Monday, August 27, 2007

Chemistry In Life Fourty-third Edition

Well... Just prepare for a long edition, a long rambling, and some truth of my feelings, won’t you? :)

Oh, and watch out for a homework down there.. *evil grin*


7 August 2007

Rasanya baru kemarin Ryorin bilang ke Myu, kalau Myu itu terlalu banyak pikiran, terlalu khawatir akan sesuatu...

Dan memang, baru kemarin. Baru kemarin juga dia bilang, ‘Percaya aja kalau semuanya bakal baik-baik aja.’

Well, Ryorin benar. Sayangnya, dalam keadaan seperti ini, Myu ga bisa berhenti khawatir... Myu bahkan ga tau gimana caranya untuk percaya semuanya bakal baik-baik aja...

Myu ga tau lagi sampai kapan Myu harus merahasiakan perasaan Myu selama ini. Mencoba bersikap seolah ga ada apa-apa di depan semua orang. Padahal, tiap saat Myu ingin nangis, ingin lari...

Dan sekarang Myu capek. Mencoba untuk terus berlari bikin Myu capek. Apalagi, orang-orang pergi entah kemana. Secara fisik mungkin memang ada, tapi ga secara batin, dan keberadaan mereka malah makin membuat saya kesepian.

They’re not here when I need them...

Ya, mereka ga ada waktu saya butuh mereka. Saya tahu, mereka bingung saat saya jarang terlihat oleh mereka, tapi di mana mereka waktu saya butuh pertolongan?

Myu sudah cukup tertekan dengan tuntutan Papa soal kuliah. Harus ada nilai A. Selalu begitu. Tiap kali ada yang dapat nilai D atau E, pasti dicerca. Ga peduli dia yang tahu sendiri, atau Myu yang bilang. Dia ga pernah peduli gimana perasaan Myu... Ga pernah mau ngerti gimana Myu udah usaha...

Myu bosan. Myu sudah ga tahan lagi. Kalau boleh memilih, Myu lebih baik berhenti kuliah daripada terus-terusan seperti ini... Sekalipun Myu masih mencintai tempat kuliah Myu, Myu sekarang pengen banget berhenti...

For someone out there: I know you wouldn’t read this, but thank you so much for everything. For being such a great friend, for making me smile everyday, brighten my days when we’re still in the same classes and labs... For keeping me there all these time... For every laugh we shared together... Really, I thank you for everything. And yes, there is something I need to confess: I love you, so much.

For Ryorin: Teach me how to believe that everything will be alright... Teach me how to feel happy, and how... to pursue my own happiness... Please...

Geez.. Lord, forgive me for all the sins that I have done...

9 August 2007

Seorang teman baru-baru ini mengirim PM pada saya, mengucapkan terima kasih karena, katanya, saya begitu baik dan bersahabat dengan orang-orang baru di TPS...

Entah kenapa, PM itu membuat saya sedikit bahagia... Bukan karena isinya, karena di sana, saya memang baik pada siapapun( ga nyombong~! :P), tapi karena judulnya yang lucu dan sedikit berbau nonsense...

So, Daniel, thanks for brightening my day... Take a muffin, please... :)


Semalam ada gempa, dan Ambu nge-sms, nanyain, ‘Myu, kerasa ada gempa ga? Gede dan lama...’

Myu jawab aja terus terang kalau Myu lagi di kereta, dan kerasa ada gempa, tapi kecil (menurut saya).

Lucunya, setelah saya balas SMS Ambu, saya nge-SMS Ryorin, terus Ryorin nge-SMS Ambu (dan balas SMS saya tentunya), dan jadilah saya-Ryorin-Ambu saling ber-SMS ria...

Dan soal gempa, beneran, buat saya, gempanya ga gitu kerasa. Cuma heran, kok keretanya jalan pelan, terus ada yang goyang. Setelah orang-orang bilang, ‘ada gempa,’ baru deh saya nyadar, tapi tetap dengan wajah polos-dan-tak-tahu-apa-apa... Lagipula, jarak tempat saya berada pada jam itu dengan pusat gempa lumayan jauh... Jadi harap dimengerti kalau saya ga nyadar itu gempa...


Sampai sekarang, Myu masih bingung apa arti kebahagiaan untuk Myu... Tapi yang jelas, Myu baru saja sadar tentang satu hal: kebahagiaan Myu ga didapat dari gelar akademik ataupun kekayaan materiil... Tapi ketenangan batin...

Dan... Berada bersama orang yang Myu cintai..

10 August 2007

Ternyata... Berita soal kostum gorila-nya Kimi itu bener...

Jadi, ternyata dia balapan motorboat sama teman-temannya pakai kostum gorila.. Ampun deh. *getok Kimi*

Btw, untung Kimi belum mau punya anak sebelum bisa jadi ayah yang baik... Ga kebayang deh kalau dia punya anak sekarang.. Kasihan Jenni-nya. *lol*

11 August 2007

Ryorin bilang, kalau punya anak mau dinamain Subaru ama Ginga...

Err, boleh usul beberapa nama lagi? (Maria-)Mercedes dan Enzo...

*kabur sebelum diapa-apain*

13 August 2007

Baca berita ini...

Tanggal 24-25 November nanti, Daddy Schuey bakal ikut balapan amal bertajuk International Go-Kart Champs di Florianapolis, Brazil. Kata Felipe (yang kebetulan jadi panitia, hihi ^^), pembalap terkenal lain juga mau ikutan, tapi ga disebutin siapa aja... *getok Felipe* Tapi kayanya Barrichello, Luca Badoer, Nelson Piquet Jr, ama Liuzzi bakal ikut juga..

Anyway, Felipe, will Alonso, Kimi, and Lewis join the charity program?

16 August 2007

Entah kenapa hari ini Myu sensi banget ama Ryorin. Pengennya maraaaaah terus..

Padahal kemarin baru kangen, ketemu bawaannya pengen ngomel aja... Jadi Manda ama Talitha deh yang kena.. Huhu, sori yah...

Kata Ryorin sih, ini gara-gara Myu kangen.... Hihi. Habisnya pas lagi bener-bener rindu malah dicuekin... Kebiasaan~!


Trus, tadi sore pas pulang dari warnet, ngeliat benda berasap jatuh dari langit.. (Yah, gitu deh...) Kaya pesawat gitu, tapi ga yakin. Asapnya warna oranye, dan di atasnya ada bulan sabit (aseli, ga palsu! Maksud Myu, bulannya itu bulan beneran). Hmm.. Apa ya itu?

Dan, di saat bersamaan, langitnya bagus warnanya, tapi di kejauhan awannya tebal dan rendah... (walau soal rendah-tingginya Myu ga yakin..)

22 August 2007

Akhir-akhir ini kok Myu susah sekali tidur ya...? Kadang juga kalau bisa tidur, suka bangun-bangun terus.

Dan kemarin Myu diprotes Ryorin gara-gara menyimpan sendok dalam kotak es krim..

Euh.. Habisnya semalam sebelumnya, Myu tiba-tiba bangun jam 3 pagi. Laper. Tapi ga ada makanan. Mau rebus telur atau mi, males. Akhirnya buka freezer, ambil es krim, dan makan di kamar. Walhasil, bedcover sama selimut Myu jadi dingin dan basah...

Nah, terus habis makan, Myu kembaliin lagi kotaknya ke freezer, dengan sendok masih di dalamnya. Yah, besoknya, begitu Ryorin ambil es krim, dia kaget ngeliat sendok yang udah jadi dingiiiiiiiiiiiin banget...



‘Satu liter... ‘Tuk sepuluh liter... Air bersih.. Untuk masa depan...’

Harusnya sekarang kalian sudah familiar dengan jingle iklan AQUA Danone itu kan? Apalagi udah ada iklannya yang baru.

Yah, seperti yang tertera di label botolnya... ternyata AQUA bekerja sama dengan penduduk setempat (untuk yang sekarang, NTT. *CMIIW*) untuk menyediakan air bersih di beberapa daerah di Indonesia.

Dan.. Satu liter yang kita beli sama artinya dengan ‘menyumbang’ 10 liter air bersih untuk mereka..

Hmm~ Myu sih mikirnya, AQUA bakal bikin satu tempat atau menyediakan alat untuk pemurnian air di daerah-daerah itu...

Kira-kira bisa berjalan dengan lancar ga ya? Duh.. Semoga aja. Soalnya sekarang di mana-mana krisis air bersih...


Akhirnya~ Myu menemukan Kalevala dalam bahasa Inggris! di sini

Klik sini kalau mau versi aslinya...

Sebenarnya ini buat mendalami karakter RPG punya Myu (Aurora Mielonen, red.) di sini... Cuman, entah kenapa jadi tertarik banget...

Kalau belum tahu, Kalevala itu kumpulan syair epik nasional Finlandia.... Ada lima puluh bab alias runo, dan tiap runo merupakan sebuah syair yang terdiri atas beberapa bait. Jangan dipikir syairnya pendek ya.. Panjaaaaang banget dan satu syair itu menceritakan *kira-kira* satu peristiwa. :P

Ceritanya? Mulai dari penciptaan dunia, manusia pertama (Väinämöinen), sampai cerita tentang Marjatta yang hamil karena makan buah beri (tepatnya lingonberry. Btw, marja itu bahasa Finlandia untuk buah beri.) dan melahirkan anak yang jadi raja Karelia (dan Väinämöinen pergi).

Singkatnya, ini mitologi, sejarah ‘dunia’ versi Finlandia... ^^


Baca ini deh...


23 August 2007

Hari ini ada yang bikin Myu sebel setengah mati di HPI. Bukan cuma Myu sih...

Abis.. Udah dikasih tau baik-baik malah tetep aja nantang. Disuruh behave, nantang juga. Padahal behave itu ga susah kan? Bersikap baik itu kan gampang...

Udah gitu, sok pintar pula. Gayanya ‘berusaha mendamaikan’.. dan, kesalahan paling buruk adalah: memanggil saya kk Princess! Ga sopan dan aneh. Beuh.

Trus, Ambu dipanggil mbak Ambu? Lah, sama aja anehnya. --;; Kaya manggil Gus Dur dengan sebutan ‘Pak Gus Dur’...

Heran, orang kaya dia kok masuk Ravenclaw. Pintar dari mana? Dari Hongkong?

Dan.. dia mau jadi Prefek? Ravenclaw bisa ancur tuh.. *niruin gaya iklan* APA KATA DUNIA??? (Eh, sebenarnya, apa kata eyang Rowena dan om Shaven.. *kabur*)

Apalagi dia udah masuk daftar user bermasalah.. OMG..

Berikut ini komentar beberapa orang selain saya *ditimpuks*:

“padahal umurnya 19 tahun lho... tapi lucu aja kayak anak kecil...”
“yaa... lama2 juga kalo makin ngelunjak bakalan dibanned”
“yaaa hebatnya dia tuh gak ngalah2 aja...”
“hohoho... kalo diliat emang dia tuh penyebab utama kehancuran user2 ravenclaw”

“kalo ga diperangi ga berenti2 tu org.”
“orang kaya dia jadi prefek? embah Rowena dan embah Shaven bangkit dari pembaringan =))” (Myu: “...dan geleng-geleng kepala...”)

*penulis kabur dari om Shaven karena sudah menulis kata-kata ‘embah Shaven’ yang terlarang, walau cuma kutipan*

*penulis disambit sama sandal jepit dan bakiak karena ngasal*


“Ya udah klo kita ngeladenin juga bakalan bikin kesel ke kitanya”
“anggap aja dia penerus si PC :p” (Myu ‘n Manda: PC lebih baik!)

“peri rumah lebih cocok jadi prefek dari pada dia :P” (Manda: “betul!”)

“...tujuan suamimu kan for the greater good, bukan cari musuh.”

Wikikik. Buat yang kata-katanya dikutip di sini, mohon maaf~


25 August 2007

Sebenarnya ini udah agak lama sih.. Tapi, baru ingat sekarang.

Apa yang terjadi kalau Christian Horner dari Red Bull ditanya mengenai apa hal terbaik dan apa yang paling mengganggu selama jadi team principal?

Jawabannya adalah:

Q: Best part of being a team principal?
Christian Horner: Team principal meetings with Bernie!

Q: The most annoying?
CH: Team principal meetings with Bernie!

(Wawancara lengkap klik saja ini)

So, Christian, are you going to tell us that meeting with Bernie is the best part being a team principal, while also annoying at the same time? *giggles*

Setelah baca ini, saya ga mau jadi team principal kalau harus ketemu si tua Bernie Ecclestone waktu rapat. Bikin jengkel dan bosan! *kabur*


Barusan lihat iklan baru Bridgestone... Dan tebaklah siapa bintang iklannya...

Obviously, it’s none other than the Ferrari boys, Kimi and Felipe..


Dan, hasil kualifikasi hari ini: Felipe, Akang, Kimi, Abang, Kubica, Nick, Kovalainen, Rosberg. Di belakang mereka ada Trulli dan Fisico.

Lagi-lagi merah-perak. Ampun deh, mereka kok ga bosan start di dekat orang yang *hampir* sama yah?

*Kimi dan Akang melirik ke arah Myu*
*Myu ditendang Abang dan Felipe*

Weks. Salah sendiri, 4L mulu. Loe Lagi, Loe Lagi.. (Thanks to Ambu! :P)

Err.. *kabur sejauh mungkin sebelum ditendang lagi*

26 August 2007

Barusan baca ini, ternyata Pasar Buku Palasari terbakar...

Euh... T.T Kalau emang disengaja, kok segitunya sih...

Tapi, kata Ambu masih banyak toko yang ga kebakar dan sekarang udah mulai buka..


Q: (Spyros Pettas - Auto Motor und Sport Greece) The World Motor Sport Council decided that McLaren had Ferrari technical information and broke Article 151c, but were not penalized. Then came Hungary where McLaren and Fernando Alonso were severely penalized because he just stood in the pits for 30 seconds for whatever reason. Is this type of justice flattering to the sport and the F1 fans?
FM: I am not going to comment on that.
LH: And neither am I.
KR: The same.


Weks.. Intinya, semuanya ‘no comment’... Saya juga lama-lama no comment. Capek ngomongin begituan...


Ryorin ngambek, soalnya pas pesta pernikahan saudaranya, disuruh pakai beskap. Dan itu sudah dipakai dari jam 15.30... Panas, katanya. Mana saya, Savo, dan Mia malah cekikikan... (Dan konyolnya, dia juga ngambek-ngambek ke Ambu..)

Wikikik, kasihan banget.. Tapi kan pakai kebaya juga sama-aja. Malah kalau pakai sanggul (apalagi yang dipasang, bukan pake rambut sendiri) dobel panas... Er.. Pakai kerudung yang dibikin cantik juga bikin gerah, kok... T.T Belum riasannya.. T.T

Tapi, masih sempet iseng juga yah, Ryorin?

*kopi-pes dari blognya Ambu*

'...Karena (pastinya) ga ada kerjaan, dia sempet-sempetnya memperhatikan keris yang dia pakai, dan ada doe di gagangnya! Ada 3 malah, dia bilang ada doe 3, hog 1, gajah 1, wolf 1, lioness 1…'

Tetep aja ini orang kurang kerjaan… *getok*

O ya, pake beskap dari jam setengah empat sore sampai kira-kira jam delapan malam (lebih, kalo ga salah)… Hitung-hitung latihan, biar tar pas nikah ga kaget… :P


Lalu, hasil perang *disambit*, eh, balapan hari ini: Felipe, Kimi, Abang, Nick, Akang, Kovalainen, Rosberg, Kubica.

Akang kasihan euy. Bannya tiba-tiba mengelupas, kaya sobek-sobek gitu. Untung aja masih sampai ke pit dan cepat diganti. *tepuk-tepuk pundak Akang*

Anyway, great job Felipe and Kimi. Keep up the good work! *hugs*

Ngomong-ngomong, Felipe ternyata lebih pendek dari Kimi dan Abang ya? *ditimpuks*

O ya, dan itu siapa yang di podium? Saya belum kenal atau -err- lupa namanya yah? *digetok*

*kabur ke Timbuktu*


EDIT-TO-ADD: Entah kenapa tiap kali saya aplot sesuatu ke esnips itu selalu harus gagal dulu sebelum berhasil. Dan bukan cuma sekali, tapi berkali-kali.. Aargh!

Sensi sama saya atau gimana yah?


Hello and welcome to Istanbul Park. Today, Ferrari’s Felipe Massa would start the race from the pole, followed by Lewis Hamilton, Kimi Raikkonen, and Fernando Alonso. Robert Kubica was fifth at the grid, alongside his team mate Nick Heidfeld who was sixth. On fourth row, there were Heikki Kovalainen and Nico Rosberg, followed by Jarno Trulli and Giancarlo Fisichella on fifth row.

Meanwhile, Honda’s Jenson Button and Rubens Barrichello had to start from the back grid because of an engine change.

Now, get ready.. and.. Go!

Felipe Massa led the race as the lamps went off. Lewis Hamilton tried to keep up with his second position, but failed, and Kimi Raikkonen became second. Lewis was third. Robert Kubica and Nick Heidfeld brilliantly took the fourth place from Fernando Alonso.

Lap3, Alonso was close to spin off as he lost control at Turn 2.

Lap 10, Webber had to retired after making a mistake in a turn while he tried to get pass his own team mate. Meanwhile, Felipe was still leading. Lewis was 2,5 s behind Kimi. Alonso was sixth.

Lap 12, Alonso failed when he tried to get past Nick Heidfeld as Nick made a little mistake and gone wide.

Lap 13, Trulli seemed to lost the control of his car, and lost some position. Robert Kubica pitted.

Lap 18, Nico Rosberg and Nick Heidfeld pitted. Soon after that, Kimi Raikkonen pitted. Alonso pitted as well.

About one lap after that, the race leader Felipe Massa came in. For a moment, Lewis Hamilton led the race.

Lap 20, Heikki Kovalainen became the race leader after Lewis Hamilton pitted. However, Kovalainen should pitted after only enjoying being a race leader for one lap.

Lap 24, Alonso was 18 s behind Felipe, which means he was also 14 s behind Hamilton. Sutil pitted.

Anyway, it’s said that the weather is about 49 degrees C at that time..

Lap 27, Anthony Davidson pitted. Felipe increased his gap with other drivers.

28 laps to go, Ralf Schumacher was struggling behind David Coulthard. Two laps after, Ralf pitted.

By lap 34, Ferrari was still faster than McLaren. From the fastest speed qualification at that very time, Felipe Massa was the fastest, followed by Kimi Raikkonen, Lewis Hamilton, and then Fernando Alonso.

22 laps remaining, and Jenson Button had to have a pit-stop. Robert Kubica was seventh. So far, no fatal accident happened, no yellow flag, no Safety Car. Only one car retired.

Lap 37, Kimi decreased his gap with Felipe to around 0,7 s because he had a traffic. Robert Kubica pitted for about 8,1 s and rejoined tenth.

19 laps to go, and Ferrari’s crew was getting ready for any of their drivers.

Finally, Kimi Raikkonen pitted 18 laps before finish. Harder tires, and he rejoined -er- second. Nick Heidfeld pitted as well. Felipe was still leading.

Just a few seconds after, Felipe pitted as well from the lead. He was still leading, however.

16 laps to go, and suddenly Lewis Hamilton should experienced a problem with his front-right tire. I don’t know what exactly happen, but his tire was, well, how do you say, err, ripped and peeled off. Well, maybe overheated? Thanks God, he was still could make his way to the pit lane. Alonso pitted right before him and rejoined third.

7 laps remaining, and currently, Felipe was still leading. Followed by Kimi, Alonso, and Nick at fourth place. Hamilton was fifth after that totally sudden accident.

And, finally… Felipe Massa won the Turkish Grand Prix for the second time in a row, followed by his team mate, Kimi Raikkonen, and McLaren’s Fernando Alonso. Nick Heidfeld fourth, while Lewis Hamilton should be happy with fifth place. Sixth was Heikki Kovalainen, seventh.. Nico Rosberg. And, the last point earner today was Robert Kubica, finished eighth.

So, current driver standings: Lewis Hamilton still lead with 84 points, Fernando Alonso second with 79 points, Felipe Massa retake the third place from his team mate with 69 points, while Kimi Raikkonen is currently fourth with 68 points.

McLaren (148 pts) now is 11 points ahead of Ferrari (137 pts). Five races to go… The war between McLaren and Ferrari is going to be tighter, while other teams already preparing for 2008.

I’m looking forward to the next race…

Race Review
Drivers' Quotes
Press Conference


Okay, this is a homework from Talitha Pedersen...

Actually, I can’t really determine how to put my best friends in order, because it is really hard to determine who should be in the certain number. So this is not in order from the closest one to the furthest one (except the first two -or three-, I think. :P) Oh, well..

1. Aryo Budi Pratomo aka Aryo aka Ryo aka Ryorin
Well.. It’s so obvious, isn’t it? Despite his habit to pout and moan in front of me (which always resulted in the same thing: I got *really* mad), he is still my only one, and only love. At least, for now. Sometimes we fight just because of my childish act, my possessive behaviour, his ignorant behaviour, his habit to fall asleep just within seconds, or even a little misunderstanding between the two of us. But, hey, he is still kind and loving to me, both as a friend, and a lover... ^^;

2. Jacklin Sinthia aka Jacklin aka Lin (it’s her request to shorten her name...)
She’s my sworn-little-sister (and friend, of course), though we have never met in person until now. Silent and shy, she is the one who often talk with me about guys and of course, V6 (since we are V6 fans… :P). Even though it’s me who usually give her ‘advice’, she is usually there when I want to complaint about Ryorin. And she was the person in the first place who knew that Ryorin asked me to be his girl (and she was happy back then because her o-nee-chan had a boyfriend..). Just for a side-note, she is 10 month younger than me...

3. Fadhony Anggo Aryuniawan aka Fadhony aka Dony aka Yuni (Err.. who calls him Yuni, anyway..? *wonders* It’s not me! Really!)
Okay, this is a long-lost sworn-brother of mine. Long-lost? Because I haven’t heard any of his news recently.. And he did not reply my lovely birthday message at FS! *pouts* :P Even he hadn’t tell me whether if he got a new sister-in-law to-be for me... or not. *the writer’s kicked*

Well, he is a ‘brother’, friend, caretaker (when we’re on the same class at high school.. :P Admit that, silly!), and sometimes, enemy. Even if I refer to him as my ‘brother’, we almost never talk each other in ‘peace’. Yeah, almost never, since the conversation is often ended up with animal language(s)... And he has a bad habit of scolding me every Tuesday morning, especially when I came to school late (only 1 minute late!)…

But he is handsome (he is a kind of bishounen, actually.. ^^;) and kind-hearted (okay, I admit it!). Oh, and even though he is smart, he is also crazy! Ask him to play (even though he is studying), and he’ll join you in no time.. :P

One more thing, he really loves to tease *beautiful* girls...

Don’t be angry, o-nii-chan.. That’s the truth... *runs away*

4. Keni Vidilaseris aka Keni aka Kentje aka Ken-ken
Err.. I don’t know what to tell you about him except he is a bit cute (especially when everyone teases him about girls – his weakness) and *very* smart.. ^^;; We were very close as friends at class and Biochemistry’s lab, so sometimes we became victims of another people who said we better paired up as a couple. Guess what? Better not to tell you.

Erm. Where’s my tea, anyway? No sugar, please.

5. Istiqomah aka Isty
My elder sworn-sister (and yeah, friend.). Calm, girly, and gentle, along with onii-chan, she was the caretaker of me. We always sit in front of the same table when we were on the same class, went everywhere together (not includes going to the bathroom. :P) until our class is separated.

Ooh~ And she loves telenovela so much! Even we shared the same fondness of Dulce Maria...

6. Iman Nurchaedi aka Iman
This is the class’ victim at my class. Well, since he is too kind and always willing to do anything... If we need a class leader, Iman. If we should find a class room, that would be his duty. If we.. *insert whatever here* --- Imaaan~!! For a personal thought, he is the only person in my class who always call me with the nick ‘Myu-chan’.

7. Siti Ristiana aka Risty
She was my first close-friend at the elementary school, and, even though I don’t know where she is right now, I still consider her one of my best friends. When we were at school together, we loved going to the small shop just behind the school building, near the school keeper’s house, during class break. Sometimes, we also played traditional games in the middle of the hall with other students. I don’t remember anything more about her, except that she was very friendly back then, and she was excel at dancing...

8. Djuwita Permata Sari aka Djuwita aka Ita
I don’t really remember where we met for the first time. The thing that I remember is we were friends during high school. Our houses are only separated a few blocks, and it takes only about 10-15 minutes to get to her house. Well, she is diligent, smart, and have some sense of humor. Anyway, she was one of the people who often teased me about boys back then. And yeah, it was the only thing I hate. :P

9. Sitin Mariani aka Sitin aka Mbak Tin
Well, even though she was only a nursemaid for me since I was only three years old until I was at junior high school, she was far more than that. Her calm and motherly demeanour made her sometimes acted like my own mother when Mum was not at home. She was also a great friend for me, someone who always accompany me playing in the backyard (and sometimes resulting in visiting the neighbour’s house, since I *really* loved to climb the wall), though sometimes she would also pouts and said if she was going to go back to her village when I refuse to eat...

If you ask something I hate about her, it was her self-made tonic. It main ingredient is bratawali, a kind of herbs that tasted very bitter, and supposed to increase someone’s appetite. Sadly, she often gave me that before she pouts... T.T

10. Tanjung Sooko Amastani aka Tanjung
She was, my second-year class mate at senior high school. We were sitting in front of the same desk, and she was fun to chat with. Like with the other friends, we loved to talk about gossips so much. Our favourite place were the food stall near our class, and the corridor near the volleyball field. One more thing about her, she has an extreme humour sense... Which sometimes could embarrassing other people.

Tagged people:
1. Ambu (always!)
2. Ryorin (don’t think you’re free from a homework from me.. *evil grin*)
3. Everyone else who read this. :P


1. I couldn't start my sleeping time from midnight until dawn (sometimes even morning), especially at 00.00

2. Sometimes, I could smell a certain scent, which is usually just an illusion.. ^^; Once, I ever smelt garlic's scent, when I am inside my class. And believe me, after that it changed to apple, then fried fish and chilli paste... *lol*

3. Lactobacillus addicted. Well, the same as Suigintou... Only less than 1 week in a month I don't drink 'Lactobacillus'. Other than it, I drink it everyday, well, twice a day, sometimes even 3-4 times a day... (But recently I always forgot to drink it~!)

4. I could eat a *really* big bowl of shrimps or prawns. Even if it's for a family dinner, I would have eat at least 2/3 part of it. Sometimes, I will eat all of them. Well, weird thing, since I usually don't eat much...

5. Usually, my favourite character(s) in a story (book or film, or anything you call it :P) is not the main character. For example, Severus Snape from Harry Potter series, and Benawi from Utawarerumono. Other ones? I think you have to guess who.. :P

6. Ermm.. When you see a short message in my cell phone from Ryorin, usually you will see these words: Mu, nyan, munyan, maw, mew, and rawr~... (The personal language between Myurin and Ryorin aka ‘The Cute and Lovely Language of Munyan~’, red. :P) It's weird, isn't it? Because almost no ordinary message would be found...

Tagged people:
Everyone who read this and haven’t made such a silly, useless post. I’m deadly serious. :P

Monday, August 06, 2007

Chemistry In Life Fourty-second Edition

Hello and welcome back to Chemistry in Life. After a few editions with a long Another View, this time we’ll have a bit shorter one. Well, not that short.. *sighs* My personal report on Formula 1, as usual, and some online quizzes result. For now, just sit back, relax, and enjoy.


27 July 2007

Nonton Pursuit of Happyness...

Hnyaa~ Filmnya lucu banget! Mengharukan...

Jaden-nya lucu banget waktu di film.. Hihi. Ga kebayang gimana jadinya kalau dia dewasa nanti.. Jangan-jangan jadi aktor terkenal kaya ayahnya...

28 July 2007

Salah satu pertandingan idaman saya di Piala Asia terwujud juga. Hari ini, perebutan tempat ketiga diselenggarakan di Stadion Jaka Baring Palembang, antara Korea Selatan versus Jepang. Yah, oke... Mengerti apa yang saya maksud? Duel ‘Penalti Dorama’ (atau ‘Dorama Penalti’, terserah deh.. :P)

Harap maklum, berhubung keduanya sama-sama sampai ke semifinal setelah menang adu penalti. Dan, ternyata eh ternyata...

Tempat ketiga dimenangkan oleh Korea Selatan setelah melalui 120 menit pertandingan plus drama adu penalti!

Jadi bingung... Ini dorama atau sepakbola? *ngeloyor kabur*

29 July 2007

Nah, setelah duel dorama, sekarang ganti... Final: Perebutan Minyak (dari) Timur Tengah. Kalau Ryorin bilang, Perang Teluk.

Awalnya rada males nonton, karena entah kenapa feeling saya bilang kalau Irak yang bakal menang, dan lucunya, saya ngerasa tenang banget, dan yakin feeling saya itu bener. Akhirnya sih nonton juga, saking penasarannya...

Dan... Pertama, wasitnya wasit favorit saya! *ditimpuks*

Kedua, permainannya lumayan lah. Irak bagus. Duh, ga nyangka... Negara yang lagi kacau karena perang seperti itu bisa punya tim sepakbola yang cukup baik.

Kata Ryorin, ‘Irak menang Perang Teluk.’


Euh, tapi kalau tiap kali Irak menang gini, terus dirayain pakai tembak-tembakan, terus ada peluru nyasar, ada bom.. Lama-lama tinggal pemain sepakbola sama officialnya doang nanti... Duh. Mudah-mudahan ga. Amin.


Btw, Mark Shield, wasit (cakep, sumpah!) yang berasal dari Australia, dapat gelar sebagai wasit terbaik di Piala Asia 2007. Waha~!

1 August 2007

Euh, Myu heran. Sekarang kayanya semua orang doyan gosip. Bahkan bukan cuma artis yang digosipkan. Masa Presiden SBY juga?

Dan ini yang menggosipkan mantan orang terhormat pula. Zaenal Maarif. Tahu kan, mantan wakil ketua DPR itu?

Ketahuan anggota DPR suka ngegosip.

Ya, ya, saya tahu itu. Anda sekalian tidak bisa berbohong. Banyak artis di DPR, mana mungkin ga ngegosip mulu...

Dan gosipnya ga enak banget. SBY dikabarkan udah nikah sebelum masuk AKABRI, dan katanya nih, punya anak 2.

Katanya lagi, ZM itu punya buktinya...

Kontan deh, SBY ngamuk, dan dilaporkan ke polisi itu si ZM. Dibalas pula, bukti yang katanya otentik itu dikasihkan sama si ZM ke DPR, dan SBY balas diadukan ke polisi (juga).

Duh, aneh-aneh aja. Emang sih buat beberapa orang SBY kelewatan, terlalu emosional, atau apa lah. Tapi buat saya, wajarlah. Siapa sih yang ga bete kalau digosipkan seperti itu? Ibu Ani-nya aja keliatan jutek waktu ngelapor.

ZM malah lebih parah. Jelas-jelas dia yang menyebarkan gosip ke publik, kok masih mengelak itu gosip dia dapat dari mantan petinggi ABRI saat itu? Dan kalau dia udah tahu dari dulu, ngapain baru bilang sekarang setelah dia ga jadi wakil ketua DPR? Hh. Aneh.

Beberapa orang percaya ini cuma kampanye hitam terselubung aja, biar Presiden jatuh. Termasuk saya.

Ya.. Kalau katanya menikah sebelum masuk AKABRI, punya anak... Yang bener aja. Nikahnya kapan? Trus masuk AKABRI itu umur berapa? Secara logika, ga mungkin nikah umur segitu. Cewek sih mungkin, kalau cowok?

Apalagi yang katanya udah punya anak. Kapan nikahnya? Anaknya lahir kapan? Sekarang di mana? MANA, HEH, MANA?!

Jadi ingat kasus Taufik Hidayat. Ada wanita bawa anak ngaku-ngaku kalau si anak itu anaknya Taufik, padahal bukan. Dengan tenangnya Agum Gumelar komentar bahwa suatu saat mungkin bakal ada anak bawa tas ransel, ngaku kalau dia anaknya pak Agum.

Jangan-jangan nanti ada bapak-bapak umur 30-40an, ngaku dia anaknya SBY... Hayah.

3 August 2007

Yah, sedikit refreshing. Tadi siang saya baca press conference FIA, bersama Kubica, Kimi, Vettel, dan Sakon Yamamoto. Harusnya ada Abang Fernando juga, tapi ga datang karena McLaren membatalkan kehadiran yang bersangkutan...

Nah, ada satu hal yang menarik di sana...

Q: In fact, Kimi, it’s the same with you; this is almost the Finnish home race, isn’t it?
Kimi Raikkonen: Yeah, it's closest, at least. We usually get a lot of Finnish people here. It’s easy to come and they have lots of different opportunities to come, and it’s always nice to see them.

Q: Now, I keep hearing stories in the press room about a gorilla suit…
KR: (Laughs) Yeah, but was it really me? You don’t know. You hear a lot of stories always from the people there, so…

Q: But you won. Are you going to disclaim the win?
KR: Yeah, we've got the trophy already. It was just a boat race and we just went for fun.

From FIA Thursday Press Conference - Hungary

Okay. Tampaknya ga salah kalau teman-temannya di F1 bilang, ‘Kalau ada orang yang tidak terpengaruh dengan isu-isu di F1, Kimi-lah orangnya.’

Ini Ferrari sama McLaren sedang saling ribut, dan berseteru di belakang layar, dia malah ikut balapan motorboat... Ampun deh. Euh, tapi kalau tujuannya buat senang-senang.. Dia pasti ada. *timpuks*

And, err.. yes, gorilla suit… A gorilla suit. Is it really you, Kimi? :P

Yah, siapapun yang menyebarkan berita soal pakaian gorilla itu, sebarkan… Pada saya. :P (Curang, saya ga pernah diberitahu lebih dulu!)

*ngeloyor kabur*

*teriak dari jauh*

Eh, btw, cincin kawin kalau di Spanyol dipakainya di mana yah? Katanya kalau di Belanda di tangan kanan... Kalau di Spanyol sama, berarti kan Abang udah nikah.. :P

*kabur makin jauh*

PS: Ga bisa membandingkan dengan Kimi pakai cincin kawin di mana, soalnya dia ga pernah keliatan pakai cincinnya. Mungkin takut hilang? *g*

4 August 2007

Okay, welcome back to Sebastian Vettel, now in a Toro Rosso car… *g*

Kualifikasinya seru! Huhu… Felipe sempat mogok di kualifikasi babak kedua, entah kenapa… Katanya sih karena masalah teknis. Dan yah, akhirnya dia harus start dari grid ke-14…

Knalpot-nya Kubica juga sempat kebakar sebentar waktu isi bensin…

Terus, Abang juga sempat bermasalah dengan pembungkus ban-nya yang entah kenapa ogah dilepas, sampai kru-nya harus narik-narik itu sedikit... ^^;;

Dan, hasilnya: Abang, Akang, Nick, Kimi... Felipe terbuang ke urutan 14...

I wonder where Daddy Schuey is this Saturday… There’s a poster saying, ‘Schumi, Come Back’…


Anyway… Kembali ke majalah F1 Racing. Bukan yang terbaru (saya belum beli yang covernya Felipe itu.. ^^)

Yah, ingat edisi kemarin? Bukalah halaman Paddock Spy, yang memuat: Michael Schumacher.

…Kesan pertama, begitu menggoda… Selanjutnya…

Ada adegan film mafia! Lebih tepatnya, adegan mafia di dalam telenovela... Atau apapun itu.

Hihi. Habisnya, pose Daddy waktu lagi ngobrol sama Roger Federer mirip sama adegan film mafia gitu... Mana Daddy-nya pakai kacamata hitam pula.

Btw, karena fotonya ga bisa saya tampilkan di sini, lihat sendiri di majalahnya ya...

5 Agustus 2007

Ada berita: Abang dianggap menghalangi Akang waktu kualifikasi kemarin. Tepatnya, saat pit stop. Akibatnya, Abang dikenai hukuman turun 5 posisi dari start dan harus memulai balapan dari posisi keenam.

Kabarnya lagi, insiden itu akibat Abang disuruh race engineernya membalas Akang.. Entah kenapa. Ga ngerti saya. Soalnya, menurut McLaren, Akang yang bersalah karena sempat menghalang-halangi Abang di lintasan.. Sementara, steward-nya bilang, Abang yang lebih bersalah, karena menghalangi pembalap lain mencatat waktu...

Dan, ujung-ujungnya, McLaren ga akan menerima poin konstruktor dari balapan di Hungaria ini, sebelum hasil banding mereka tentang kasus ini keluar. Abang juga ga punya hak untuk naik banding...

Duh, Myu agak bingung gimana sebenarnya soal kasus ini, jadi baca saja di sini


Ternyata~ Kru Ferrari sempat lupa mengisi bensinnya Felipe kemarin!!! *timpuks kru*

Ampun deh. Udah transmisi sempat ga beres, bensin juga lupa ngisi? OMGWTF.


Baca hasil press conference Jumat kemarin, bersama Flavio Briatore (Renault), Christian Horner (Red Bull), Colin Kolles (Spyker), dan Aguri Suzuki (Super Aguri). Entah kenapa baca press conference bersama para petinggi tim macam mereka malah bikin saya ingin tertawa…

Dan, akhir-akhir ini konferensi pers hari Kamis dan Jumat tampak jauh lebih menarik bagi saya…


Dan.. sempat berkunjung ke pameran buku di Landmark.. Rame!

Buat Ambu: Miyu beli bukunya Pursuit of Happyness juga~! Ternyata, beneran bagus…

Ada beberapa hal yang berbeda dari film-nya, tapi tetap aja.. Mengharukan.

Well, tampaknya kita harus sedikit belajar dari Chris Gardner tentang bagaimana mengejar kebahagiaan...


Akang menang GP~! Huhuhu~ Kimi kedua, Nick ketiga... Abang keempat. Felipe? Entah kenapa, dia di nomor tiga belas. Aih.

Oh, well.. Good job on saving Ferrari, Kimi.. *hugs* Well done.

Geez… It’s supposed to be Lewis’ day, but I saw Finnish crowd, Ferrari tifosi running to the podium…

Euh, dan yah, melihat Kimi senyum, ketawa berdua sama Akang di belakang podium… Lucuuu~ *ditimpuks*

Habisnya, dua orang ini mah bisa dibilang cuek dengan apa yang terjadi… Singkatnya, masalah apapun yang terjadi di luar sana, buat mereka: ‘Mari kita balapan saja dan santai saja…’

Kemudian, tambahkan Nick ke dalam daftar yang tersenyum di atas podium..

Ahem. Mari kita lepaskan semua masalah yang ada~ Nikmati hari bahagia ini~~~ *nyanyi ga jelas*


Terus, bukti video pernikahan SBY ternyata kurang meyakinkan... Dasar oposan kurang kerjaan...


Geez.. If he understand that planning to go home at these days makes me REALLY sad…

Actually, going home is now a bad idea for me… I NEVER wanted to go home, anymore.

I hate my father. I HATE MY FATHER.

Sometimes, I even wished that my father would be really a Michael Schumacher, who loves his wife and children dearly… Or maybe Anthony Hamilton, or whoever it is, as long as he is not insulting his children about his/her weaknesses, everything about it… And as long as that guy is not a guy who only could blame other people, especially his children, for all of his failed efforts.


And sometimes, I wished I would never meet my father anymore. For me, he is a JUNK.


*tries to calm down*

Maybe I have to eat some chocolate, muffins, or drink some tea, before all these sadness overwhelmed myself…


Hello. How’re you? Hope you all are fine.

We’ve arrived in Hungary, for a Hungarian Grand Prix. Fernando Alonso was penalized five position after a small incident in the pit last Saturday, so even though he secured the pole position, he had to start the race from sixth place. (And McLaren would not get any points from this race...) Meanwhile, Ferrari’s Felipe Massa experienced a transmission problem on second qualifying, thus making him to start from fourteenth.

And, for this race, we’ll have Lewis Hamilton starting from the first place, while Nick Heidfeld second, Kimi Raikkonen third, Nico Rosberg fourth. Ralf Schumacher fifth (yeah!), and Fernando Alonso sixth.

Giancarlo Fisichella was also penalized, I don’t really know why, so he had to begin the race from thirteenth...

So... Let’s enjoy the race... :)

(Go Nick Heidfeld~!! :P *runs away from Kimi* Just kidding, Kimppa.. :P)

As the lamp went off, Hamilton calmly secured his lead at the GP, while Kimi took second place from Nick. As usual, there was crowd at the back. Alonso’s position was stolen by Kubica, and at that time, Alonso was seventh.

Lap 2, Alonso lost his position again, now to Mark Webber. But about one lap after it, he got his position back.

Lap 4, Alonso passed Kubica, and became sixth.

Meanwhile, Felipe Massa was struggling on the back, as he was sixteenth at that time.

Lap 6, Sakon Yamamoto retired after a crash. Yellow flag. At the same time, Lewis’ gap to Kimi was already over 3 seconds, but the one who was flying was really.. Kimi Raikkonen.

Lap 8, Alonso was slower than Lewis, while Kimi set a fastest lap. Yellow flag was off, now.

Lap 15, Lewis was already over 4 s ahead of Kimi, and over 12 s ahead of Nick. The gap between drivers has really grown.

Lap 18, Nick and Alonso pitted at the almost same time. Alonso dropped to twelfth.

One lap after, Ralf Schumacher made his first stop for the day from third place.

Lap 19, Kimi Raikkonen pitted. Refuelled for about 25 laps more, but he was still on second place, since Hamilton was also pitted at the same lap, and Nick had also pitted two laps before.

Lap 28, finally, Kovalainen made his first stop and rejoined ninth. On the radio after he went back to the track, I heard the crew asking him if the tire feel 'nice'...

Meanwhile, Kimi was still flying, chasing after Lewis. Alonso was seventh. Well, just to inform.

Anyway, I think I began to love this track.. Nice view...

It’s already lap 33, and Nico Rosberg made a stop. Lewis and Kimi overlapped some drivers.

And, lap 35, Fernando Alonso went a little off the track as he chased down Ralf Schumacher. At the same time, Felipe Massa was eleventh, not yet to make a stop.

One lap after it, Felipe finally made his stop. He rejoined right in front of the race leader(s), Lewis and Kimi, who were overlapping the back-grid drivers, thus making a Ferrari sandwich (y’know, Ferrari-McLaren-Ferrari)...

Lap 38, yellow flag was on again, as Honda’s Jenson Button had to retired from the race. Hamilton was the fastest man on the track, at that time.

Lap 42, Alonso was still stuck behind Ralf. At the same time, Nick made his second stop, and rejoined in front of Ralf. Fisichella was also pitted soon after that.

Lap 43, Anthony Davidson spun on a turn, and he had to retired. Third man to be retired on the day. Yellow flag. Meanwhile, Ferrari was getting ready for a stop.

Soon after Ant’s retirement, Liuzzi had to retired, too. Seemed because of a technical problem..

Lap 46, yellow flag was still on. Lewis already over 39 s ahead of Alonso (who was fifth) at that time. Meanwhile, Kimi made a stop and rejoined... still second.

22 laps remaining, and Ralf Schumacher made his second stop. Lewis not yet to make his second stop. Felipe now twelfth.

21 laps remaining, the race leader Lewis Hamilton made his second stop. Soon after it, the crew’s getting ready for Alonso.

Then, Alonso pitted. Felipe was also pitted about one lap after that and became fourteenth behind Wurz.

15 laps remaining, Nico Rosberg made his final pit for the day. Kubica pitted one lap after that.

Meanwhile, Kimi and Lewis were flying as they tried to overlap Trulli.

12 laps remaining, Kimi was chasing Lewis, giving Lewis a lot of pressure...

At that time, I think I can hear a lot of Finn cheering for Kimi there...

10 laps remaining, and now Alonso was pushing hard. Giving pressures to Nick, as well as trying to get past him.

8 laps remaining, Kimi and Lewis were still on a fight for first place. Anyway, as Kimi passed the Finnish crowd, the Finnish flag is waved... ^^;;

6 laps remaining, and Lewis Hamilton enjoyed his lead with a pressure from Kimi Raikkonen. Well, I mean, Lewis and Kimi were enjoying their lead to other drivers, while fighting each other at the same time.. *g*

And, I heard that we wouldn’t see Uncle Ron Dennis on the podium... If Lewis win...

3 laps remaining... Alonso was still struggling to get a podium, while, yes, Lewis and Kimi were still leading in front on Nick and Alonso... Felipe was also still struggling on thirteenth place.

And, finally! The race ended with Lewis Hamilton as the winner *hugs* , Kimi Raikkonen second *squishes*, Nick Heidfeld third *tickles*, Fernando Alonso fourth *...pinches*, Robert Kubica fifth, Ralf Schumacher sixth, Nico Rosberg seventh, and Heikki Kovalainen eighth. For those wondering where little Felipe Massa is, he finished the race thirteenth. For the fastest lap, well.. It was Kimi who set that... ^^

So, for the driver’s championship: Lewis is still leading with 80 points, Alonso comes second with 73 points, Kimi back to third place with 60 points, and Felipe is now fourth with 59 points. After this weekend’s result, Nick Heidfeld will be fifth with 42 points.

As for the constructor championship, no constructor points for McLaren. Their points are provisional until their appeal result is announced, so...

Well, they’re still leading with 138 points, Ferrari second with 119 points, and BMW third with 71 points.

No McLaren’s representative at the podium, anyway...

Congrats, Lewis, Kimi, and Nick! Good job, you all~!

Believe me, I want to kiss Nick’s baby right now... Dunno why, it just come to my mind...

Race Review
Drivers’ Quotes
Press Conference


Well, it's a homework from Amanda, so... In random order, here are 10 things about my dear cellphone..

1. My cell-phone is a Samsung SGH-X100. Yeah, it is.
2. It is one of my children (that means it's Ryorin's, too.. XD), and was named Miama. Don't ask me what full name I gave to her, because I forgot that...
3. Recently, it started to get error sometimes. But since I loved her so much, I swear I would not trade her for another cell-phone.
4. It often fallen down from my bed if I am sleeping. Especially if I don't put her near my stuffed cat..
5. On the top of her back (well, actually, her battery), I sticked a heart-shaped cell-phone jewelry... Actually, it has small pearls around the heart, but it got removed accidentally by myself..
6. Recently, I spent more than one hundred thousand rupiahs a month for SMS and voice calls with my cell-phone.
7. It's birthday is August 25. Yes, she has a birthday. ^^;;
8. It is always on silent mode. Don't ask me why... :P
9. It's wallpaper is a pair of butterfly. Just changed it recently.. ^^
10. Last dialled call: Ryorin. Last missed call: Ryorin. Last received call: Okaa-san.

Pass to:
1. Ryorin *evil grin*
2. Ambu
3. Lily
4. Everyone reading this silly post. :P


Which Death Eater Are YOU?

See..? I am the same as Severus...

Your English Skills:

Punctuation: 100%
Grammar: 80%
Spelling: 60%
Vocabulary: 20%

Geez... 100% on punctuation.. ^^;;

You Failed the US Citizenship Test

Oops, you only got 3 out of 10 right!


You Are Kermit

Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies!

Kermit, eh? I don’t know I’m similar to him in a few matters...

You Are Bert

Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil

How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others

Now, Bert. How.. come... *sigh* It’s not me, I think...

Your Career Type: Artistic

You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.

You would make an excellent:

Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor

The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.

Ah~ Well, not bad.

You Are a Lace Bra!

Dreamy, romantic, and ultra-feminine
You're a womanly woman who makes guys feel like men
Your perfect guy is strong, determined, and handsome
With a softer side that only you can draw out


You Failed Your Driver's Test

You only got 3/10 correct.
If you have a driver's license, it needs to be revoked!

Er... Seems like I have to.. *runs away from Daddy Schuey, Kimi, Felipe, Lewis, Alonso, and Ryorin*

Learn how to drive and understand the driving rules... More.

*runs away further*

Well, that’s even worse than Ryorin’s.. So now you’ll understand why he complained back then, when his Mom told us to learn to drive a car...

Yeah, if I drive a car, it would be a lot of crash.. Believe me.



Name: Dian Anggraini
Nick: Dian ~ Myu-chan ~ Miyuri ~ Xiao Yan Zi ~ Lady Di ~ Zeng Tian Mei ~ SC ~ Chryseis McSylvester ~ Muffin Princess
Birthdate: January 9th, 1988
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Astrology: Fire Rabbit
Birthplace: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Home: Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia
Current Residence: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Job: Student of Department of Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology
Side Job: Writing Formula 1 Reports on this blog, writing poetry and short-stories...
Interests: Science (Chemistry), Music, Nature, Culture, Arts, Formula 1, MotoGP, and many more...


~Michael Schumacher~
~Kimi Raikkonen~
~Junichi Okada (V6)~
~Miroslav Klose~
~Sakurai Shou (Arashi)~
~Felipe Massa~
~Robert Kubica~
~Ralf Schumacher~
~Zhao Wei~
~Michael Learns To Rock~
~Celine Dion~
~Utada Hikaru~
~Lin Xin Ru~
~Chae Rim~
~Rubens Barrichello~
~Takuma Sato~
~Valentino Rossi~
~Daijiro Katoh (R.I.P)~
~and many more...~


NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

Hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
Ironna hana o miteita
Hito sorezore konomi wa aru kedo
Doremo minna kirei dane
Kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
Arasou koto mo shinai de
Baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
Chanto mune o hatteiru

Sore na noni bokura ningen wa
Doushite kou mo kurabeta garu?
Hitori hitori chigau noni sono naka de
Ichiban ni naritagaru?

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Komatta youni warai nagara
Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
Ganbatte saita hana wa dore mo
Kirei dakara shikata nai ne
Yatto mise kara dete kita
Sono hito ga kakaete ita
Iro toridori no hanataba to
Ureshi souna yokogao

Namae mo shira nakatta keredo
Ano hi boku ni egao o kureta
Dare mo kizukanai youna basho de
Saiteta hana no youni

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
Hitotsu toshite onaji mono wa nai kara
NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

I saw many kinds of flowers
lined up in front of the flowershop.
everyone has their favorite kinds
but all of them are pretty.
Without competing to see
which was the best among them,
they were standing
straight up proudly inside the bucket.

So why then do we humans
have to compare ourselves to one another?
Eventhough each and every person is different,
why do we want to be number one?

Yes we are each..
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

There are people who are
constantly unsure of what they want,
as they laugh a little put out.
It can't be helped, all those flowers,
that did everything they could to bloom, are pretty.
when at last that person comes out of the store,
they're holding a colorful bouquet
and I see them smiling happilly as they go by me.

I never knew their name but
that day they made me smile.
we too are like flowers that bloom in places
where no one pays any attention.

Yes we too are each...
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

Small flowers and big flowers,
none are the same as one another.
There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana - SMAP


~Hard Luck Hero - V6~
~Kinjirareta Asobi - ALI Project~
~Madoite, Kitare, Yuuda na Kamikakushi ~ Border of Death - IOSYS~
~I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion~
~Wish I Had An Angel - Nightwish~
~Seishoujo Ryouiki - ALI Project~


~Ryorin ma chere amoureux~
Ambu Dian
Mami Ming
Marie Granger
Nna Sawamura
Putri Akanishi
Putri Halliwell
Trinie Lupin


Kitty's Paws Pieces
The Poet Sanctuary
The Poet Sanctuary Website
Harry Potter Bandung
Harry Potter Indonesia
Formula 1 Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Forum
IndoHogwarts Official Blog
National Novel Writing Month
True Friend Test
Hogwarts On Line
WWF Passport
Make Roads Safe
Free Burma!
HOL Ravenclaw
Death Eaters Indonesia
Johnnys Indonesian Forum
Monsters Game
El_leaved's Stories
Shaven Asylum
V6 Squad Forum
Potion Master Dungeon
Virtual Hogwarts


September 8
Ryou Kinomoto

September 9
Talitha Pedersen

September 10

September 13
Kamui Kobayashi

September 14
Maria Theresa Gow

September 17
Damon Hill

September 28
Mika Hakkinen

..and everyone else celebrating their birthday in September...


Yukari Yakumo
~Youkai of Boundaries~

Original picture taken from: Touhou Imageboard

Picture modified by: -mYu-.




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