoined fifth.

Lap 22, Felipe had his turn to have a pit stop and get back in first place. He also set a new fastest lap. Nick Heidfeld also pitted at this lap.

Lap 23, Mark Webber pitted. He added fuel for approximately 30 laps to his car and rejoined eighth. Lewis ran a bit wide, but he managed to pass Anthony Davidson.

Lap 29. Lewis tried to pass Giancarlo Fisichella, but he failed as Fisi closed the line and drove away from Lewis.

Lap 31, Lewis was battling with Fisi again.

Lap 32, Lewis finally passed Fisi, while Kimi set a new fastest lap. Lewis entered his box shortly after and rejoined 16. He was going out of the pit lane when Felipe was overlapping other drivers.

Lap 38, Nelsinho went off the track.

Lap 39, Kimi pitted and rejoined fourth. Felipe set the fastest lap.

Lap 40, Felipe in the white box. He rejoined third, about 3-4s in front of his team mate.

Lap 42, Kubica finally did his second stop for the day. 7,2s and rejoined sixth.

Lap 43, Nelsinho retired. Davidson was 0,2s behind Sato. Looks like he want to overtook his team mate. Heidfeld led the race and set a fastest lap.

13 laps remaning now, Heidfeld not yet to had his second stop. He was 21s ahead of Kubica. Felipe was second, Kimi was third. Finally, at the end of the lap, he entered the pit lane for a stop and rejoined fifth behind Kubica. Felipe now led the race.

10 laps remaining, Heikki pitted for 7,0s and rejoined fifth.

8 laps remaining, Kubica was slightly faster than Kimi. Heikki set the fastest lap of the day.

5 laps remaining, Rubens Barrichello was chasing Fernando Alonso. He didn't overtook the Spanish driver, anyway.

It's only 4 laps remaining, and Lewis Hamilton passed Kazuki Nakajima, made him thirteenth at the time.

Finally, Felipe Massa won the Bahrain Grand Prix for the second time in a row, followed by the reigning world champion Kimi Raikkonen and Robert Kubica on second and third place. Nick Heidfeld fourth, Heikki Kovalainen fifth, Jarno Trulli sixth, Mark Webber seventh. The final point of the day is gone to Williams' Nico Rosberg.

With this result, Kimi Raikkonen takes the lead in the Driver's Championship with 19 points, 3 points ahead Nick Heidfeld (16 points). Lewis Hamilton shared the third place with his team mate Heikki Kovalainen and Robert Kubica.

Meanwhile, at the Constructor Championship, BMW-Sauber leads with 30 points, followed by Ferrari with 29 points, and McLaren-Mercedes with 28 points. Has BMW-Sauber made a huge leap, seeing at their results so far? Probably. So, let's wait for the next race in Barcelona. There, we would see another battle between the top three teams. For now, let's wait and cross our fingers for our beloved drivers.

Aaaand~ The articles from F1.com, as usual. Give full credit to those lovely F1 reporters.

Race Report
Race Analysis
Drivers' Quotes
FIA Press Conference


Well, this year I am participating in the HOL Idol 2008 Audition. Yeah, I didn't made it to the next stages, but..

Faye made this survey for everyone to answer! So, yeah, you can read what I write as an answer. :P

Is this your first time doing HOL Idol?

No, it was my second. And I'm *really* enjoying it, though I didn't make it to the next stage.

What role does singing play in your real life (voice lessons, choirs, bathroom singing)?

Well, I've never take any voice lessons (except from my Mom who was a choir member when she was young) nor join any choir, but I do love singing. Anytime, everywhere. Err.. To be honest, I do not sing in the bathroom, nor when eating. :P

Do you play an instrument?

I used to play organ when I was in high school. Well, I still have the instrument, but rarely played it.

What do you like best about your voice?

Umm~ What should I say? It's hard for me to say. But maybe... Well, it's cute. (Especially when I sing anime songs.. ^^;)

What do you feel you need to work on most?

Diction, holding tones on some notes... Well, for sure I have to improve my singing in many aspects.

What do you use to record your submissions?

Well, this year's submission was recorded using Sound Recorder. Yeah, the one you get with your computers.. And most of all my recording were recorded with it.. But, *coughcough* recently I got Sony Sound Forge, Cakewalk SONAR, and a headset microphone, so... I started playing with it. :D (Well, maybe I would use it for my next audition *lol*)

Why did you pick your audition song?

Well, I love the song, and my boy friend picked it up as my audition song. Also, I was thinking about a song that works well a capella.

What kind of music do you listen to? Sing to?

I do hear almost every kind of music, as long as it's not too -er, how do I say?- noisy. About singing, I love to sing Japanese songs -especially those *cute* anime themes-, love songs, and some songs from my favorite band/artists.

Name three singers whose voices you wish you had:

Umm... Actually, I love my own voice. But if I should choose, I wish I had voice like Hashimoto Miyuki, Natsukawa Rimi (both of them are Japanese female singers), and Celine Dion.

Name one song that describes you perfectly:

Well, it's hard to pick.. Yeah, actually, I don't know what song describes me perfectly, since I'm way too complicated. That's The Way It Is by Celine Dion, maybe?

If you could have lunch with any band, artist or composer, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Currently it would be IOSYS, a Japanese musical ensemble and doujin circle/group. They remixed the songs from Touhou Project series and their work are really great.


1. Name and describe three of the people most influential to you.

Since it's people, I must exclude Allah from this list. Well, that doesn't mean Allah is not influential to my life. Besides Allah The Mighty One and His Prophet, Muhammad, the three most influential to me is: Mum, Michael Schumacher, and my boyfriend -Ryorin.

2. Have you ever fell in love with a fictional character? Why?

Sure. There are many reasons, sometimes I love the character because they're good-looking, great, etc, but the most often is that because the character has some similiraties with me. Well, we could take Harry Potter's Severus Snape or Rozen Maiden's Suigintou. They have some things in common with me, so I love them.

3. Where would you like to live? Why?

Well, it should be somewhere in the village. Most of our villages are still not polluted, so I think it would be better to live there, and I really wanted to live somewhere I could see the wildlife, the nature.

4. Which cemetery left the most impression to you? Why?

Cemetery, eh? Well.. None, actually. I hardly ever impressed by a cemetery.

5. If you are given a choice to define your body's state of matter, what would you choose? Solid, liquid, colloid/suspended, or gaseous? Why?

This is a difficult question to answer, for sure. Umm... Liquid, maybe? Well, no rea~son~

6. What part of your body do you consider most beautiful/attractive? Why?

My eyes. well, I don't think the other parts of my body as 'attractive', especially to men. And.. I just love my brown eyes.

7. If you are given the opportunity to be a fictional character for a day, who would you be? Why?

Could I choose someone from my original fiction? I really wanted to be Miyuri Nekonomiya, the main character from my unpublished novel: Chibineko Hime. Miyuri is a bright, cheerful and carefree girl; a happy-go-lucky person (unlike me who nearly always feels 'down'). Plus, she's a cat. Oh, and I really wanted to see and taste lemondrop fruits.. Her favorite.

8. If you are given the option to master the use of one melee/thrown weapon, what will you choose? Why?

Ummm.. A whip? Simple, I love that weapon. :P (In case you want to know, 'cute whip' is my weapon of choice.. *lol*)

9. Name a non-feline animal that you like, and why :P

Non-feline, eh? Well, it's pretty obvious, I think. I love orcas so much. They're.. Umm.. I can't explain why, but... In my own terms, those predators are.. Terribly cute.

Anyway, I loved great white sharks and crocodiles, too.

10. Name five things that you would want to do in two years.

Finishing my current study at the university, get married, go to Japan, continue to Master degree, published a poetry book.

11. If you are given total control of an aspect of life (distance, time, speed, etc), which aspect would you choose and why?

It's a battle between time and speed, but.. Time. It would be lovely to me if I could control time, because I can go back to past time or the future anytime I want, stop the time... And it could make our life more effective..

12. Name ten things that you could fit into a shoe-box (all of them must fit into one shoebox).

A cellphone, a book, a bottle of perfume, a mp3 player, a wallet, a brooch, a pen, a lipgloss, a key, and a silver bracelet. Unfortunately, my stuffed cat couldn't fit into the shoebox...

13. Which would you prefer, a dish containing something that tastes like chicken or a chicken dish which tasted like something else? Why?

Both of them, I think. But maybe a chicken dish which tasted like something else is better. Well, what if that something that tastes like chicken is prohibited for me to eat? I'm a Muslim, anyway. Surely, it doesn't matter if that something is safe for me to eat. *lol*

14. Name three of the most complicated gadget that you've ever physically repair (i.e. reattaching loose cables, soldering the joints, etc).

A fabric cutting machine, umm... I forgot what else. Imagine yourself, then. :P

15. Name the most complicated script that you are able to mostly comprehend. Note that you are not neccessarily fluent on the language that uses that script.

If it's the most complicated one, then it would be Chinese text.


The random questions bring us to the end of Chemistry In Life Fifty-fourth Edition. I'll be back in about two weeks.


Blogger ambudaff said...


Itu, artikel yang Ryorin dapet tentang AFI, itu udah lama banget. Ambu inget, artikel ini di-post Didz di Aestera, jaman Ambu belum masuk rumah sakit, jadi sebelum April 2004.

Empat tahun berkeliling ke mana-mana ya itu surat?

Friday, April 11, 2008 1:07:00 pm  
Blogger Myu-chan said...

Huhuh.. Kayanya, Mbu... Btw, ga inget kalo di Aes pernah ada.. ^^

Friday, April 11, 2008 2:34:00 pm  

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Name: Dian Anggraini
Nick: Dian ~ Myu-chan ~ Miyuri ~ Xiao Yan Zi ~ Lady Di ~ Zeng Tian Mei ~ SC ~ Chryseis McSylvester ~ Muffin Princess
Birthdate: January 9th, 1988
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Astrology: Fire Rabbit
Birthplace: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Home: Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia
Current Residence: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Job: Student of Department of Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology
Side Job: Writing Formula 1 Reports on this blog, writing poetry and short-stories...
Interests: Science (Chemistry), Music, Nature, Culture, Arts, Formula 1, MotoGP, and many more...


~Michael Schumacher~
~Kimi Raikkonen~
~Junichi Okada (V6)~
~Miroslav Klose~
~Sakurai Shou (Arashi)~
~Felipe Massa~
~Robert Kubica~
~Ralf Schumacher~
~Zhao Wei~
~Michael Learns To Rock~
~Celine Dion~
~Utada Hikaru~
~Lin Xin Ru~
~Chae Rim~
~Rubens Barrichello~
~Takuma Sato~
~Valentino Rossi~
~Daijiro Katoh (R.I.P)~
~and many more...~


NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

Hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
Ironna hana o miteita
Hito sorezore konomi wa aru kedo
Doremo minna kirei dane
Kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
Arasou koto mo shinai de
Baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
Chanto mune o hatteiru

Sore na noni bokura ningen wa
Doushite kou mo kurabeta garu?
Hitori hitori chigau noni sono naka de
Ichiban ni naritagaru?

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Komatta youni warai nagara
Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
Ganbatte saita hana wa dore mo
Kirei dakara shikata nai ne
Yatto mise kara dete kita
Sono hito ga kakaete ita
Iro toridori no hanataba to
Ureshi souna yokogao

Namae mo shira nakatta keredo
Ano hi boku ni egao o kureta
Dare mo kizukanai youna basho de
Saiteta hana no youni

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
Hitotsu toshite onaji mono wa nai kara
NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

I saw many kinds of flowers
lined up in front of the flowershop.
everyone has their favorite kinds
but all of them are pretty.
Without competing to see
which was the best among them,
they were standing
straight up proudly inside the bucket.

So why then do we humans
have to compare ourselves to one another?
Eventhough each and every person is different,
why do we want to be number one?

Yes we are each..
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

There are people who are
constantly unsure of what they want,
as they laugh a little put out.
It can't be helped, all those flowers,
that did everything they could to bloom, are pretty.
when at last that person comes out of the store,
they're holding a colorful bouquet
and I see them smiling happilly as they go by me.

I never knew their name but
that day they made me smile.
we too are like flowers that bloom in places
where no one pays any attention.

Yes we too are each...
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

Small flowers and big flowers,
none are the same as one another.
There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana - SMAP


~Hard Luck Hero - V6~
~Kinjirareta Asobi - ALI Project~
~Madoite, Kitare, Yuuda na Kamikakushi ~ Border of Death - IOSYS~
~I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion~
~Wish I Had An Angel - Nightwish~
~Seishoujo Ryouiki - ALI Project~


~Ryorin ma chere amoureux~
Ambu Dian
Mami Ming
Marie Granger
Nna Sawamura
Putri Akanishi
Putri Halliwell
Trinie Lupin


Kitty's Paws Pieces
The Poet Sanctuary
The Poet Sanctuary Website
Harry Potter Bandung
Harry Potter Indonesia
Formula 1 Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Forum
IndoHogwarts Official Blog
National Novel Writing Month
True Friend Test
Hogwarts On Line
WWF Passport
Make Roads Safe
Free Burma!
HOL Ravenclaw
Death Eaters Indonesia
Johnnys Indonesian Forum
Monsters Game
El_leaved's Stories
Shaven Asylum
V6 Squad Forum
Potion Master Dungeon
Virtual Hogwarts


September 8
Ryou Kinomoto

September 9
Talitha Pedersen

September 10

September 13
Kamui Kobayashi

September 14
Maria Theresa Gow

September 17
Damon Hill

September 28
Mika Hakkinen

..and everyone else celebrating their birthday in September...


Yukari Yakumo
~Youkai of Boundaries~

Original picture taken from: Touhou Imageboard

Picture modified by: -mYu-.



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