Chemistry In Life Fourth Edition
Hi~! Welcome back. Nice to see you again in my "laboratory". As I have said, this week, I'll talk about someone in Formula 1 in my new segment, "In Love With". Also, I have my writing about the effect of narcotics and cigarette to health in Indonesian, only for celebrating World's No Tobacco Day and World Against Drug Abuse. I know it's late to celebrate World's No Tobacco Day, but... It's not too late to inform you all about this, ne? Alright... Here we go~! Chemistry In Life Fourth Edition~!!
My lovely new segment... "In Love With"... First is about Ralf Schumacher. He is the younger bro of the Sixth Time Formula 1 World Champion, Michael Schumacher, and the guy who makes me a Schumacher 'clan' fanatic. Ralf was born in June 30th, 1975, in Hurth-Hermulheim, Germany. He entered the race arena when he was young, in go-kart arena along with his elder brother. Year 1992 until 1993, he entered Formula Junior, then Formula Germany from 1994 until 1995. At 1995, he followed Formula Nippon. He entered Formula 1 in 1997, 6 years after his brother, and joined the Jordan team. Year 1999, he joined Williams BMW. And in 2002, Ralf married Cora and had a son one year after.
Ralf nearness with his brother, sometimes trigger negative sentiments from Formula 1 observer. They said that the two Schumacher put their blood relationship in front of professionalism. It's true, but anyway, Ralf's success is not disregarding Schumi. Especially, although they are in the different team, they still have time to talk about Formula 1. Well, one thing I remember when first time know about this siblings is that someday after race, both of them were debating in a dad-piloted helicopter, in their way to home.
Ralf and Schumi are so close. They are too close, that's why when Ralf had an accident at the Indianapolis last week, Schumi was so worried. He thought, "Please, no, no... not something bad..." Finally, he could calm down when the team kept telling him that Ralf is alright. The same thing also happen in practice in Monza around year 2003. When Ralf had an accident, honestly, the first things came on my mind are how the condition of Ralfie was and hw about Schumi's feeling... Every time I know that Ralf was alright, and Schumi feels unconcerned, I also feel relieved. Well... however, maybe in Schumi's deep heart, he still worried of his brother, because he is the one who responsible about Ralf.
In Formula 1 arena, Ralf seems to be shadowed by his brother name. He is demanded to get (almost) the same result. A tough matter one for this pasta lover. Especially, their way to race and tactics of the teams are a bit different. Personally, Ralf is not too determined, but also a bit impatient. Ralf emotion until today still labile, especially after Juan Pablo Montoya entered Williams BMW, he become a bit more aggressive to get the team's attention. Unfortunately, Williams BMW is sunk because of this. When Monty proposed by McLaren Mercedes for the 2005 season, Ralf also decided to move to Toyota. When he is asked about it, he said, "If Montoya hold out in Williams BMW, maybe I would also hold out. Yeah, we are not a good team. Especially, being a team doesn't mean being a good friend. But, honestly, if Montoya not here, I wouldn't become like this time." My God...
above the podium, Ralf is a little bit quiet person (although he won). Except, if he and his brother get the podium together. Their craziness always out... Talking about the race above the podium, after Schumi congrats his little brother. Always happen...
Now, let's get out of the race arena. This June 30th, 2004, Ralf will celebrate his 29 years old birthday. Happy Birthday to my dearest Ralfie, hope he would be a more matured and better driver, good luck always for him. Take care of you and your family. Oh... And, get well soon. We missed you for France.
EURO 2004
Well, this time, something funny happen. I just for fun predicted all the result of the quarter final. And, all of them are right. First, when England met Portugal for the first match on the quarter final. When I saw the news, I thought, "Well... It seems Portugal would go on to semi final." And Portugal won 8-7 from England (6-5 on penalties).
Next, between France and Greece. I was talking with my friend that day before the match. I said, "It must be very ridiculous if the Greek people won..." He said, "No, no, France would get the victory." And then... TADA~!!! Greece won 1-0 from France. And when I asked my mom whether she saw it or not... SHE WAS UNHAPPY~!!! Well... she was unhappy France lose from Greece... (And I'm so happy...) But, anyway, when I told her about my prediction, she laughed and told me, "Then, you should become a fortune teller..." YEAH~!!! It seems that these days the goddess of fortune getting mad with those people who were too disparage others...
Then between Netherlands and Sweden. At that day, I'm dizzy with a mosquito flying in front of me. I tried to kill it and said, "If I could kill this, Sweden would go on." But, the mosquito flied and... Netherlands won 5-4 on penalties.
The last is about Czech-Denmark. Its a bit false. I was thought on myself, "Czech would win from Denmark, but it seems a bit difficult..." I thought that Denmark would also make a goal, at least, but Czech beat Denmark 3-0. Well... I still wanna predict the semi final and final. But, I can't tell you now... I have to predict about it the day before the match. It would be a little bit true. Anyway, maybe I could tell you my prediction until this day.
Semi Final
Portugal vs. Netherlands: Portugal (with the support of the host...)
Czech vs. Greece: Czech (well, it seems... though I don't mind whether Czech or Greece would win...)
Portugal vs. Czech: Czech
Well, it just a prediction... Please don't mind about that... Oh, and if on the semi final and final Greece win, I also don't mind... Ha ha... (^_~)
EURO 2004
*Indonesian mode ON*
Akhir-akhir ini, semakin banyak saja kasus mengenai narkoba yang melibatka generasi muda. Selain narkoba, banyak juga di antara mereka yang menghisap rokok. Saya tidak akan membahas mengenai kasus-kasus tersebut, namun mengenai efek narkoba dan rokok tersebut terhadap kebugaran jasmani dan rohani.
Narkoba, atau Narkotik dan Obat Terlarang, sebenarnya memiliki dampak negatif yang cukup besar bagi kebugaran. Namun, di antara para pemakainya, banyak yang menganggap bahwa mitos menggunakan narkoba akan meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam berbagai hal itu benar. Mitos tersebut tentu saja tidak benar. Narkoba pada awalnya memang membuat si pemakai merasa sangat senang, bersemangat, dan sebagainya. Namun, setelah beberapa lama, si pemakai baru akan merasakan sakit, terutama saat ia tidak sedang memakai.
Narkoba, diantaranya ganja, kokain, morfin, heroin, dan sebagainya, mengandung berbagai jenis zat kimia. Beberapa jenis zat kimia ini ada yang sebenarnya memiliki kegunaan yang penting di bidang kedokteran. Namun, dalam narkoba, kandungan zat-zat tersebut melebihi batas dan digunakan tanpa seizin dokter alias tanpa resep. Zat-zat kimia tersebut diantaranya adalah amfetamin, aspirin, dan sebagainya.
Penggunaan narkoba secara berlebihan dapat berakibat buruk pada tubuh si pemakai baik dalam jangka pendek maupun panjang. Narkoba dapat menyebabkan euforia (perasaan senang berlebihan), kantuk berlebih, lesu, mual dan muntah, mengeluarkan kata-kata menghina, penyempitan pupil, menurunnya aktivitas fisik, tertawa tanpa sebab yang jelas, menurunnya pernafasan, semakin rentan terhadap infeksi, meningkatnya resiko terkena AIDS dari jarum yang terinfeksi, koma, dan bahkan kematian.
Di antara akibat-akibat buruk narkoba tersebut, menurunnya aktivitas fisik dapat berpengaruh pada kebugaran si pemakai. Tanpa aktivitas fisik yang cukup, kebugaran dapat berkurang, apalagi pada pemakai narkoba yang jelas-jelas sangat kurang aktivitas fisiknya. Tubuh si pemakai dapat tiba-tiba menjadi lemas tidak bertenaga. Apabila lemas seperti demikian, tentu saja ia tak dapat berolahraga untuk meningkatkan kebugaran tubuhnya.
Pernafasan yang menurun juga berpengaruh terhadap kebugaran. Nafas pemakai narkoba amat tidak teratur, sehingga pada saat berolahraga, nafasnya akan tersengal-sengal. Dengan demikian, si pemakai tidak dapat berolahraga dengan baik dan kebugarannya pun tidak bertambah.
Rokok juga memiliki akibat yang buruk terhadap kebugaran. Dalam rokok terkandung 4000 elemen, dengan 200 diantaranya berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Zat-zat ini berbahaya baik bagi perokok aktif maupun perokok pasif, namun akibat paling buruk tentu bagi si perokok aktif.
Nikotin yang berada dalam rokok dahulu pernah digunakan sebagai racun serangga, namun kemudian dilarang akibat tingginya kadar racun dan pengaruh buruknya terhadap manusia. Nikotin sepuluh kali lebih beracun daripada DDT dan dapat menyebabkan gagal nafas apabila dihisap dalam jumlah banyak. Nikotin juga meningkatkan tekanan darah, jantung, serta mengganggu denyut jantung normal.
Pada perokok aktif, seperti yang telah saya katakan tadi, denyut jantungnya akan tidak normal. Sehingga apabila orang tersebut berolahraga, kemungkinan ia akan menjadi cepat lelah, dan denyut jantungnya tidak teratur. Dengan demikian, kebugaran si perokok kemungkinan besar tidak baik, malah mungkin juga menurun.
Dalam rokok juga terkandung karbon monoksida yang juga akan dikeluarkan dalam asap rokok (selain dalam asap kendaraan). Gas CO ini sangat beracun, dan dapat mengurangi kemampuan darah untuk menyerap oksigen, sebab sel-sel darah merah lebih suka menyerap karbon monoksida daripada oksigen.
Apabila zat ini masuk dalam jumlah banyak ke tubuh, maka kadar oksigen yang ada dalam tubuh akan berkurang. Ini juga berpengaruh buruk terhadap kebugaran. Apabila kita tidak mendapat oksigen yang cukup, terutama sehabis beraktivitas, maka tubuh justru akan menjadi lemah.
Tar, yang juga terdapat pada rokok, merupakan suatu substansi hidrokarbon, di mana ia bersifat lengket dan dapat menempel pada paru-paru. Sifatnya tersebut dapat saja mengurangi kemampuan paru-paru untuk bernafas.
Narkoba dan rokok memiliki banyak sekali efek negatif terhadap kebugaran tubuh. Bagaimanapun, satu-satunya cara untuk meningkatkan atau setidaknya mengembalikan kebugaran adalah dengan cara berhenti menggunakan narkoba dan merokok. Selain itu, olahraga sangat penting untuk menjaga agar tubuh tetap sehat dan bugar.
The last news, always from myself. This Monday, I have to go to ophthalmologist to exam my eyes. I have myopia (-3), and the latest news I got from the doctor... No changes, except I have -0,5 cylindris... O-oh... (>.<)
Well... See you next week. I'm Dian Anggraini. Good bye~! (^_^)/~~
Chemistry In Life Third Edition
> Hello, welcome back to Chemistry In Life with me, Dian Anggraini. Nice to see you again. This week, I have some hot news from Sports section, and some other news. Alright, this is Chemistry In Life Third Edition.
Well, sorry to say. I have to inform you about this first. A few days ago, a Cessna fell down and sunk in the Lido Lake, Bogor. This accident caused five people to die, including the pilot. The evacuation of the victims was very hard and was stopped for a while. But, finally, the rescue team should evacuate all the victims. The difficult one was when they tried to evacuate the pilot. He was tied in his seatbelt. And two of the victims were from Australia
Moved to politics. The president campaign is become more crowded in the latest days. It seems that now everyone really wants to see their president candidate. Well...
And, the leader of GAM, Hasan Tiro, and two of GAM members, were caught in Sweden by Swedish government last week. They were caught in their interment place. The two people were imprisoned, while Tiro wasn't because he was sick at that time. Indonesian government immediately sent a team to help Swedish investigate the GAM members. The government also sent a translator to help them translate the Acehnese language.
Last Saturday night, the Final Concert of AFI was held. The winner was Tia, who came from Solo, but joined the academy as the academia from Semarang. Second was Haikal from Medan, and the third was Micky from Jakarta. But the main things, I think, is that the coming of two president candidate, Wiranto and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, to this concert. They were interviewed by two of former AFI members which also came to the concert, Mawar and Kia, and were forced to sing. The funny thing is that when Trie Utami asks Wiranto about his desire when he was child, and what his job is. Wiranto said, his job is a singer and his hobby is military. Gee...
Well, the last segment this week. First came from Euro 2004. From Group D, Czech becomes the first team which continue to the quarter final after beat Netherlands 3-2. They still remain one more match against Germany, but however, that wouldn't influence Czech's road to quarter final. Well... Viva Czech~!! Viva Nedved~!!! Great Team~!!!
From Group A, Greece and Portugal also go to the quarter final. Portugal won 1-0 from Spain, while Greece loses from Russia 1-2. Though Greece loses, they still move on to the quarter final. A new historical story~!!
From Group B, the team which move on to the quarter final were France and England. Well, at the first time England loses from France, I think that it is difficult to them to go to the quarter final. But, they won from Switzerland the next match, and last night, they beat Croatia.
And from Group C, though Italy beat Belgium 2-1, they couldn't continue to the quarter final, because the result of Sweden-Denmark match was draw 2-2. Therefore, the team in this group which go on to quarter final were Denmark and Sweden.
Let's move to Formula 1 arena. I have enhanced news this week, as I got more information from FIA official website and
Welcome to Indianapolis, USA. The qualification was so great, as Rubens Barrichello got the pole, in front of his team-mate, Michael Schumacher. In the second row, there are BAR Honda drivers, Takuma Sato and Jenson Button, followed by the Williams BMW duo, Juan Pablo Montoya and Ralf Schumacher, then by Kimi Raikkonen, Olivier Panis, Fernando Alonso, and Mark Webber.
Before the formation lap, it seems that Monty's car have a little problem. The team decided to change it with a spare car, but it seems that they are too late to do that. They do it after the formation lap has just started. By the way, Monty still started... from the pit lane.
Lap 1, the Ferrari duo was starting well, as usual, while Alonso made a very good start and overtook Sato on the first corner. In the meantime, there's a little accident involving 4 drivers. At that time, Cristiano Da Matta, who was at the tail of the field and lifted off to avoid his team-mate, hit by Christian Klien from behind. Then, Klien is hit by Felipe Massa. Giorgio Pantano and Gianmaria Bruni, which are behind them, are both taken out in the ensuing chaos, causing them all (Klien, Massa, Bruni, and Pantano) to be out of the race, while Giancarlo Fisichella's car was also off on the grass. Soon after it, a Safety Car was dispatched. (Well, I hate to say about this...) At that time, Da Matta entered the pit to repair his car, and rejoined at the back of the field.
Two laps after pitting, Da Matta entered the pit again for further repair. Safety Car is still on the track, with Barrichello, Schumi, Alonso, Sato, Raikkonen, Button, Ralf, Panis, Webber, and David Coulthard behind.
The Safety Car goes back to the pit at lap 6. All the mess on the Turn 1 has been cleared. The race is restarted. Schumi overtake Barrichello at the first corner, made him the leader at that time.
Lap 9, Schumi was 1 second in front of his team-mate. But, going down towards the corner, Alonso has a little problem with his car. Apparently, he suffered a tyre failure and spins into the wall. Yellow flag was out.
Lap 10, another accident happened. Now it happened to Ralf Schumacher. He loses control of his Williams car and goes backwards into the outside wall after spinning 360 degrees. His car came to rest at the middle of the road with wreckages all over the track. Again, the Safety Car was dispatched. Ralf was trying to get out from his car, but it seems he has problem. It seems that he have pain on his back. MY GOD~!! How could this happen??? I was shocked at that time, while seeing the safety team trying to help Ralfie to get out of the car, and seeing that Schumi always looking at Ralfie when passed that place. Well, I'm also worried about Ralfie... ~_~
Lap 11, both of the Ferraris entered the pit. Schumi came out in the first position, while Barrichello out in the sixth. Behind Schumi, there are Sato, Button, Webber and Montoya.
Then, finally, Ralf could be removed from his car at lap 18. In the same time, Da Matta slowed and stopped out of the track. I don't know what the problem with Da Matta was.
Lap 20, Ralf finally taken off to hospital with the ambulance and medical team. The wreckages were cleared, and the race restarted. There was only 13 drivers remained. Ah... hopefully there is no something bad with Ralfie... As you know, I have almost the same feeling as Schumi. We both worried of Ralf... Well, at the tribune, the entire spectator was standing and giving support to the medical team and Ralf which was in their way to hospital. Thank you everyone...
Lap 25, Sato entered the pit, and out in the tenth place. When Sato entered the pit, Button has done his pit stop, but his car apparently has a problem. Button is out of the race at lap 26. At the laps after, Sato overtook many drivers and got the fourth position at lap 40. By the way, his way to overtaking was so smart, as he only use the standard way, but bravely doing that.
Lap 45, Heidfeld has an engine failure, and out of the race. Sato was pitting at the same time.
Lap 48, Fisichella has a puncture, came into the pit to change 3 tyres, and dropped to the tenth place.
Lap 50, Barrichello, who was leading at that time, entered the pit, and came out behind Schumi, who was the leader after Barrichello entered. Barrichello quickly chased after Schumi and made him under the pressure. A great battle of Ferrari~!! But anyway, Schumi was still leading in front of Barrichello.
Lap 57, Monty stopped for the last time. Yet, when he rejoined the race, he received the words that he is black-flagged for starting in the spare car. It seems that he black-flagged because he is too late to decide to use the spare car. He and his team decided to use it when the formation lap has just started, whereas, the rule said that they must decided to use a spare car 15 seconds before formation lap. Poor Williams BMW and Monty...
Lap 58, Schumacher was farther and father from Barrichello. At the same time, Raikkonen overtook Webber for the seventh.
Lap 61, Webber is out because of engine failure. Well, the same as Sato faced three races before... You know that, the engine is burned out...
Lap 62, Sato was chasing after Trulli, pushing him so hard, and overtook him, though both of Sato and Trulli have to come across the grass. Sato is third at that time.
Fisichella suddenly slows at the lap 66 because of hydraulic leak. He was overtaken by Baumgartner, who made it the first point for the Minardi today.
Finally, Schumi won the race again, with Barrichello and Sato behind him. Trulli was fourth and Panis was fifth. Two laps after, there comes the McLaren duo, Raikkonen and Coulthard. Three laps behind Schumi, there are Baumgartner and Fisichella. The last point goes to Baumgartner.
Schumi and Barrichello greeted Sato for his podium. Everyone also greeted Sato, including Ferrari's team and supporters. What a miracle~!!! Well, Sato is great today. Sugoi ne~!!! Finally my wishes granted. Now, at the podium, there are all my lovely driver, the Ferrari duo (Schumi-Barrichello) and Sato.
At the press conference, Schumi looked that he was not so happy. He said that he really worried about Ralf, and hope that nothing bad would happen. When the team kept telling him that things weren't bad, everything is alright, and Schumi saw himself that it is true, he kept a bit worried of his brother. Well, siblings are just siblings. Though they had to fight for the different team, they still brothers, and if anything happened to one of them, the other would be worry. But, the main thing is that Schumi is the elder brother. How an elder brother couldn't worry about his younger brother when things are seems too bad??? It is almost impossible. No, no, it is really impossible. You know, Schumi and Ralf are so close, though now they all had been married, they still often talking and arguing about Formula 1.
In the other side, Barrichello talked about the race and pit stop situation he faced, and Sato said that his podium was because the excellent team which informed him to keep on the fuel and slow down. He also said that the car was very beautiful at that day, to be honest. But he just feels fantastic with the third place. Me, too...
Well, despite Schumi's worry about Ralf, Barrichello's thoughts about his race, and Sato's feeling fantastic about his first podium, let's pray for Ralf. Hopefully he will get well soon, nothing bad happened again to him, and he could driving back in the next race, at Magny-Cours, France.
And the latest news I got from the website, and newspaper, is that Ralf only had a little pain on his back, and a small brain concussion. Ah... yokatta na... For Ralf, I hope, really, really hope, you would be fine soon. Get well soon, guy~! Everyone love and missed you... For Schumi, I know you are worried about Ralf. Me, too. But, remember, everything will be alright. Though he couldn't finish race that day, and see you in the podium, I know he will be proud. So please, don't worry about him. Everything is alright, OK? Well, actually I also really worried about him... I almost cried when seeing him injured. And the last is for Sato... Omedetou ne~! Good job. Hope you would get the podium again next time. Ganbatte ne~!
One more time, minna-chan... Let's pray for Ralf. Though he only had a little pain on his back, and a little brain concussion, let's pray for him, for his health and good luck. Hope he would get well soon, and drive the Williams car again. Gee... how many times I said about this... Alright, see you next time in the Chemistry In Life "laboratory". I'm Dian Anggraini. Good bye~!
Chemistry In Life Second Edition
Hi~! Welcome back to my lovely "laboratory", Chemistry in Life. This week, I don't have many news and stories as the first time edition. Sorry to say, but I'm getting busy with my school marks this week. (^_^;; Anyway, I still have Formula 1 reports, as usual. And... this is Chemistry in Life Second Edition
Saturday night, June 12th 2004, EURO was opened in Lisbon, Portugal. Well, I missed the opening ceremony, and half of the opening match between Portugal and Greece. By the way, I got the news that... Greece beat Portugal 2-1~!!! AH~!!! What a surprise~! And well, as I missed the match and Greek name is so weird... I don't remember who made the first goal this season... Well... Is he named Karagounis???
From Catalunya, Spain, Italian racer Valentino Rossi won the Catalunian Grand Prix last Sunday. He finished the race in front of Catalunian racer, Sete Gibernau, and Marco Melandri. Meanwhile, another Italian Max Biaggi finished in the seventh place.
Flying to Montreal, Canada. I missed the qualifying, but I didn't miss the race. Well, the starting grid was like this: Ralf Schumacher got the pole in front of Jenson Button, Fernando Alonso, Juan Pablo Montoya, and Jarno Trulli, while Ralf's elder brother, Michael Schumacher, got the sixth place in the starting grid. Behind him is his teammate, Rubens Barrichello. And another BAR Honda driver, Takuma Sato, started from the pit lane, because after the accident he has at the qualifying, he decided to start from the pit instead start from number 17...
At the start, Trulli's car was locked, and he rolled before out of race. Mean while, McLaren Mercedes driver, David Coulthard, rolled at the second curve, and made two Jaguar cars also rolled. Also, at that time, Sato was just starting from the pit lane... Fortunately, no one out because of this accident... But, yellow flag is out...
At the pit, there is a little accident that involved Jordan's pit crew. At that time, Nick Heidfeld, who was just finished his pit stop, hit one of the crew and caused the crew to fell down, because of misunderstanding between lollipop man and other crew. The lollipop man was in a great hurry turning his lollipop. Actually, this accident also happened by another driver in the previous seasons, including Michael Schumacher and Juan Pablo Montoya.
McLaren Mercedes driver, Kimi Raikkonen, must enter the pit again after his first pit stop. He got the drive through penalty because his car was stepped on white lane on the pit lane when he was out from the pit.
For the third time after European Grand Prix, BAR Honda driver, Takuma Sato, must get disappointed. His Honda V10 engine blown up again about 25 laps before finish. Coincidentally, at that time, his car should enter the pit. Yet, a few kilometers before entering the pit, his engine had blown. Gee, I don't know why this happen... Maybe he should change his way to drive...
5 laps before finish, Sauber Petronas driver, Felipe Massa, had a fatal accident at the curve. His car hit the safeguard in high speed after loses control. Fortunately, Massa only had a scrape because of this accident. Meanwhile, his car had a fatal damage in the front wing. Yellow flag was also out because of this accident. Yet, the Safety Car which was standing by at the end of the pit lane, stood down after a while. Ah... yokatta na...
A few lap before Massa had the accident, Fernando Alonso also had to out because he rolled out. In the same time, Kimi Raikkonen must change his steer for the second time. I don't know why he must change his steer until twice.
All along the race, Ralf kept on leading in front of other drivers. Yet, because of beautiful strategy that applied by Ferrari, Ralf must finished behind his brother, Schumi. The two Ferrari use two pit stops, while others use three pit stops. So, Schumi won the Canadian Grand Prix again for the seventh time and this is his seventh victory this season. Schumi finished about five seconds in front of Ralf. Behind them, Barrichello followed. Then Button was coming, followed by Montoya, Fisichella, Kimi, and Da Matta.
The result which Kimi Raikkonen achieved this race is a bit surprising, because he could gain points, though he had to enter the pit five times. Two are normal stops, one drive through penalty, and two other because Kimi had to change his steer.
Though he actually finished in the second place, Ralf Schumacher must be getting disappointed because his team was disqualified. Williams BMW team, also Toyota, is assumed to be using illegal brakes that day. So, besides Ralf, Juan Pablo Montoya and Cristiano Da Matta also must loss their points. Anyway, they still have four days to give advocacy after hearing that day.
Because of this case, Schumi's teammate, Rubens Barrichello gained eight points at the Canadian Grand Prix. Meanwhile, Schumi is still leading the classification with 70 points, 18 points in front of his teammate, Barrichello.
Move to political arena. The political atmosphere getting hotter in Indonesia in the second campaign period. At some cities, there was fake AFI VCD. Those VCD covered with AFI, while the most of the contents was about the 1998 Semanggi Tragedy and there is running text that forced one of president candidate from military, Wiranto, to the corner. This time, the case is still under investigation by Indonesian police.
In the same time, a few days ago, Mega-Hasyim's campaign activity stopped by Regional Election Committee in Bali because there were some civil servants that follow that campaign activity. Remaining Mega-Hasyim's campaign is also cancelled by Bali Regional Election Committee. But, Mega-Hasyim's campaign team said that they have not received letter from the committee yet, so they would persistent doing closed campaign in Bali, while there is no more opened campaign activity.
Alright, finally I got all my marks this week, except for Sports. I still have to do some tasks to get my swimming marks. By the way, I didn't pass Calculus II and General Physics II. I don't mind with the Calculus mark, because I have problems with the final test (my final test mark is so poor, red.). But, I hate Physics... my average was 44,xxx and I got the E mark... DAMN~!!! Only a bit more, I would get D, at least I pass this major...
By the way, did you know all the 2003 students in my English class got the A mark this semester???
And, most of the student organization at West Student Centre and East Student Centre would temporarily move to Ex Sports Building. Some other would move to Sunken Court, while some of them at the Sunken Court move to under the swimming pool. This is only temporary, before Campus Centre finished building.
Last week (sorry to forget the date...), the king of Solo palace, Paku Buwono XII, passed away. He passed away at 08.08 am at Dr.Oen Hospital, Solo. He left 7 concubines and 37 children. By the way, he didn't appoint a consort, so it could be appreciated that the person who would hold leadership of the palace is his first son from his first concubine.
One day before, Hari Merdeka composer, H.Mutahar, also passed away. Until his final time, he didn't get married, but he had adopted some children.
Alright, only this I could give to you. I will come with more news and stories next week. Thanks for my friends who had informed me about the problem with my Tag-Board. I would fix it soon. Oh, and before I go, I have something funny to tell you. Last Sunday afternoon, I and my family were eating in a restaurant. The night after that, I got stomachache. Well, apparently, I ate too much chili sauce. Yeah, I know I don't go well with that... And I know that I would get stomachache at that time... But... It's so delicious... I can't help... Pretty funny and stupid, aren't I? Alright, I'm Dian Anggraini. Keep the spirit and see you in Chemistry in Life next week. Ja ne~!
Chemistry In Life First Time
Hi~! I'm Dian Anggraini. Welcome to my "laboratory", Chemistry in Life. Glad to see you all. This is my first time to see you, and I have some news and stories to tell you. Check them out, and stay here... Oh, and thanks to Dianne who helped me making the layout. It's nice... (^_^)
In May 30th 2004, the Formula 1 racing was performed again in Nurburgring, Germany. The starting grid for this European Grand Prix was unexpected, as BAR Honda driver Takuma Sato got the second starting grid, exactly behind the champion, Michael Schumacher. Behind them, there is Jarno Trulli from Renault and Kimi Raikkonen from McLaren Mercedes. Sato's team-mate, Jenson Button, had to start from fifth position, and behind him there is Renault driver, Fernando Alonso. Schumi's team-mate, Rubens Barrichello, had to start from seventh position. But poor for Williams BMW drivers, Juan Pablo Montoya and Ralf Schumacher, they had to start from eighth and ninth position.
At the start, Schumi was starting as usual. He was rather slow at start, but he still could be in front of others. Sato, who was started from second position, made a little mistake. He tried to block Trulli and Kimi, but unfortunately, just at the moment, he drove his car to the outer racing line, and Kimi Raikkonen, who was starting from fourth position, took the inner racing line. Yet, Sato back to his racing line quickly, and got in the fourth position.
Not so long after starting, suddenly there is a little accident involving Ralf and Montoya. At that time, Ralf and Montoya was trying to get the racing line, and overtook Rubens. But poor, Ralf was suddenly turned and Montoya, who was driving exactly beside him, suddenly put on the brakes. And then... They had crash, and Ralf was out from race. Really poor for Da Matta who was driving behind Ralf and Montoya, his Toyota car was blocked by Ralf's car, had a little crash, and finally, he was also out. O-oh... Luckily, Montoya still could survive, but he had to pit before the time, because his front wing was broken.
At the tenth lap, almost all the driver was pitting. Poor for Kimi, his engine was blowing up after he got into the pit. Really bad, because at that time, before pitting, he was in the second position~!!! And his team-mate, David Coulthard, also had exactly the same problem at the second pit.
Sato, who was driving quick and consistent the whole race, also had the same problem thirteen laps before finish. At that time, he was trying to overtake Rubens which was exactly in front of him, in the second position. He was turning suddenly, and Rubens, who was felt that he was still in front, crashed with Sato's car. Fortunately, Rubens still could avoid accident and survive. But Sato broke his front wing and had to change it. At the pit, there was a little problem when changing the front wing. Finally, it's done. So poor, Sato who was back in eighth position, suddenly blowing up. HIS ENGINE IS BLOWING UP~!!! Ah... My Lord~!!! Actually he had a chance to broke a record, to got the podium~! But... If I become Rubens, maybe I would say the same thing, "...sorry to say, but he is too amateur to do that... (turning and overtaking, red.)" Ah... guy, better luck next time~! You need more experience, ganbatte ne~!!! Hope someday Sato will get the podium, at least.
Finally, Schumi won the race again. After really lost at the Monaco last week, HE WON THE EUROPEAN GRAND PRIX~!!! Congratulation, Schumi~!!! Next was Rubens, his teammate, who was finished almost two seconds behind. There is no one who could stop Ferrari... Again and again, Jenson Button got the last podium. If Sato's engine didn't blown up, HE WOULD GOT THIS PODIUM~!!! Ah... In the fourth, there is Jarno Trulli. Behind him is his teammate, Fernando Alonso. Sauber Petronas driver, Giancarlo Fisichella, finished at the sixth position, in front of Mark Webber and Juan Pablo Montoya. With this result, Michael Schumacher is still leading in the classification with 60 points.
Meanwhile, Brazilian beat Argentinean 3-1 in South America Qualifying World Cup 2006 last Wednesday because of Ronaldo's hattrick. And this hattrick is caused by a penalty kick~!!! Argentinean could minimize their defeat by Juan Pablo Sorin's beautiful goal when they lose 0-2 from Brazilian. But, just several minutes between the match over, the referee gave Brazilian penalty again because Argentinean's goalkeeper made a mistake in penalty area.
From boxing area, Indonesian boxer Chrisjon defeated Japanese boxer Osamu Sato and finally defended his title as WBA featherweight class champion, last Friday. Chrisjon won by unanimous decision, 116-113, 117-111, and 120-109. WAA~!!! SUGOI NE~!!! So poor I couldn't see the match myself. But no matter. My dad is the one who told me about it... (^_^)
And from MotoGP arena, Italian racer Valentino Rossi won in Mugello, Italia. Yeah, Rossi is back~!! Finally, he take revenge after lose from Spanish Sete Gibernau twice. By the way, Gibernau was in the second place behind Rossi. At the third place is Troy Bayliss, who was leading in a few laps.
The race were stopped because of rain five laps before finish and started again at 3.00 p.m. local time. Before race stopped, Rossi and Gibernau were fighting hard. In the other side, other Italian racers Max Biaggi and Louis Capirossi must be satisfied in the sixth and tenth position.
Meanwhile, Japanese racer, Shinya Nakano, must be eliminated in the middle of the race because of an accident. Nakano fainted after flung from his motorcycle which sped on with high speed in the straight track and hit the safeguard. Luckily, he had no serious injured. Ah... Yokatta na...
The campaign for president election in Indonesia had been take place for more than a week. There is a new trend in politics, visiting the market to gain people's voice. Actually, the campaign is done in the buildings with the form of general meeting. But, it seems visiting the market is more promising to gain people's voice, though the candidates are not campaign for themselves, only "visiting".
Last Thursday, some Muslim religious leader from East Java said a binding rule about president election. They said that it is forbidden for Muslim people to choose woman to be a leader. It seems that this is used to weigh Megawati Soekarnoputri, the only woman candidate, in the election. Some people agreed with this statement, but more people disagreed. Gus Dur said, it is only personal statement, and it's up to the people to whether follow it or not. In the other side, Hasyim Muzadi, Megawati's vice president candidate for the election, said that the statement is a type of tyranny toward women.
I also have a statement to counter them all. It is true that Rasullullah saw. said that women could not be leader, but remember that Indonesia is not a religious country. This is a democracy country, so either men or women, they all have the same right to be a leader. If we choose men to be a leader, but his job was done badly, it is no use. But, it's up to you...
Last Thursday, Buddhists were celebrating Waisak. They celebrated the birth, complete enlightenment, and death of Siddharta Gautama, the Buddha.
In May 30th, me and my friends, Imlati, Chanda, and Diah, went to King's Shopping Centre in Kalapa to bought fabrics for making yukata. Imlati and I are one of the yukata team members for the Open House Unit in ITB next August. I bought a really cute one, pink with little flowers everywhere, and she bought blue one with really nice flowers. It's so sweet...
Sad news from my family. My grandpa from mom, passed away in May 30th 2004, in the midnight. I was shock when my dad told about it, but, grandpa is too old, and his sickness is getting worse at that time. So, I think, it's better to him to pass away... (T_T)
USA former president, Ronald Reagan, who was also a Hollywood star, passed away Saturday, June 4th 2004, dawn USA time zone. He passed away in Los Angeles, USA, in the age of 93 because of Alzheimer. USA president, George Walker Bush, express his condolences to Reagan's family from Paris, France. Two USA former presidents, George Bush (senior) and Bill Clinton, also express their condolences. The governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, also said the same thing.
*Indonesian mode ON*
Pada tanggal 5 Juni 2004, kita memperingati Hari Lingkungan Sedunia. Di Indonesia, beberapa aktivis berdemonstrasi mengenai lingkungan kita yang semakin buruk akhir-akhir ini. Indonesia, sebagai paru-paru dunia yang memiliki banyak sekali kekayaan alam, kini mengalami berbagai masalah. Apa sajakah itu? Mari kita bahas bersama-sama.
Pertama, masalah penebangan hutan. Akhir-akhir ini, penebang liar makin sering saja berkeliaran di negeri kita tercinta ini. Banyak hutan yang hilang akibat ulah mereka yang secara serampangan menebangi pohon-pohon di hutan. Bahkan, hutan yang merupakan hutan produksi pun tidak luput dari serangan mereka (mungkin juga beberapa hutan lindung). Herannya, aparat pemerintah terkesan tutup mata atas fenomena ini. Apa yang kita sebut pencurian kayu ini justru mandek dalam penegakan hukumnya. Jangan-jangan, aparat juga berperan dalam suatu bentuk penjarahan ini... Benar-benar menyedihkan. Kalau terus seperti ini, rasanya Indonesia sudah tidak pantas lagi disebut Zamrud Khatulistiwa ataupun paru-paru dunia. Bagaimana mau disebut demikian, kalau hutannya saja habis dijarahi bangsanya sendiri??? Indonesia lama kelamaan juga akan "tenggelam" akibat banjir...
Kedua, masalah sampah. Mungkin beberapa orang akan berpikir, apa hubungannya dengan masalah lingkungan hidup??? Jelas, masalah ini sangat berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup, sebab lingkungan hidup bukan hanya hutan, tumbuhan, dan hewan yang hidup di dalamnya, tapi apa yang ada di sekitar kita, manusia, semuanya juga merupakan lingkungan hidup. Baik, mari berbicara mengenai sampah... Apakah kalian melihat sampah menumpuk di sekitar tempat tinggal kalian? Jika ya, kalian bernasib sama dengan banyak orang. Hampir di semua tempat, sampah merupakan masalah yang sangat sering dijumpai. Bayangkan saja, orang dengan santainya membuang sampah sembarangan di dekat rumah maupun di tepi jalan. Bahkan itu terjadi meskipun banyak orang yang melewati daerah itu. Aduh... Betapa bau dan kotornya... Bayangkan lagi, jika sampah-sampah ini terus menumpuk, dan kemudian menyumbat jalannya air, apa yang akan terjadi??? Kemungkinan terburuk yang harus kita hadapi adalah banjir, dan ini sudah sering terjadi di beberapa daerah. Sekarang, bagaimana agar masalah ini tidak berlanjut? Kita pakai saja cara paling sederhana, tidak merepotkan orang lain (termasuk pemerintah) dan ini sangat mudah, bersihkan sampah di sekitar anda, dan buang ke tempat seharusnya. Penanganan harus dimulai dari diri kita sendiri, bukan begitu??
Selanjutnya, limbah pabrik. Saya sengaja membahas mengenai ini secara tersendiri, sebab ada sesuatu yang lain. Apakah itu? Limbah pabrik, tentu saja berasal dari pabrik. Masalahnya, beberapa pabrik tetap saja bandel membuang limbahnya yang belum diolah ke sungai dekat pabrik meskipun ada peraturan mengenai pembuangan limbah pabrik. Ini jelas-jelas masalah besar, sebab dengan adanya limbah ini, kadar oksigen dalam air akan berkurang dan tumbuhan-tumbuhan pengganggu tumbuh cepat sementara organisme yang hidup di sungai, seperti ikan, akan mati, sebab mereka kekurangan oksigen akibat kalah bersaing dalam perebutan oksigen. Harusnya, pabrik-pabrik yang bandel itu ditertibkan, setidaknya diberi sanksi akibat perbuatannya yang merugikan lingkungan hidup.
Masih banyak lagi masalah lingkungan yang sedang kita hadapi saat ini, di antaranya intrusi air laut akibat pembuatan sumur liar di Jakarta, punahnya satwa akibat perburuan liar, dan matinya berbagai jenis ikan di daerah teluk Jakarta akibat pasang merah (yang notabene disebabkan oleh limbah rumah tangga). Semua itu berawal dari kita sendiri yang tidak mempedulikan lingkungan. Jika ini terus terjadi, masalah lain yaitu punahnya berbagai tumbuhan dan satwa akan muncul. Sebenarnya ini sudah pernah terjadi, namun pemerintah sepertinya tidak mau ambil pusing dengan masalah ini. Bahkan, para capres dan cawapres yang sekarang mencalonkan diri, kurang peduli. Sekarang, kitalah yang harus menyadari pentingnya lingkungan. Lakukan yang terbaik yang kita bisa dan mulailah dari diri kita sendiri. Jika kita mau memulainya dari sekarang, kita telah berusaha menyelamatkan paru-paru dunia, dan bahkan seluruh dunia dari bahaya besar. Kita tentu tidak mau kelak anak-anak kita tidak melihat betapa banyaknya kekayaan alam kita, kan??? Kita tidak mau kelak mereka menanyakan, "Papa, mama, katanya Indonesia dulu punya banyak kekayaan alam ya?? Kok sekarang udah nggak ada???" Jadi, demi anak cucu kita, selamatkan lingkungan kita, SEKARANG~!!! Karena alam bukanlah harta kekayaan, melainkan titipan yang harus diwariskan pada generasi berikutnya.
*Indonesian mode OFF*
Oh... MY GOD~!!! Really poor... when will those stupid people stop ruining the environment??? Ah... At least I'm not one of them... Oh, I almost forgot one thing... For my dearest sworn brother, Fadhony, otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu~!!! Have a nice birthday and a nice year. One more thing, you look getting more and more gorgeous nowadays... HEY, I'm not kidding, guys~!!! It's true~!!! Alright, I'm Dian Anggraini. Save our environment and see you next time in the Chemistry in Life "laboratory". (^_^)