Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chemistry In Life Fifty-third Edition

Hello there, buddies. Nice to meet you again. Well, it's been a week, right?

As you might have been expected, I'm on a really good mood these days, especially since Kimi's winning on Malaysian Grand Prix last Sunday. Well, too bad Felipe made a mistake that costs Ferrari 8 points...

Anyway, here's Chemistry In Life Fifty-third Edition.


*Indonesian mode ON*

21 March 2008

Dapat kabar, katanya ada YouTube yang 'dibintangi' Ahmad Dhani, dan menurut informasi dari yang udah nonton, itu orang ngejelek-jelekin blog dan internet. Katanya nih, katanya, yang buka blog itu orang-orang bodoh dan kurang kerjaan.

Nah, iya mas, kalo orangnya kaya sampeyan. Bisanya ngomong ga jelas. Nah kalau isi blognya bermutu kaya punya saya *narsis mode ON* atau Ambu Dian, atau... Umm, siapa lagi ya yang merasa isi blognya bermutu? *kedip-kedip*

Mas, mas. Kita bukan orang bodoh, lho, kalau isi blog kita bermutu dan keren abis (terutama saat musim balap berlangsung, bagi saya. *grins*).

Having, writing, and visiting blogs doesn't mean we're idiots, right? It's our right to do so... IDIOT Ahmad Dhani, that's it.


Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi Muhammad Nuh (Pak, maaf kalau salah ejaan nama, yah. ^^) mengatakan kalau situs-situs prono alias bokep alias terserah-deh-elu-nyebutnya-apaan, bakal diblokir mulai April nanti. Dan rencananya, pemblokiran ini akan dilaksanakan hingga bulan Mei, jadi selepas Mei, diharapkan semua situs porno sudah terblokir.


Eeeh~ Pak, pak, kenapa Friendster kaga diblokir juga? Sori yah buat pecinta Friendster, tapi di Indonesia, fasilitas baru FS justru membuat bandwidth internet terkuras banyak... Beurat, mas, mbak.. --;


Karena Ayat-Ayat Cinta, KPI memutuskan mengadakan KPI Award untuk acara-acara dan film-film berkualitas. Bagus, kalau ternyata benar terwujud dan yang jadi juara memang yang berkualitas dari segi isi, bukan dari banyaknya penonton.

Komentar Ryorin waktu Myu bilang ini: "Bagus, jangan cuma Panasonic yang punya award."

Hihihi. Setujuh, eh, sedelapan deh!

22 March 2008

Nonton berita, dan ada berita tentang taksi khusus wanita di India. Katanya, di sana tingkat pelecehan seksual terhadap kaum hawa masih cukup tinggi, sehingga diadakanlah taksi khusus itu. Semuanya serba untuk wanita, mulai dari supir wanita hingga perlengkapan dandan (bahkan penghapus cat kuku juga ada!).

Uwaaa~ Coba di Indonesia juga ada...


Ambu tiba-tiba SMS. Myu disuruh nyari Abah waktu kualifikasi...

Abaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ *garuk-garuk tanah* Ga bilang-bilang kalau emang rencana ke Malay!

Huhuh, beneran. Kalau tau beneran, Myu mau nitip salam. Buat Felipe sama Kimi, sekalian ma istri-istrinya, sekalian ama Akang Lewis. Sekalian jeweran buat Abang Fernando, peluk hangat buat Stefano Domenicali dan Chris Dyer, juga buat Uncle Todt yang ternyata datang juga ke Sepang...

Sayang, Abahnya ga ketemu. TV-nya ga nyuting Abah sama sekali. T.T Tapi tanpa peduli kalau Abah ga ke-syut, Myu terus SMSan ama Ambu, ngomongin betapa saktinya kedatangan Abah ke Malay, sampai Felipe-Kimi bisa bagus waktu latihan...

Abah, Abah, kupingnya merah beneran ga waktu Myu ama Ambu ngegosipin? Kekekek.

Eh, iya. Bahkan Ambu ama Myu udah mengkhayal ga jelas. Apa itu, er.. Mulai dari lotek sampai bandrek. Lewis, Kimi, Sev, Dean, Sam.. Felipe... Clark... (walau Ambu ga terlalu suka. Nah, Ambu, katanya ga suka Kimi. Demi saya kah? :P *seret Jenni dan Raffaela juga*)

Err.. Abang Fernando dikemanain, Mbu? Kita buang? *grins* *kabur dari Abang*


Barusan beli F1Racing bulan Maret, dan tebak apa yang ada dalam bonus Season Previewnya.

Yeps, it was an horoscope. Or horror-scope, as they said.

Horror-scope ala F1Racing: Kalau saja tim konsul ke peramal, maka tak akan ada masalah dengan pembalap.

Well, Myu ga mau ngomongin siapa yang cocok dan siapa yang ngga, tapi ada satu yang lucu. Waktu mereka menulis soal Kimi-Felipe (satu-satunya yang serasi menurut mereka), mereka bilang kalau kemampuan komunikasi Libra membantu Taurus lebih optimis. Yah, gitu lah kira-kira. Masalahnya adalah, setelah kata 'Libra', mereka menulis ini: '(Kimi?)'.

Yeah, baby. Perhatikan tanda tanyanya. *ditimpuks Kimi pake sepatu*

Wekekek. Ya, ya, saya tahu kamu lebih banyak senyum sekarang. Tapi bukannya Kimster kami masih lumayan pelit omong ya? *ngacir dari paddock sejauh mungkin*

Well~ Mungkin mereka mau bilang kalau kamu sekarang sedikit lebih komunikatif dan lebih banyak senyum, Kimster...


Hasil kualifikasi: Felipe, Kimi, Heikki, Akang Lewis, Trulli, Kubica, Nick, Webber, Abang Fernando, dan Timo Glock.

Tuh kan, Abah memang sakti! *peluk-peluk Abah, Felipe, dan Kimi*


Baru beberapa jam setelah kualifikasi usai, Heikki dan Akang Lewis dipenalti gara-gara menghalangi pembalap lain (Abang Fernando dan Nick). Masing-masing dapat penalti 5 posisi dan harus start di posisi 8 dan 9, besok.

Sementara itu, Kazuki Nakajima juga dipenalti sepuluh posisi akibat tabrakan dengan Kubica di balapan Australia kemarin. Jadi, dia harus start dari posisi paling buncit...

24 Maret 2008

Laskar Pelangi mau dibuat filmnya. Katanya juga, buku itu mau diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Hungaria.

Selamat ya, mas Andrea.


Dan~ Kimi menang balapan! *peluk-peluk Kimi* Kubica kedua, Heikki ketiga. Terus, ada Trulli, Akang Lewis, Nick, Webber, sama Abang Fernando.

Felipe? Dengan kerennya spin, terjebak di gravel dan keluar balapan. *pats Felipe*

Nah, Ambu malah SMS gini: "Ini jawaban Abah ttg Massa: Tunduheun eta mah. Tadi wengi maen gapleh sareng abah dugi ka subuh... :("

*cetuk-cetuk meja* Abah~ Kumaha si Abah teh.. Mau balapan malah diajak main gaple ampe subuh.. Pantes Felipe-na tikusruk ka gravel...

Eh, tapi kok Kimi-nya ga-pa-pa? Ga ikut main gaple kah? *berpikir bahwa mungkin Kimi udah ketiduran pas ronde pertama main gaple sama Abah dan Felipe, atau mungkin dia sudah terbiasa main gaple sambil tidur*

*dilempar kacang*

*ngeloyor kabur*


Ada kejadian lucu tapi ga enak di podium: Matanya Kimi kemasukan champagne sampai kelilipan. Jadinya, itu orang sempat lari ke belakang, entah nyari air buat cuci muka atau apa, tapi diseret lagi buat foto sebelum kabur lagi. Dan masih diseret lagi ke press conference...

Sampai-sampai itu disinggung di SMS Ambu dan press conference juga..

Ambu: "Kimi kapireumpeunan! Er..apa ya bhs Ind-nya, matanya kemasukan champagne. Tatian.."

Press conference about 'champagne incident':

"Q: There was champagne under the eye-lid there.
KR: Yeah, we should put it in the mouth not in the eye. Things go wrong sometimes. Anyway it has been a perfect weekend."

Wekekek. Kimi, makanya ati-ati kalau di tengah. Yang dua di samping super semangat sih kalau nyemprot champagne.. *ngumpet dari Kimi, Kubica, dan Heikki*

Atau.. mungkin kita perlu sediakan kacamata hitam untuk di podium lain kali... Supaya kalau semprot-semprotan atau minum, champagne-nya ga nyasar ke mata.. TAGHeuer, maybe? *ditimpuks dengan sukses*


Err.. Selain insiden champagne, ada pembicaraan juga soal 'lone-race'.

Well, Kimi (terutama setelah ga ada Felipe), Kubica, gimana rasanya balapan tanpa ada satu orang pun di depan dan di belakang kalian? Nyaris lebih dari 20 detik, kan, jaraknya?


BTW... Ambu, ga marah kan kalau SMS nya di-ekspos ke sini? Wikikik. :P


Umm~ Nyaris kelupaan sesuatu: yang ngasihin piala ke Kimi = PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Dan yang nerima trofi konstruktor, Stefano Domenicali. Huhuh... *peluk-peluk Stefano*

24 March 2005

Ngomong-ngomong soal balap, meskipun kita tahu Ananda Mikola prestasinya sekarang ga begitu bagus, begitu pula dengan pembalap A1 kita Satrio Hermanto, ternyata.. Ternyata nih, ada dua kakak-beradik yang mungkin kelak bisa menjadi bintang Indonesia di ajang Formula 1.

Namanya Ryan dan Rio Haryanto. Ryan yang lebih tua sekarang mengadu nasib di Formula Renault Asia, dan prestasinya cukup lumayan. Agak lupa sih peringkat ke-berapa, tapi bagus. Dan orangnya pun cukup low profile.

Adiknya, Rio, juga sama-sama low profile dan berprestasi. Walau masih di gokart (CMIIW), anak itu kemarin mencapai peringkat 2 Asia. Ga tertutup kemungkinan, kalau mereka tetap berprestasi seperti sekarang, mereka bisa jadi pembalap-pembalap hebat di masa datang. Bahkan mungkin mereka akan jadi Daddy Michael Schumacher, Kimi Raikkonen, atau Akang Lewis Hamilton bagi saya (baca: mungkin kelak saat mereka masih membalap, saya akan jadi fans setia. Itu kalau mereka terus berprestasi..)

Yeah, mudah-mudahan prestasi mereka ga bagus hanya di ajang gokart dan Formula Renault...


Katanya.. Ada kemungkinan Kimi pindah dari Wollerau ke tempat lain, gara-gara rumahnya diganggu anak sekolah..

Beritanya di sini. Sayang, beritanya pakai bahasa Jerman.. T.T MSS, terjemahin dong~ *colek-colek MSS*

*pats Kimi, anyway* Duh, yang sayang anak-anak tapi malah digangguin anak-anak... Kimster, ujian buat suatu saat nanti kalau jadi ayah beneran.. *hugs*

*Indonesian mode OFF*


Hello, nice to meet you again. It's the time for Malaysian Grand Prix in Sepang, and this year, it's a special one. It's the 10th Malaysian Grand Prix, and people there put all the efforts to make the event succeeded. Even they made a television commercial starring kids that talking about Formula 1. Well, it was in Indonesian television, and I admit it was great. Funny, anyway, since it was kids. You know, I love kids, especially those smart kids. *grins*

Well, I didn't hear many gossips around about Malaysia, but again, it's a night race issue, though I'm not sure about it. There were also prediction of potential rain and thunderstorm, they said it's 20% chance of rain. As for the spectator there, I think I want to ask one of my friend's husband, Abah Dudy, who went to Malaysia this weekend. Since Saturday Qualifying I was chatting with Ambu Dian about his trip to Malaysia. Even she asked me to find Abah Dudy if he's being on TV. Not found, anyway. The TV didn't put him on camera. Anyhow, I bet it was so crowded. Yeah, it's 10th Malaysian Grand Prix.

Oh, and Ferrari's CEO Jean Todt was there, too.

Now, about the qualifying. Ferrari's Felipe Massa secured a pole position, over than half a minute in front of his team mate, the reigning world-champion Kimi Raikkonen. Third and fourth, respectively, were the McLaren duo, Heikki Kovalainen and Lewis Hamilton. Unfortunately, the Silver Arrows boys were penalised 5 grid position for impeding another driver, namely Fernando Alonso and Nick Heidfeld. There was suspection if they intended to do so, but despite it was right or wrong, I heard FIA would change the qualifying regulation a bit. Maybe it was about the in-lap and out-lap speed, because when you're in your out-lap so slow to save your fuel, you can make another driver (especially those right behind you and still in their hot lap) crazy.

Back to the qualifying result. Since they were penalised, Heikki and Lewis moved down to eighth and ninth grid, respectively, and the original fourth until ninth people in qualifying were moved up, each two grid position. Jarno Trulli would start the race behind Felipe Massa, the pole sitter. Then there would be Robert Kubica, Nick Heidfeld, Mark Webber, and former world champion Fernando Alonso. On tenth position, there was Toyota's Timo Glock. Also suffering from penalty was Kazuki Nakajima, who was penalised 10 grid position for a collision with Robert Kubica during the previous Australian Grand Prix. He was qualified 18th, but he should start the race from the back of the grid aka the 22th grid.

Now, onto the lap per lap race report. The Ferrari duo made a decent start that day. Felipe toyed side-by-side with his team-mate Kimi, and eventually led the race. Kubica also had a lovely start, being third place after passing Trulli who moved down to fifth. Webber fourth, and Lewis sixth, just in front of Heikki. Meanwhile, Sebastien Bourdais aka Le Seb spun onto the gravel and had to be retired from the race. Yellow flag was on.

Just a few turns after the start, the McLaren's star Lewis Hamilton did a good move. He moved to fifth position after passing Trulli, while his Finnish team-mate moved down to eighth.

Around lap 2, Timo Glock spun. Unluckily for him, he had to be the second reitrement of the day. The next lap, Nico Rosberg entered the pit for a front wing change. Probably because an accident that involved him that I didn't see.

Lap 4, the race leader Felipe Massa set a fastest lap.

Lap 5, there was a fight between Nick Heidfeld, David Coulthard and Fernando Alonso on the track. At first, DC was sandwiched between Nick and Alonso, but as Nick smoothly made his way, DC and Alonso were still on a hard fight.

At the end of lap 6, Adrian Sutil was out of the race, followed by a yellow flag a few seconds after, just as the race leader started another lap. At the middle pack, Trulli was pushing Lewis so hard, but the 2007 best rookie put all his effort to maintain his position.

Lap 9, Kimi set a fastest lap, around 1:36.707.

Lap 11, Lewis seemed to have a problem with his tire. His front left wheel didn't really move like it should be, and the white part of it had (almost) run out while the white part of the right tire had not.

Lap 15, another fastest lap for the world champion Kimi Raikkonen.

Lap 16, Webber pitted, followed by Felipe. The Ferrari driver spent about 8.5 s in the white box. Nick and Trulli were also had a stop, while the new race leader set another fastest lap before entered the pit for a stop one lap after it. He spent 7.5 s and rejoined just in front of his team-mate Felipe.

Lap 18, the rising star Lewis Hamilton had a pit-stop. He seemed to had a problem with the tire, anyway, and it made him lost a few more time in the white box. 19.9 s, and rejoined in 11th place.

Lap 19, another McLaren-Mercedes driver pitted. The Finn had no problem, but the team had another plan for him that day, and he stopped in the white box 10.2 s. Robert Kubica still led the race, not yet to stop until the end of the lap. He was there for 8.2 s and rejoined third, just behind the Ferrari duo. Meanwhile, the McLaren star seemed to still having a problem with his tire, probably caused by a brake problem.

Lap 24, Nico Rosberg was passed by another car. I didn't really notice who was that, but it seemed to be a Honda. DC pitted, while there was also a pit analysis for the Ferrari duo. From what they showed to us, Kimi was slightly faster than Felipe.

Lap 26, while the reigning world champion still led the race, the rising star now moved onto seventh place. Pit analysis for McLaren drivers: Lewis was a lot slower than Heikki, after that tire problem.

Lap 27, Fernando Alonso was ninth, while his former team-mate Lewis was struggling behind Mark Webber.

It was one lap past the half of the race, and Super Aguri's Takuma Sato had to taste the gravel for a while. Luckily, he went through that problem and not retired.

Lap 30, Rosberg was attacking Fisichella. Kazuki Nakajima pitted and Rosberg also entered the white box just a few seconds after for 12.0 s.

Lap 31, Felipe spun out of the track and unfortunately, he was trapped in the gravel. He failed to rejoin into the track and it caused Ferrari to lost one of their driver. Fourth retirement of the day. Yellow flag was on, again.

Aaaand~ It's just 22 laps to go. The race leader and the remaining soul of Ferrari, Kimi Raikkonen, leads by over 22s ahead of BMW's Robert Kubica. It wasn't raining yet, anyway.

19 laps to go, the lonely race leader (since there's no one in front of him and behind...) set a new fastest lap. The Ferrari crews seemed to be getting ready for his second pit-stop. And it was true. Kimi entered Ferrari's white box in the end of the lap, and rejoined in second place.

16 laps to go, while Trulli pitted, another Toro Rosso driver had to be retired. Sebastian Vettel's engine burned, and the fifth retirement of the day made the Malaysian Grand Prix a horrible day for the STR-Ferrari squad. Another yellow flag of the day. One lap after, Alonso pitted and rejoined in tenth.

13 laps to go, Kubica pitted for 6.5 s, but he rejoined third, just behind McLaren's Kovalainen. Kimi Raikkonen leads.

12 laps remaining now, and Lewis Hamilton entered the white box after a team radio communication. 8.9 s, and he rejoined in front of Nick Heidfeld. One lap after him, his Finnish team-mate also entered the pit for another stop. The Finnish youngster spent 7.2 s in the white box and rejoined third.

10 laps towards the end of the race. Car 17 aka Honda's Rubens Barrichello again to taste a penalty after speeding in the pit lane. It was a drive through penalty now. Well, you might remember that he was penalised during the last race in Australia because an accident at the pit (it was a 10 s stop and go, anyway. CMIIW.).

5 laps remaining, Alonso was so close behind Webber, while Lewis moved closer and closer to Trulli.

It's the final lap, and Jenson Button slipped out of the track into the grass for a while. On the other side, Nick Heidfeld set the fastest lap of the day, just a few turns before the finish line.

And finally, the current world champion Kimi Raikkonen tasted his second victory in Sepang ahead of Robert Kubica and Heikki Kovalainen. The rest points earners as follow (fourth to eighth, respectively): Jarno Trulli, Lewis Hamilton, Nick Heidfeld, Mark Webber, and Fernando Alonso. No rain at all, anyway.

McLaren still leads the constructor championship with 24 points, with their Lewis Hamilton leading the driver championship with 14 points. However, Kimi's winning made him back in the hunt for the championship with 11 points. The points were also for the team, which was third in the championship now, behind BMW-Sauber.

Aaaand~ The articles from F1.com, as usual. Give full credit to those lovely F1 reporters.

Race Report
Race Analysis
Drivers' Quotes
FIA Press Conference

That's the end of Chemistry In Life. See you in two weeks. Bubbye!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chemistry In Life Fifty-second Edition

Hello. Nice to see you again. Anyway, this time I feel a bit lazy and certainly not in the mood of writing a preface for this edition, so...

Enjoy yourself.


*Indonesian mode ON*

19 February 2008

Mum tiba-tiba nge-SMS: 'Dik, kapan kamu mau nikah?'

Euh, sumpah, kaget bacanya. Perasaan baru kemaren teman-teman Mum nanyain pas di pesta, 'kapan nyusul (nikah?', eh, tahu-tahu Mum udah nanyain.

Yeah, Myu juga ga tau gimana jawabnya. Bales SMS juga cuma gini: 'Ga tau. Emang kenapa?'

Kata Mum sih biar bisa siap-siap... Dan dikasih tahu juga, kalau nikah itu, mending umur 24-25 ke atas, baik cewek atau cowok. Lebih siap lahir dan batin. Malah katanya, kalau cowok, lebih tua malah lebih bagus...

Euh~ Paling cepet 2 tahun lagi.. Atau 5 tahun lagi?

20 February 2008

Baru kemaren di-SMS, eeeeh~

Sekarang, ada event pernikahan Buster-Sinistra di IH, dan percayalah, Myu disuruh Shaula buat ngegantiin dia jadi Sinistra sementara...

Yeah, baca dan ngepost di tret itu serasa jadi pengantin beneran... Deg-degan, keringat dingin... Bahkan nyaris nangis terharu waktu Sinistra jalan ke altar.. Mana si Lily yang jadi Slughorn juga ikutan kaya bapak-bapak yang melepas anaknya ke orang lain.. Deg-degan ga jelas semua gitu.. T.T

Jadi pengen nikah beneran~ T.T

Ryorin, watashi o oyome ni shinasai~~~

14 March 2008

Geez... I don't know what happened with me recently. Feels so.. Mentally tired and sick. Sometimes I think I'm insane, 'cause...

I don't like anybody else get any attention from him. NOT ANY. I just want him to give attention for me.. Because..


Yes, he's mine.. And no one can take him over me...

Definitely no one...


Hari ini maunya libur. Ga nge-net, di rumah aja istirahat. Eeh, pas iseng ngebuka HPI. AMIT-AMIT. Heran gw, anak Indonesia sekarang IDIOT apa ya? Bisanya cuma bikin repot dan susah orang... Dan pikirannya kelewat modern sampai posting soal ciuman yang dihapus malah diprotes.

Oh, PLEASE. Emangnya dia ga mikir apa masih ada anak-anak di bawah umur di HPI? Atau anak sekarang udah kelewat modern dan dewasa sampai ga mikir bahwa topik begituan bisa jadi topik yang tidak layak dibicarakan?

For God's sake, please go to Batshit Insane Flan's Hell, you idiots. --;


Kata Frank Williams dan Daddy Michael Schumacher...

'Kalau mau berhasil, kita harus kerja keras.'


*Shikieiki-shit nagging mode ON*

*cetuk-cetuk meja*

Kimi, ayo, kerja yang bener, jangan molor mulu sama ngerjain FF doang!

Eh, itu mah Gunz ya? Sebodo ah. Kimi, kerja keras biar jadi juara lagi. Gunz, kerjain TA, bantuin urus HPI, jangan yang diurusin kalo sadar cuma FF doang! --; Akang dan Felipe, kerja keras juga! Abang, perbaiki sikap dan mental! Kalo Piquet Jr ternyata mirip Akang diriku tak menanggung. :P

Err.. Diriku kayanya juga harus kerja keras.. T.T

15 March 2008

Gosh... What happened with Kimi's car today?

Seriously dude, it makes me... Somewhat anxious.

Yeps. Di akhir sesi Q1, entah kenapa Kimi tiba-tiba lambat dan nyaris mogok di trek. Sebelumnya dia juga sempat lambat dan menghalangi Kubica waktu masuk trek. Well, akhirnya dia ga ikut Q2 dan Q3.

Katanya sih, masalahnya ada pada sesuatu bernama 'electronic fuel pump'... or something else.

Masalah yang membuat Kimi mogok di pintu masuk pit? Oh, god.

Euh, well~ Chris, bisa dibenerin ga?


Baru kualifikasi sudah ada yang kecelakaan. Webber, di Q2, sempat selip dan kehilangan kontrol, lalu..


Q2 akhirnya sempat dihentikan selama beberapa menit.

Yeah. Untung cuma sebentar.

Btw, Vettel nomor enam di Q2!


Hasil kualifikasi (10 besar): Akang Lewis, Kubica, Heikki, Felipe, Heidfeld, Trulli, Rosberg, Coulthard, Glock, Vettel.

Congrats, Lewis! *peluk-peluk Akang*

*peluk-peluk Kubica*

*peluk-peluk Heikki*

*peluk-peluk Felipe*

*peluk-peluk Vettel*

*peluk semua yang di 10 besar*

Eeh.. Kok jadi kek Teletubbies gini? Ya sudah lah.. Sudah terlanjur.. *peluk-peluk Abang dan Kimi yang kelempar ke grid papan tengah*


Ada apakah dengan juara dunia (baca: Kimi dan Abang Fernando)?

Yeah, kok kayanya dua orang itu terlempar ke belakang.. Eh, itu mah ke tengah yah? Abang di grid ke-12, sementara Kimi ke-16.

Abang, kita tahu Renault sedang berusaha bangkit. Kimi... Masalah 'pompa bahan bakar' atau entah-apa-itu-namanya?


*timpuks kru Ferrari* AYO, BENERIN! --;


Well... Kimi said this:

"Clearly I am disappointed. A few corners from the end of my in-lap, I had a problem with the electronic fuel pump which forced me to stop near the pit lane and so it was impossible for me to get back to the garage to try and fix the problem. These things happen, but it's definitely not the best way to start the season. Now we must try to do our best to pick up some points tomorrow, because it is important to score something in every race."

Yeah, I'm also certainly disappointed today, Kimster. *hugs*

Yaaaaaaaaa~ Gimana gw ga kecewa? Quidditch Raven kalah! T.T Tapi lawannya Dietrich.. Heuh, menyebalkan. --; *dilema kucing vs pikkukapinoida*

Euh, tapi dunia belum berakhir!

Anyway... Read the other's comments here.

16 March 2008

Hanya satu kalimat untuk menggambarkan keadaan hati Myu hari ini: I am certainly disappointed.

Btw, Akang, congrats! *hugs*

*pats Kimi* Kimster, lain kali jangan kelewat gila yah.. T.T Myu tahu sih, dirimu pengen dapat poin semaksimal mungkin, tapi ya.. Jangan maksa, please. You know your limit, right?

Beneran, kalau ga kelewat maksa pas mau nyalip Heikki, Kimi masih bisa finis... T.T Dan sebagai fans, gw sendiri ga maksain dia dapet podium hari ini. 8 besar udah cukup sebenernya, tapi Kiminya kelewat maksa, dan mobil Ferrari juga lumayan bermasalah... T.T

*seret Akang Lewis, Kimi, dan Felipe buat mojok*


Well, okay.. He got a point!

Yeps. Dari berita di F1.com, Barrichello di-diskualifikasi karena keluar dari pit pas lampu merah.

Yah, om, pas lampu merah pan harusnya berhenti... Bukan jalan...


I wonder why he still likes me, loves me when he realized that I am the one who get him into trouble... I don't know why he gave me all those stuffs, attentions, and so on, when he realized I am just a troublemaker... I really don't understand why...

If I could turn back time, I really wish that I never met him.. But I can't, so I wish that I could set him free. Really free.

In another words, I wish that I'll die pretty much soon. So he'll live freely... and happily... Because if I am alive, he'll never be happy and free...

Ryorin, if you read this, answer me. You're never happy with me, right?

17 March 2008

Okay.. Baca ini.

Isn't that great?

Yeah, kalau mereka mendukung usaha untuk menjadikan bumi lebih hijau tanpa harus membuat hidup kita 'tak-nyaman', kenapa kita ngga? Kita bisa kok, hidup 'hijau' sekaligus modern...

Di regulasi juga, mereka mewajibkan minimal 5,75% bahan bakar berasal dari biomatter.. Yeah, Myu juga ga nyangka. Meskipun katanya sebagian dari mereka masih ragu untuk memakai biofuel sepenuhnya, mereka bikin regulasi seperti itu. Dan katanya, semua mobil nanti harus bisa memakai biofuel, dengan kata lain, mesin yang dipakai harus cocok dengan biofuel. Great!

Btw, guys, sudah ada perkembangan tentang KERS?

*Indonesian mode OFF*


Hello! Glad to see you again on the all-new 2008 season of Formula 1. From this year on, there will be no more traction control so the drivers have to really work with the car, and one gearbox would be for four consecutive races. But they said that the gearbox is not locked, so they could change something if important. I don't really could explain this, but you can read the full rules and regulation for 2008 here.

The 2008 season began at Albert Park, Australia, as usual. Before we talk about the qualifying the day before, well.. I heard that Australia would be deleted from the official calendar if they do not want to organize a night race at this circuit. But I also heard that Australian people -some of them- do not want if there's a night race in Australia. Well, we can't please all the people in the world. When we want to please the local people in some countries, we can't please the fans in Europe, but if we do all we can do to please European F1-lovers, the others in the other part of the world may get disappointed. It's a tough matter, I think.

So, let aside that 'night-race' talk. Lewis Hamilton secured a pole position, while Robert Kubica got the second place after a bit reckless hot lap. Heikki Kovalainen, Felipe Massa, Nick Heidfeld, Jarno Trulli, Nico Rosberg, David Coulthard, Timo Glock, Sebastian Vettel, third to tenth, respectively. What about the former double-world champion Fernando Alonso and our 'beloved' world champion, Kimi Raikkonen? Too bad, they're qualified number 12 and 16, respectively. Kimi had some problem with the car the previous day, his car suddenly slowed and finally stopped on Q1 after a problem with the electronic fuel system. I didn't really understand, so you have to ask Chris Dyer or the mechanics, or maybe Kimi himself if he understands and willing to tell you in detail. :)

Mark Webber also had a bitter day at the qualifying. When he's on track, he suddenly lost control of his car, and his car spun onto the grass. The engine seems to be blown, but he's alright. I heard that the problem is the.. Brake. Ask his mechanics for sure.

Anyway, Timo Glock had to suffer from a double penalty, 5 grid position for an unscheduled gearbox change plus another 5 for impeding another driver during the qualification. Adrian Sutil also had to start the race from the pit lane, since he changed his engine and gearbox.

And.. Here's my personal report for the race.

The race started with a chaos in the middle, if not back of the pack. Lewis Hamilton started the day nicely, while Felipe struggled because he's dropped back to 17th. Kubica second, Kovalainen third, and Rosberg fourth. Another Ferrari driver which is the running world champion, Kimi Raikkonen, had an amazing start plus getting some advantage from the chaos, being on eighth place at that time. Vettel and Fisichella retired because of the disaster, and Safety Car was deployed.

On the beginning of the second lap, Felipe entered the pit for a nosecone change. There was also a replay of the start on TV, but I didn't really get it. So far, five drivers were retired (Webber, Fisichella, Vettel, Davidson, Button),all caused by the chaos at start.

Lap 3, the Safety Car was in. The race restarted, and Takuma Sato now in tenth place behind Alonso and ahead of Nelson Piquet Jr. aka Nelsinho.

Lap 5, Kimi was struggling to get pass Rubens Barrichello.

Lap 9, Kazuki Nakajima overtook Nelsinho, while Adrian Sutil was out due to a technical problem. Felipe now on 16th, while his team mate seemed to start struggling with the car.

Lap 13, Felipe was 15th after overtook Nelsinho. Sato, Glock, and Alonso were on eleventh to thirteenth place, respectively. Lewis Hamilton still led the race, about 10 seconds ahead of Robery Kubica.

Lap 14, Kimi was first on the speed trap. He was running on approx. 306.73 km/h at that time.

Lap 15, Lewis set the fastest lap. BMW crews were getting ready for a pit stop.

One lap after, Kubica pitted for 8.6 s and rejoined behind Kimi. Kimi himself was still struggling behind Rubinho, he tried to got pass Rubens sometimes, but Rubens always closed the way.

Lap 17, the race leader Lewis Hamilton entered the pit and had a long one. 9.2 s, and he's dropped to fourth place behind Nick Heidfeld. Kimi passed Rubinho, causing him to be on the sixth place at that time.

Lap 20, Trulli had some problem with the car when he pitted. Felipe passed Nakajima.

Lap 21, Kimi was third. Kovalainen pitted and rejoined right in front of his Finnish senior. At that very time, Kimi was flying. Well, Flying Iceman?

Lap 26, DC was out of the race after a collide with Felipe which made his car all broken. Second Safety Car deployed. DC himself sounds very angry during a short interview after the incident. Kimi was trying to get in the pit, but it was not opened yet. Alonso also seemed that he want to take an advantage from the Safety Car appearance.

31 laps to go, they said it's about 40 degrees centigrade there in Australia. I heard a bit radio talk from Kubica's crew about Kimi. Yup, he hasn't pit-stopped yet.

Lap 28, Alonso, Nakajima, Glock, Kubica, all entered the pit for a stop. Kimi certainly didn't take the opportunity from the Safety Car, because it is in at the end of the lap.

Lap 29, as the race restarted, Kimi attacked Kovalainen. The two Finns were fighting so hard, and Kimi was way too spirited, so he spun onto gravel after almost overtaking his junior. Felipe was out due to an engine trouble.

Well~ I was screaming 'NO!' at that time, anyway. Well, he really looked like he's pushing too much. From my point of view, it seemed off limit. But, too bad, Kimi was a little bit crazy, I think. Yeah, HE'S CRAZY. *sighs*

About one lap after, Kimi pitted, while Nelsinho was out because of accident damage. Takuma Sato also retired, and the yellow flag was fluttered.

25 laps to go. Hamilton still led the race, while Kimi must struggle at eleventh. He's at the last place at that time, anyway.

19 laps remaining, Kubica seemed to slow down a bit. He's running about 3s/lap slower than the race leader Lewis Hamilton. 11 drivers remained on track.

16 laps to go, Rubinho fifth, Sebastien Bourdais sixth, Kimi still on eleventh, struggling behind Timo Glock. He tried to get over Glock, but he spun. Lucky for him, he could still continue with the race. Lewis had another stop for 8.6 s and dropped into fourth. Fastest lap for Kovalainen.

14 laps remaining. Heidfeld was in to the pit, while Glock crashed and causing a third deploy of the Safety Car for the day.

13 laps to go. There was a little disaster in Honda's pit. Rubens left with the fuel rig still on, causing one of his crew hurt.

11 laps remaining and Heikki Kovalainen pitted for the last time. Alonso was in, too. Kimi now eighth, while Safety Car was still on the race track. Anyway, the stewards gave Rubinho a ten second stop and go penalty which was done one lap after.

Kubica was out after an accident, 10 laps before the race finished. Alonso passed Kovalainen and Kimi, who seemed to have some major problem.

8 laps to go with about 8 or 9 drivers that was still racing, and now Kimi was seventh. Alonso fifth.

5 laps remaining, and it was a bad day for the world champion. His car suddenly slowed down, and he's out from the race. Apparently because of an engine failure.

The next lap, Bourdais also slowed down and 'out of the race'.

2 laps before the race ended, Kovalainen passed Alonso, but Alonso overtook Kovalainen again at the beginning of the final lap.

As a result, McLaren's Lewis Hamilton won the race, followed by Nick Heidfeld and Nico Rosberg, second and third place, respectively. Alonso fourth, Kovalainen fifth, Kazuki Nakajima sixth, Sebastien Bourdais seventh, and the running world champion who had a bad luck today came in eighth place, despite he fact that he didn't make it to the finish line.

Well, Rubens Barrichello should be sixth, but he's disqualified after proven that he exited the pit lane after his stop when the light was still red. Well, of course, Uncle Rubinho, red means you couldn't go yet... *sighs* It means you have to stop if you're on the road, right?

It was a bad weekend for Ferrari and a good one for McLaren. The British team lead with 14 points ahead of Williams, while Ferrari got only one point, behind the STR-Ferrari team which go home with 2 points on hand. But will McLaren keep winning and having no problem at all like this weekend? Will Ferrari revived and take back the lead? We'll see later, during the 17 remaining races. Of course, there is still hope. Well, I hope they would analyse the engine problems.

That's the end of my report. If you ask, my feeling is really mixed. Lewis is a great man, but he's a McLaren driver, while Kimi got a point, yet didn't make it to the finish. It was really too bad, because it was only 5 laps before the race ended.

Well~ As usual, you can read these (credits to all FIA and Formula1.com crews, of course. Thanks for giving us great news and articles everytime, guyz.):

Race Report
Race Analysis
Drivers' Quotes
FIA Press Conference

See you next week!



Name: Dian Anggraini
Nick: Dian ~ Myu-chan ~ Miyuri ~ Xiao Yan Zi ~ Lady Di ~ Zeng Tian Mei ~ SC ~ Chryseis McSylvester ~ Muffin Princess
Birthdate: January 9th, 1988
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Astrology: Fire Rabbit
Birthplace: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Home: Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia
Current Residence: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Job: Student of Department of Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology
Side Job: Writing Formula 1 Reports on this blog, writing poetry and short-stories...
Interests: Science (Chemistry), Music, Nature, Culture, Arts, Formula 1, MotoGP, and many more...


~Michael Schumacher~
~Kimi Raikkonen~
~Junichi Okada (V6)~
~Miroslav Klose~
~Sakurai Shou (Arashi)~
~Felipe Massa~
~Robert Kubica~
~Ralf Schumacher~
~Zhao Wei~
~Michael Learns To Rock~
~Celine Dion~
~Utada Hikaru~
~Lin Xin Ru~
~Chae Rim~
~Rubens Barrichello~
~Takuma Sato~
~Valentino Rossi~
~Daijiro Katoh (R.I.P)~
~and many more...~


NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

Hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
Ironna hana o miteita
Hito sorezore konomi wa aru kedo
Doremo minna kirei dane
Kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
Arasou koto mo shinai de
Baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
Chanto mune o hatteiru

Sore na noni bokura ningen wa
Doushite kou mo kurabeta garu?
Hitori hitori chigau noni sono naka de
Ichiban ni naritagaru?

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Komatta youni warai nagara
Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
Ganbatte saita hana wa dore mo
Kirei dakara shikata nai ne
Yatto mise kara dete kita
Sono hito ga kakaete ita
Iro toridori no hanataba to
Ureshi souna yokogao

Namae mo shira nakatta keredo
Ano hi boku ni egao o kureta
Dare mo kizukanai youna basho de
Saiteta hana no youni

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
Hitotsu toshite onaji mono wa nai kara
NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

I saw many kinds of flowers
lined up in front of the flowershop.
everyone has their favorite kinds
but all of them are pretty.
Without competing to see
which was the best among them,
they were standing
straight up proudly inside the bucket.

So why then do we humans
have to compare ourselves to one another?
Eventhough each and every person is different,
why do we want to be number one?

Yes we are each..
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

There are people who are
constantly unsure of what they want,
as they laugh a little put out.
It can't be helped, all those flowers,
that did everything they could to bloom, are pretty.
when at last that person comes out of the store,
they're holding a colorful bouquet
and I see them smiling happilly as they go by me.

I never knew their name but
that day they made me smile.
we too are like flowers that bloom in places
where no one pays any attention.

Yes we too are each...
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

Small flowers and big flowers,
none are the same as one another.
There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana - SMAP


~Hard Luck Hero - V6~
~Kinjirareta Asobi - ALI Project~
~Madoite, Kitare, Yuuda na Kamikakushi ~ Border of Death - IOSYS~
~I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion~
~Wish I Had An Angel - Nightwish~
~Seishoujo Ryouiki - ALI Project~


~Ryorin ma chere amoureux~
Ambu Dian
Mami Ming
Marie Granger
Nna Sawamura
Putri Akanishi
Putri Halliwell
Trinie Lupin


Kitty's Paws Pieces
The Poet Sanctuary
The Poet Sanctuary Website
Harry Potter Bandung
Harry Potter Indonesia
Formula 1 Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Forum
IndoHogwarts Official Blog
National Novel Writing Month
True Friend Test
Hogwarts On Line
WWF Passport
Make Roads Safe
Free Burma!
HOL Ravenclaw
Death Eaters Indonesia
Johnnys Indonesian Forum
Monsters Game
El_leaved's Stories
Shaven Asylum
V6 Squad Forum
Potion Master Dungeon
Virtual Hogwarts


September 8
Ryou Kinomoto

September 9
Talitha Pedersen

September 10

September 13
Kamui Kobayashi

September 14
Maria Theresa Gow

September 17
Damon Hill

September 28
Mika Hakkinen

..and everyone else celebrating their birthday in September...


Yukari Yakumo
~Youkai of Boundaries~

Original picture taken from: Touhou Imageboard

Picture modified by: -mYu-.




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