Monday, April 23, 2007

Chemistry In Life Thirty-fourth Edition

Welcome back to Chemistry in Life. This time, I would like to share my personal view of Michael Schumacher, the seven time World-Champion of Formula One ever. Also, the short report of the Grand Prix in Sakhir (Man, I’m lazy to write the long one…), and Another View of Myu-chan.

Anyway, I’m sorry for the lateness of this edition. I have a lot of things, a lot of homework to do, so I have to delay this. Sorry. I’m a planned-blogger, not like the others who blogs at times, accidentally, on occasion, or updating almost every day. I don’t have time to write on this blog like that, because I’m so busy with college and other works. So, managing my blog and writing on it every 2-3 weeks, is a perfect way for me.

Before you read this, I would like to inform you something. Recently, I visited Formula 1 Official Website, and found a new column that is very interesting. It is called ‘The Lesser Known’. It has a few question (most of them are the same) for every F1 driver about their personality, secrets, possession, and so on. I loved that, since it’s fun to know a bit more about our favourite driver. So, I decide to answer the same questions, and put it here. So, this week you will have a special column, ‘The Lesser Known... Dian Anggraini’.

And now, take your time to read... Enjoy~ ^^


*Indonesian mode ON*

10 April 2007

Setelah berhari-hari mendengar berita tentang tewasnya Cliff Muntu dan kekerasan di IPDN (Institut Pemukulan *bukan Pemerintahan* Dalam Negeri, red.), lama-lama saya gerah juga.

Gimana ngga, kasusnya memang sudah kelewatan. Hampir tiap saat, di manapun, kapanpun, dalam kesempatan apapun, ada pemukulan. Itu kata Pak Inu dan beberapa alumni, juga mantan praja IPDN yang ga kuat menghadapi siksaan. Sudah begitu, hampir seluruh IPDN menutupi kasus ini. Belum soal penyuntikan formalin ke tubuh Cliff yang ga semestinya, karena dilakukan oleh selain dokter.

Tindakan Presiden SBY sudah cukup benar dengan menghentikan sementara kegiatan IPDN dan memerintahkan lembaga yang katanya mencetak abdi masyarakat (pamong praja sialan!) itu, tapi sayang, kenapa cuma dua dosen yang di-nonaktifkan sementara dan diperiksa? Kenapa cuma Pak Inu dan satu dosen lain itu? Harusnya Gubernur Praja yang namanya Doni-entah-siapa-itu-nama-panjangnya dan Rektor IPDN yang bisanya-cuma-menyuruh-orang-lain-tutup-mulut-itu, juga diperiksa. Kalau perlu, semua dosen dan petinggi IPDN perlu diperiksa. Malah, mungkin beberapa praja senior.

Pola pendidikan macam IPDN, yang memakai kekerasan fisik itu memang keterlaluan. Militer saja bilang, kekerasan fisik (contoh: dengan pemukulan) itu bukan cara pendidikan militer. Ga sampai kelewatan seperti itu lah, kalau di akademi militer. Paling banter lari, push-up, dll, dan tidak dipukul. Selain itu, hukuman secara militer juga disesuaikan dengan kesalahan si taruna. Kalau dia salah hormat, disuruh melatih hormat yg bener (sampai bener, tentunya), kalau sepatu kurang bersih atau kurang kinclong, disuruh membersihkan/menyemir sampai bersih. Pelajaran lari, push-up, dll, juga disesuaikan dengan kemampuan si taruna.

Jadi pantas, militer itu tegas dan kuat, tapi ga sembarangan bertindak atau memukul, kecuali oknumnya (yang memang kadang ada). Nah, pamong praja? Yang saya lihat, kebanyakan bisanya bertindak sembarangan, se-enak-perut-nya-sendiri. (Satpol PP juga pamong praja kan? Kalau iya, lihat saja sendiri bagaimana mereka bertindak di lapangan.)

Yah... Jadi, Pak SBY, TOLONG PECAT REKTOR IPDN SIALAN ITU!!!! Kalau satu tahun tidak cukup untuk memperbaiki IPDN, pecat juga petinggi-petingginya. Kalau perlu, bubarkan saja. Ga perlu ada institusi pendidikan macam itu untuk mencetak pamong praja yang baik, kalau tetap menggunakan sistem pendidikan premanisme macam IPDN.

Btw, kalau nanti saya punya anak (ga peduli namanya nanti Cliff atau bukan), saya ga akan mengijinkan dia masuk IPDN kalau masih ada. Bahkan kalau dia masuk universitas atau institut lain, saya harus memastikan bahwa tidak ada kekerasan, apalagi yang keterlaluan dan berbau premanisme dalam pendidikannya.

11 April 2007

Akhirnya, Rektor IPDN, I Nyoman Sumaryadi dinonaktifkan. Posisinya sekarang digantikan Johanis Kaloh, Staf Ahli Mendagri bidang Kemasyarakatan dan SDM.

Hore~!! Tapi, tapi.. Bagaimanapun, pemeriksaan terhadap Pak Nyoman itu tetap harus diteruskan. Kalau perlu, masukkan saja ke tahanan, jangan dibiarkan berkeliaran. Tahanan rumah juga jangan. Pokoknya, masukkan saja dia ke Rutan. *evil grin*

12 April 2007

Hueh.. Hari saya kacau. Bener-bener kacau. Gimana ga, praktikum pagi saya kacau, dan sempat diomeli sama Bu Irma gara-gara semua orang kerjanya lama..

Udah gitu.. Jam 12, Keni kirim SMS ke Myu, katanya ga bisa ngasistenin... *gubrak* Yah, saya maklum sih, dia ada tugas yang harus dikumpulin jam 2 siang itu juga..

Masalahnya, kenapa semua orang di lab jadi tanya gini sama saya, 'Dian, Keni-nya mana?'

Kalau yang nanya praktikan atau asisten lain sih ga-pa-pa.. Tapi kalau yang nanya Iman P... Mencurigakan.

Err.. Sebenernya Myu juga lagi pengen nimpukin Keni. Dasar. Dua kali lewat di depan TU Prodi, tiba-tiba begitu ke lab, pamit lagi mau pertemuan...

’Kirain dikau mau meringankan beban saya yang udah stres karena anak-anak kita minggu ini kacaunya setengah mati, Ken... Udah kerjanya ga begitu bagus *kecuali ceweknya*, make larutan proteinnya pun nampak barbar sekali.. Zzz...’

Udah gitu, tahukah dirimu tenggorokan saya sakitnya minta ampun? >.<

*timpuks Keni*


13 April 2007

Dekan IPDN ditahan gara-gara memerintahkan supaya Cliff Muntu disuntik formalin sebelum kematiannya, untuk menutupi luka memar di tubuh Cliff. Ternyata bener dugaan Myu. Ada pejabat IPDN yang terlibat...

14 April 2007

Buat para tersangka penganiaya Cliff, bersiaplah untuk menghadapi majelis hakim. Soalnya, Myu dengar, berkas kasus-nya sudah diserahkan untuk diproses. Selain kasus penganiayaan, penyelidikan kasus formalin masih terus berlanjut, sebab ada indikasi banyak pihak terlibat...

Btw, hasil kualifikasi hari ini: Felipe, Akang Hamilton, Kimi, Abang Fernando. Merah-perak lagi, kaya minggu kemarin. Hihi.

O ya, kalau cowok lain berpikir bahwa kebanyakan cewek suka F1 karena pembalapnya punya wajah cakep, Dad malah berpikir harusnya Mum jadi cowok karena dia suka F1 (dan sepakbola, tentunya). Hihi. Dan anehnya, hobi Mum nonton F1 itu menurun ke saya. Nah, Dad juga suka F1. Akhirnya, jadilah kami sekeluarga pemirsa setia F1...

Dan, ngomong-ngomong soal Felipe-Kimi, saya digoda Dad. 'Antara Kimi atau Massa, pilih mana?'

Yah, terus terang saya pilih Kimi. Lebih cakep, lebih imut, dan juga lebih matang, lebih kalem di lintasan, walaupun sebenarnya dia orangnya juga cukup ceria dan menyenangkan di luar sirkuit (ya, walaupun tetep bakal lebih kalem dibandingin sama yang lain...). Kalau dia bisa jadi pacar atau suami saya, masuk kriteria lho. Saya ini orangnya keras, susah buat ngalah (bukan ga mau), jadi kalau cowok saya mirip Kimi, kalem dan tenang, enak. Ryorin juga orangnya kalem, tapi kadang keras juga. Maklum sih, Myu sama Ryorin itu sama-sama Capricorn. Bedanya Ryorin sedikit lebih dewasa dan lebih kalem.

Yang Myu bingung kalau ditanya pilih mana antara Abang Fernando atau Kimi. Jujur, saya cinta dua-duanya... Err, mungkin Kimi saja. Lebih cakep, lebih imut. :P

*disambit* Ya, emang bukan karena cakepnya doang. Saya lebih suka cowok yang ga terlalu banyak bicara, tapi di saat-saat tertentu, bisa jadi teman yang menyenangkan... Itu juga yang jadi alasan saya cinta Ryorin dan suka sama Keni. Satu masalah dengan cowok-cowok tipe itu. Kalau saatnya ga tepat, ngobrol sama mereka itu bikin bete, karena kesannya kita dicuekin. Tapi kalau pas, rasanya menyenangkan banget.

*kabur sejauh mungkin*

PS: Pembalap bertalenta memang biasanya cakep.. Daddy Schuey cakep, Abang cakep, Kimi juga cakep. Belum Robert Kubica, Lewis Hamilton (item, tapi manis), Nico Hülkenberg-nya A1, dan masih banyak lagi.. :P

PPS: Saya emang suka cowok imut. Kenapa sih? ga boleh? *lempar kulit kacang ke pembaca*

15 April 2007

Udah bagus-bagus di 10 besar, taunya Indonesia harus kena drive through penalty di A1.. >.< Jadilah, no.1 dari belakang. Siyal.

Btw, Jerman juara dunia!!! *lempar bantal ke Daddy Schuey* Nico Hülkenberg-na cakep... *blushed* Mirip Kimi... *ditendang*

Dan.. Felipe akhirnya mendengar omelan saya dan fansnya... :P Makanya, dia juara di Sakhir hari ini. Di belakangnya ada Akang Hamilton sama Kimi...

Abang Fernando? Ilang di belakang Heidfeld. :P

Dan akhirnya, Ambu juga Ryorin sukses berat pundung. Wekekek. Saya juga sebel sih Abang payah gitu. Tapi kalo McLaren payah, saya bahagia.. Wikikik. *kabur*

Ryorin, dilarang cemburu sama Kimi. Udah sama-sama nikah juga... :P

*kabur sejauh mungkin*

16 April 2007

Ga ada kuliah Kinetik~~ *nari-nari*

Btw, ternyata manajer-nya Hülkenberg itu sama dengan manajernya Daddy Schuey dulu, Willi Weber. Dan kata Weber sendiri, Si Nico ini mirip banget sama Daddy Schuey.. Bukan tampangnya, tapi karakternya... Dan mungkin, dia bisa jadi 'The Next Schumacher' kalau masuk F1. Aih~~

Euh, dan dia seumuran sama saya.. cuma beda kira-kira 5 bulan...

19 April 2007

Besok adik angkatan saya ada yang nikah, dan itu sama teman satu angkatannya, satu prodi... Dan mereka baru 20 tahun! Well, buat saya sih ga masalah, tapi ini mah bikin orang satu prodi yang ketemu saya getol ngomongin soal cinta, pacaran, dan pernikahan.. ^^;;

Mulai dari di Lab Anorganik...

Diskusi soal pernikahan secara Islam dan Kristen dengan Daniel dan Tari.. Perbandingannya, gitu..

Fanny yang ga gitu suka pacaran dengan orang satu prodi... Dan mencontohkan pacaran yang dia suka itu kaya Myu dan Ryorin..

Fanny: "Kaya Dian tuh.. Pacaran ga sama temen satu prodi.." *lirik Myu* "Pacarnya anak Biologi, iya kan?"
Myu: "Iyah."

ROTFLMAO. Kenapa saya yang dijadikan contoh~~??? *timpuks Fanny*

Terus.. di Lab Biokimia juga...

Heheh, tapi cerita soal yang lain dulu yah... *kabur*

*balik lagi*

Yah, harap maklum, soalnya kalau di Lab Biokimia, cerita harus dimulai dari acara minum teh bersama...

*timpuks Keni sebelum protes*

Heh. Ya iya lah... Mana hari ini Keni-nya ada, lagi.. *dijitak*

Jadilah seperti ini waktu Myu ke ruang asisten untuk mencari kartu praktikan yang dengan suksesnya menghilang dari meja...

Keni: "Dian~ Ayo minum teh..."
Myu *masuk ruangan*: "Oh... hai~"
Puti: "Tuh, udah dibikinin sama Keni..."
Myu: "Aih, makasih.."
Keni: "Eh, ini mah buat saya sendiri.."
Myu: *cuek* *lirik Keni* "Mana? Sini." *ambil gelas sendiri*

Selanjutnya tentu bisa ditebak... :P Alias, semua orang di ruangan itu sepakat menggoda cowok yang bahkan kata Lily pun namanya manis dan mirip cewe (namanya, Keni.. bukan orangnya. Namanya doang. Ga usah protes!).

Salah sendiri, harusnya kita minum teh-nya berdua aja, Ken.. *disambit*

Halah. Sampai lupa bilang ke Keni kalau bukan cuma Bu Lubna yang ngira dia itu cewe... Tapi Lily juga. ^^;;

Sisi~~~ Tolong bilangin... *kabuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrr*

*penulis diseret sama pembaca*

Hueh. Tapi gara-gara itu, kartu praktikan-nya akhirnya ketemu. Di loker, diselundupkan oleh entah-siapa-itu. --;

Dan selanjutnya, entah berapa menit atau berapa jam sesudahnya, pembicaraan jadi soal anak 2004 yang mau nikah...

Anna: "Keni gimana sih. Masa mau aja diduluin.."
Myu: "Iyah. Keni kapan (nikah)?"
Keni: "Err... Sekarang juga lagi nyari calon istri.." *lirik Myu* "Cariin dong.."
Anna: "Btw, dulu Yeni nikah April. Bobo juga April..."
Myu *potong*: "Berarti Dian April depan dong..." :P
Anna: "Ga mau diduluin~~"
Myu: "Dian maunya duluan..." *cuek*

(pembicaraan disensor karena Ryorin juga baca waktu nulis ini.. :P)

*dikemplang Ryorin*

Heheh. Habisnya saya digodain soal 'pernikahan' juga sih... Malu ngomongin di sini... T.T Ryorin-nya baca.. T.T

*timpuks Keni dan Anna* Hayo, tanggung jawab kalian.. T.T Bikin orang jadi WaFF, jadi malu... T.T

Pokoknya kalian berdua harus tanggung jawab. T.T Harus. Haruuussssss~~ *pundung*


Dan dengan tidak terduga, pembicaraan langsung beralih ke laporan yang belum diperiksa, belum dimasukkan nilainya, dsb...

Keni: "Eh, iya. Laporan yang ini sama saya, ya?"
Myu: "Iya."
Keni: "Atau mau sama Dian aja?"
Myu: "Ga mauuuuuuu~~~" *jitak Keni* *timpuks pake papan tulis* "Enak aja. Ga adil."

Tentu, ga adil itu namanya. Sudah kesepakatan laporan dibagi dua, nak... :P Kalo ga, sinih separo dari gajimu... Sepertiga deh.... Seperempat, boleh? Semuanya aja deh kalo gitu... *dibunuh*

Euh, apa lagi yah...

Ahaha~ Iyah. Gara-gara Keni bilang dia 'available', Myu jadi semangat godain Lily.. Wekekek. Habis, Lily-nya cari cowok yang cakep, pinter, manis, baik hati, dst, dsb, dll, dkk..

Masalah Lily-nya masuk kriteria Keni apa ga... Mana saya tahu.

Masalah Keni-nya serius apa ga... Peduli amat.. *dijitak* :P Toh cewek yang dapet dia mesti rela ditinggal selama beberapa tahun buat studi ke Jepang... Dan itu entah jadi apa ga, trus entah kapan berangkatnya... :P

Ah, udah ah. Perasaan udah ga ada yang perlu diceritain.. *ngeloyor*

*balik lagi*

Cuma pengen bilang tadi memaksa Keni nulis pengumuman di papan tulis...

...Ga maksa. RALAT. MYU GA MAKSA. Kan Pak Rukman yang nyuruh Keni buat nulis pengumuman bahwa ujian praktikum itu hari Jumat tanggal 27 April... Jadi, biarpun Myu juga dikasih tahu, Keni yang disuruh mengumumkan.. :P

Dan asisten ga disuruh bikin soal. Yay!! *lagi males mikir*

*ngeloyor beneran*

20 April 2007

Buat Nurin dan Bobo, selamat menempuh hidup baru. Semoga bisa menjadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah. Pesan Myu, hidup dalam pernikahan itu ga selamanya indah, ga selamanya bahagia. Selalu ada susah, ada senang. Tapi yang penting, jalani apa adanya kehidupan kalian. I'm sure you both will be happy, and the marriage will last forever. Myu sih emang belum nikah beneran, tapi Myu udah melihat begitu banyak kehidupan setelah pernikahan, baik yang bahagia, maupun tidak begitu bahagia.

O ya, semalam Myu nonton Kick Andy. Topiknya tentang mantan model Playboy, Tiara Lestari. Yang menarik bagi saya bukan soal dulunya dia model Playboy dan sekarang bukan... Tapi, kesediaan dia menjadi model inisiasi dini bayi yang benar, yang digagas oleh ibu mertuanya.

Jadi gini, ibu mertuanya Tiara itu adalah, yah, bisa dibilang aktivis masalah ASI (Air Susu Ibu) . Dia dan Tiara, merencanakan untuk merekam proses inisiasi dini bayi Tiara nanti saat Tiara melahirkan. Tentu, dengan seizin suami Tiara sendiri, Andi Sjarief.

Katanya, proses inisiasi dini yang selama ini dilakukan orang itu belum benar. Yang benar adalah, si bayi diletakkan dalam posisi setengah tengkurap.. Err, miring ke samping gitu lah kepalanya... Di dada ibunya. Nah, si bayi ini ga boleh diangkat dari dada sang ibu minimal selama 30 menit, maksimal 1 jam. Dan selama waktu itu, kita biarin si bayi mencari sendiri puting susu ibunya sampai dapat.

Terus, katanya, dada seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan itu bener-bener... Istilahnya, ajaib. Dia punya pengatur suhu otomatis yang... Ga sembarangan. Gimana ga, pengatur suhu itu ya si bayi yang dilahirkan ibu itu. Ketika si bayi merasa kedinginan, suhu di dada seorang ibu akan naik beberapa derajat, supaya bayi itu tetap hangat, dan ketika ia kepanasan, dada sang ibu menurunkan suhunya. Beneran, Myu ga tau harus bilang apa sama Yang-Di-Atas... Untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang tak dapat dirangkai dengan kata-kata... *speechless*

Dan, Myu jadi ingin sesuatu yang dibilang ibu mertua-nya Tiara:
"Buat yang beragama Islam, ketika nanti Anda (atau istri Anda, atau keluarga Anda) melahirkan, mintalah pada dokter atau bidan yang membantu persalinan, supaya sang ayah diijinkan untuk meng-adzan-i sang bayi di dada sang ibu. Karena itu sangat indah.."

Jujur, Myu bener-bener pengen seperti itu...

21 April 2007

Selamat Hari Kartini. Untuk saya sendiri dan semua wanita...

*Indonesian mode OFF*

22 April 2007

Happy World’s Earth Day! Love the earth, save the earth, and teach younger ones how to love and save the earth…


Born in Hürth-Hermülheim, Germany, 3rd January 1969, this man who nicknamed Schumi, Schuey, or Schu is a well-known but also controversial person.

This article surely is not for comparing Schumi with other well-known people, but more of my personal opinions and views about this person I called ‘Daddy Schuey’ (because I think of him as my own Daddy...)

The first time I knew Schumi was back in 1999, the first time I saw F1 on television, and his ninth season in Formula 1. Honestly, it was a tough year for Schumi since he had to retire from the championship for almost half of the season after an accident. But, one year with F1, saw Schumi’s performance for half a season, I fell in love with this Corinna Betsch’s husband.

For five years after that, Schumi was dominating the F1 championship. And after 13 years of his F1 career, he broke the world championship record, becoming the seven time world champion ever. It’s maybe annoying for some people, but for me, that’s an inspiration.

Well, Ferrari may have damn good car at that time, and Schumi may had a lot of luck, but those are not enough. Schumi is a man who has great talent, with high spirit, ambition, and discipline. He is also always willing to be hardworking. And, these are his superiority. As fellow Capricorn, of course that inspires me to achieve success like Schumi, on my own sector. I loved playing more, but when I had to fulfil my targets, I choose to fight like Schumi, though it’s not always successful.

Back to Schumi. As a star, he sure is not free from controversies. From his style of racing, until his team and his winning. Even there are so much controversies, that would take a lot of pages if we discuss it,

But, there was something interesting. In 1994, he crashed with Damon Hill at Adelaide, and in 1997, he crashed with Jacques Villeneuve at Jerez. All because the struggles to win the world champion title. At that time, Schumi was still ‘young’, unlike now, when he had participated in FIA’s campaigns about road safety, and stuff like that, for years. Now, he is different. Not that different, but he is wiser, and more mature, thanks to his wife, Corinna, and his children, Gina Maria and Mick. Well, if you read Interview with Michael Schumacher from June 2004 edition of F1 Racing, you may agree with this.

Well, as I said before, being a husband and father really affects Schumi. He is still the same man, the same Michael Schumacher, but he is really calmer and wiser now. Inside the circuits, or outside, in his ordinary life. For his last years in F1, he drove his car fast and surely, but also calmly, and carefully. Sometimes he won, sometimes he lost, but he faced it all with patient. Schumi was always so happy, jumping up and down in joy when he won the race. But, when he lost, he always tried to keep smiling, though maybe in his heart, he feels disappointed.

And, about driving, apparently he really loves the art of driving. Therefore, when Peter Windsor asked Schumi to took him in a few laps tour at Mugello with Ferrari 575M, he showed it. He showed his skill of driving, and made Mr. Windsor totally excited. With different cars, Schumi is always capable to drive wonderfully, and if it’s a race car, he could record a quick, fast timing without asking too much changes on the car. He changed his style a bit to be adapted with the cars. Peter Windsor said that Schumi was the real example of a driver who should be followed by other drivers. He was a guy who loves the art of driving, a genius whom heart is bigger than the sport he loves (Indeed, his heart actually is bigger than soccer ball or even race car.. *g*).

Schumi is Schumi. He couldn’t be compared with other people. Yes, in all matters of life, he is improper to be compared. For me, he is more proper to be admired, to be an inspiration. Well, save his weaknesses. ^^

Before this article ends, there’re still a few interesting things about Schumi. Last year, in Monza, he confirmed his retiring from F1, and this made all people who know him, from Ferrari’s tifosi until his rivals, and all the ordinary people in the world ‘be sorrowful’ with his leaving from F1 arena. Alan Henry said, Schumi is a person who always kind to everyone, always willing to hear and receive critiques from everyone. Maybe this is why everyone was rather sad when he left, though it’s natural, and F1 will always continues.

He is retired from the race now, but Ferrari made him a mentor in the team, as the assistant to the newly appointed Scuderia Ferrari CEO Jean Todt for the 2007 Formula One Season in particular scouting for new drivers, to be exact. So, now we shouldn’t be sad, because he is still there. Well, yeah, he may spend more of his time with his beloved family now…

But, again, Alan Henry said that we really shouldn’t be sad. We should be happy and show our respect to his decision, and to Corinna’s dream. She ever commented about Schumi’s career and said that they had enjoyed a lot of happy, joyful days. Years full of memories for them. But (at that time) she really want Schumi to come out safely.

Now, her dream is fulfilled. I’m happy, like Alan, because Schumi now could live his life happily with his family in Switzerland, spend his time with his little children, even if sometimes he still pay attention to Ferrari and F1.

And sure, Herr Schumacher will remembered forever. Inside or outside the F1 arena.

Wish you have beautiful and enchanting days now and forever, Daddy Schuey! Ich liebe dich!! ^^


No long report this time, because I am too lazy to write it here. Well, watching the race without company is really boring and sad…

From the qualifying, Massa took the pole. Again, there was competition between the two big team, McLaren and Ferrari. Behind Massa, there was Hamilton, Kimi and Alonso.

The race was a great day for Massa and Hamilton, since they were dominating the entire race that day. Even Kimi and Alonso couldn’t catch them up. Kimi ended up third, and Alonso ended up fifth behind Heidfeld. Well, Alonso was third in the first laps, but thanks to Ferrari’s pit-stop strategy, Kimi passed him after the pit and Alonso became fourth. After that, Heidfeld attacked Alonso and passed him, and from that time on, Alonso was stuck in fifth.

There were 7 drivers retired. First, Scott Speed and Jenson Button, who had an accident, then Liuzzi, Sato, DC, and Webber. And the last, though he was officially sixteenth place, Anthony Davidson who had engine problems.

Massa seems to heard Ferrari’s fans disappointments about the last time in Malaysia, showed a great race for us, and Hamilton showed that he should be considered. Another step forward for BMW Sauber, too, since their drivers, Heidfeld and Kubica, are in fourth and sixth place, respectively.

And, now the three person in the driver’s championship, Alonso, Kimi, Hamilton, are tied with 22 points. McLaren is still leading the constructor’s championship, but with 5 points difference with Ferrari, the competition will be tighter.


19 years old, but already in the 4th Year of Undergraduate, this young lady is better known by her nicknames, Chryseis or Myu. She is actually a warm and kind-hearted woman deep inside, but also could be damn cold in some occasions. But.. How much do you know about this cat-loving Ferrari and Schumacher fan, anyway? Now it is your chance to know a little bit more of this Kimi Räikkönen lover.

Q: What's in your garage at home?
A: I used to have all kinds of vehicles, except trucks. *laughs* But now, I only have a motorcycle in Bandung, and some motorcycle, also a bicycle in Nganjuk (her hometown).

Q: Tell us something we don't know about you?
A: I am totally perfectionist and moody. I want everything to be perfect, and my mood changes every seconds, every minute, every time. I can be warm and friendly on occasions, but I too could be cold and hostile in front of people sometimes. Some people maybe thinks different about me, but this is the fact. This is my secret I'm willing to share. Well, another secrets should remain secrets.

Q: Your favourite song for karaoke?
A: A lot of Japanese songs, mainly V6's songs, and also a few of Celine Dion's song.

Q: What's the most unusual request you've had from a fan?
A: Unusual request, eh? I don't remember...

Q: Funniest thing you've read/heard about yourself in the press?
A: That people think and tell that I am a junior high school student, and younger than my actual age.

Q: Your most embarrassing moment?
A: When I was in senior high school, around 2001, my friend asked me who was the boy I loved in school when we were on summer camp together. Since I was too shy to tell who was the boy, I answered that the boy was Kimi Räikkönen. Well, I was in love with Kimi as a F1 rookie at that time, but it was an inappropriate answer for my friend's questions.

Q: When you're at home, what do you listen to?
A: Basically anything I want to hear at that time, and some new songs.

Q: Best part of Formula One - apart from the drivers?
A: The competition, definitely. Nothing can be compared with F1 in the feeling of the competition.

Q: Your most prized possession?
A: My boyfriend and my stuffed cats collection.

Q: What would you be if you weren't a chemistry student?
A: I would be studying foreign languages, or maybe a writer.

Q: Person you most admire?
A: My Mum, my auntie Twan, and Michael Schumacher. Definitely.

Q: Last good deed you did?
A: There are a lot of good deed, but I don't want to tell about all of them. One of them is participating in a charity project, anyway.

Q: Who would you want to play you in a movie?
A: Well, anyone who has the almost same face and/or voice like me.

Q: Do you have any bad habits?
A: I am indecisive, lazy to have a lunch, and very untidy.

Q: If you were a superhero, what would your special powers be?
A: Err.. Ability to fly without wings, and magic powers.

And… that silly interview ends this edition. *g* See you next time.

Bye bye, minna~~!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Chemistry In Life Thirty-third Edition

Munya~n! Welcome back to Chemistry in Life. This time, I have so much things to share with you. Besides the usual report of Formula 1 and ‘Another View of Myu-chan’, I also wanna share ’50 People I Loved The Most’ and some results I take from online quizzes.

Of course, this edition is gonna be a long one. So, just enjoy~! *g*

Oh, just an addie... ‘In Love with Michael Schumacher’ will be up next edition. ^^

*Indonesian mode ON*
22 Maret 2007

Yah.. Hari Kamis lagi. Artinya, saya harus asistensi lagi, dan... Pak Rukman 'curhat' lagi. Hihi.

Sebenernya bukan curhat sih, lebih tepat dibilang sharing. Jadi gini, Myu kan lagi baca-baca majalah tentang Tokyo Institute of Technology sambil ngobrol ama Keni dan Sisi (yah, asisten-asisten tukang ngobrol... :P). Tiba-tiba bapak-nya datang, terus spontan Keni bilang, 'Pak, mau ngembaliin buku, tapi masih dibaca...' *blink-blink*

Pak Rukman sih langsung duduk aja, di kursi, terus nanya ini-itu ke Keni sama Sisi, akhirnya cerita-cerita soal beberapa profesor di TIT. Mulai dari profesor, sampai akhirnya ke topik penelitian, yang tentu... Masih berhubungan sama profesor.
Yang paling menarik, Pak Rukman cerita kalau ada topik atau bidang yang bagus, tapi orang Indonesia belum ada yang masuk ke bidang itu. Bagus, bener-bener bagus, tapiiiii... 'Profesor-nya agak keras. Jadi kalau mau kerja sama dia, ya... Kerjanya mirip-mirip kerja rodi.'


Yah, spontan Myu tanya ke Keni, 'Keni.. Keni mau kerja rodi?'. Wikikik. Untung bapak-nya masih ada, kalau ga, ga tau deh ekspresinya Keni kaya gimana.. *kabur sebelum ditimpuk*

Dari topik penelitian, pindah ke bahasa... Dan dua orang asisten tersisa punya masalah yang *hampir* sama. Belum bisa baca huruf Kanji.. Padahal semua petunjuk jalan di sana pakai huruf Kanji atau kana... *hiks* Kalau kana semua sih mending.. Ini pakai huruf Kanji. Cape deh.

Pindah lagi... sekarang ke curhat-nya. Kata Pak Rukman, kalau di Jepang, mahasiswa S2 dan S3 itu ga ada yang namanya liburan musim panas. Jadi, kuliah di musim panas itu menderita, soalnya suhu di sana bisa sampai 37 derajat Celcius. OMG. Anak sekolah dan mahasiswa S1 itu enak... --;

Trus, katanya, Jepang itu bisa dibilang negara paling aman di dunia. Jam berapapun kita keluar rumah, selalu ada orang lalu-lalang. Nah, di Jepang, orang kuliah, terutama S2 atau S3, itu sering ikut seminar. Kadang bisa di Jepang aja, kadang bisa ke luar negeri, kalau laboratorium-nya kaya. Nah, Pak Rukman kebetulan dapat lab yang lumayan kaya, jadi sempat pergi ke Amerika. Ke Boston, kalau ga salah. Ternyata, di Amerika itu sama seperti di Indonesia. Kotanya bisa aja besar, tapi tetap aja, kumuh. Bahkan hotel yang dia tempati juga kumuh. Udah gitu, kalau udah maghrib di sana, keluar rumah itu udah takut.
Habisnya, udah gelap, sepi, dan berbahaya. Yah, tau lah...

Jadi Myu ama Keni berkesimpulan, film-film di TV itu bohong semua... Penipuan.*g*

O ya, dan Pak Rukman sempat cerita soal penelitian protein.. Yah, apa (lupa) protein gitu... Dan mencontohkan hasil penelitiannya gini, 'Ya, molekul(inti)nya sebesar kamu (sambil nunjuk Myu), terus muter-muter molekul yang ukurannya *jauh* lebih besar.'

*gubrak* Tentu saja, Myu dengan suksesnya sweatdrop. Untung ga pingsan...

O ya, PERINGATAN! Kalau Anda sudah melamar untuk program graduate di Jepang, sudah mengusulkan topik ke satu professor dan diterima, JANGAN pindah 'professor'! Kalau berani, jangan harap Anda diterima lagi. Anda ga bakalan diterima, di seluruh Jepang. *g* Kowaiii~~~~

23 Maret 2007

Baca komentar Kimi soal balapan di Australia... Dia bilang, waktu dia sempat melebar ke samping sepuluh lap terakhir, dia itu hampir ketiduran. Yah, betul! Hampir ketiduran. Dan waktu dia sadar, dia ngerasa ada yang bilang, 'Hei, bangun!'. Astaganaga.

Trus, katanya, Kimi sekarang lebih banyak senyum di Ferrari ketimbang McLaren. Mirip, sama Raidiese. Dua-duanya Ice Man, dan dua-duanya lebih banyak senyum setelah pindah. Kalau Kimi pindah tim, Rai sih.. Pindah ke seri berikutnya dari game. *kabur sebelum digeplak*

Mampir ke blog Ambu... Ada tentang Lewis Hamilton. Yang menarik buat Myu, ada fotonya yang mirip sama foto Abang Fernando beberapa waktu yang lalu.. Bedanya, Hamilton mah ga liat-liat... Hihihi.

Trus, Ambu curhat soal GP Aussie. Katanya, sirkuit Albert Park mau dipakai malam hari buat GP Formula 1. Artinya, GP Australia mau diadakan malam hari, biar orang-orang Amerika sama Kanada bisa lihat balapannya pagi. Dan, kabarnya, ada yang usul biar diadain di Singapura aja.

Mau tahu Miyu komen gimana?

"Zzz. Masa GP Aussie mau diadain malem?

Trus GP Malay gimana? Malem juga?

Dasar orang Amerika geblek. Hihi.

Btw, emang geblek sih. Mereka maunya nonton siang mulu, nah kita, GP Amrik ama Kanada dibela-belain nonton malem. Begadang,
bahkan Myu pernah ga tidur gara2 nonton itu. Zzz.

Btw lagi, soal sirkuit di Singapura, setau Myu sih ga ada, tapi mungkin mau dibikin.. Ga tau lagi deh.

Dan sirkuit Albert Park itu asalnya emang mau jadi taman, hence the name. Tapi kok Miyu lebih suka yang gitu yah, daripada
sirkuit yang jalanan mulu dan ga ada pemandangan.."

Ya iya, lah. Buat Myu, kalau monoton jalan doang, ga ada pemandangan juga amit-amit. Apalagi yang jalanan doang, dan sempit kaya sirkuit di Monaco. Euh...

Yah, nanti disambung kapan-kapan deh. Banyak yang perlu diomongin soal sirkuit..

24 Maret 2007

Pas naik angkot sepulang dari mengajar Lily, tiba-tiba ada pengamen. Empat. Cuma, yang satu ini lumayan keren. Percaya atau ga, mereka memainkan lagu-nya Bond, Victory, tapi ada sedikit variasinya. Kalau Bond total pakai alat musik gesek, macam biola, violin, cello, dst... Ini yang dua pakai biola, yang satunya pakai gitar, satunya lagi, pakai semacam kendang atau apa gitu... Yah, itu deh. Yang bikin Myu kagum, harmoni kendang sama alat musik lainnya itu, bisa dikatakan, bagus. Dan lagunya bener.

Tanpa pikir panjang, Myu sikut-sikut tangan Ryorin, trus bilang (setengah bisik-bisik), 'Lagunya keren.'

Dan Ryorin yang biasanya males ngasih uang ke pengamen, sekarang ngasih...

Sayang, ga semua pengamen kaya gitu. Niat. Biasanya, main gitarnya asal. Udah gitu, kalau nyanyi, nyanyinya dengan suara sumbang dan ga jelas.

Lebih Myu sayangkan lagi, yang keren macam tadi itu ga ada yang memperhatikan. Padahal mereka bisa jadi band musikal terkenal lho. Atau kalau yang nyanyi, bisa jadi penyanyi yang ternama. Tapiiiiii~ kok ga ada yang mau niat dan memperhatikan ya?

27 Maret 2007

Ujian Kimia Anorganik, dan tentu... Kacau. Bayangkan, saya cuma ingat tentang orbital, massa-inti-efektif, dan struktur kristal. Masalahnya, saya salah menggambar struktur waktu ujiannya. Ketukar dengan suksesnya. T.T

Lebih parah lagi, saya lupa ngitung densitas itu gimana... T.T

28 Maret 2007

Rabu dan Jumat itu adalah Hari Pengangguran buat saya. Jadi, ngapain kalau ga onlen, online, dan oneline---? *ditimpuk*

Nah, ketemu berita keren:
Nama Daddy saya, diabadikan jadi nama bagian dari sirkuit Nurburgring...

Ini nih... Beritanya.

Aih~ Manisnyaaa~~~ *kabur sebelum ditimpuk Ambu*

Nah, sekarang saya malah ngebayangin kalau nama saya yang diabadikan sebagai nama bagian sirkuit Sentul. Ga mungkin? Yee~
Namanya juga mengkhayal... :P

Eh, btw. Namanya 'Schumacher S', disingkat jadi... SS.

Severus Snape? Salazar Slytherin? Susah Semua? S... apalagi yah? S Setiawan??? *kabur sebelum ditimpuk*

Hoho. Ga boleh itu. Ga boleh nimpuk orang tua. Yang boleh cuma Ambu dan Ryorin. Trus, LuCinda, Moirae, bcoyotey, juga Ragz....

29 Maret 2007

Kamis ini bikin ngantuk.. Udah paginya diomelin karena laporan, siangnya ga ada yang menarik. Ga ada orang curhat, ga ada..
Yah, sesuatu yang bikin saya ga ngantuk.

Sampai-sampai biasanya saya ngikutin Keni kemana aja (untuk bergosip, tentunya.. bukan untuk kencan. ^^;), hari ini ngga.


Keni: Ga jalan-jalan?
Myu: ..Ngantuk...
Keni: Oh, tidur aja kalau gitu.
Myu: Ngg... *melirik praktikan* *mlungker tidur*

Baru ga ngantuk waktu Yessi mampir ke meja Myu dan minta sesuatu ke Myu dan Keni..

Yessi: Keni.. Sabtu mau ga nginep di lab?
Keni: Ga mau ah. Maunya hari ini.. *dengan ekspresi ga jelas plus amit-amit menyebalkan* *disambit*
Yessi: Ih.. Masa aku sendirian..
Keni: Tanya aja Iman. Siapa tau dia mau..
Yessi: Katanya suruh tanya Keni..

Aih.. Dua cowok gila. :P

Lalu dengan cepat tentu saja pembicaraan soal menginap itu terlupakan, jadi pembicaraan soal TA, dan ujian... dan pinjam-meminjam buku.

Yessi: O ya, ada yang ikut Wirus ga? *Kewirausahaan, red.*
Myu: Dian ikut, kenapa?
Yessi: Mau pinjem bukunya.. Ada kan? Plis.. Ada dong.. *dengan tampang melas*
Myu: Err.. Nanti kucari dulu deh.

Dan kembali ke masalah 'menginap di lab' dan inkubasi ragi..

Yessi: Eh, betewe, sekarang hari apa?
Myu: Kamis.
Yessi: Berarti kalau 72 jam, hari Minggu dong.. Kalau Sabtu kan baru 48 jam..


Yessi: Masa hari Minggu sih? Atau ku-cut aja waktunya jadi 48 jam? Ah, ku-cut aja deh. Keni, ayo dong.. Mau ya..? Sabtu..
*hening sedetik :P*
Keni: Tanya Iman aja... Eh, Minggu aja gitu? Tapi kalau Minggu, kapan saya belajar Kinetika?

*Myu timpuks Keni pake modul* -.-;

Nyindir, heh? Nyindir?

Hiks.. Dasar... Saya kan juga belum belajar... T.T

Trus, setelah Yessi pulang, datang Frisda yang iseng minjem HP-nya Keni buat miscal orang, dan iseng liat mailboxnya juga..

Frisda: No new messages?
Keni: Oh, iya. Sering penuh euy...
Frisda: Keni banyak fans-nya..
*Myu cekikikan*
Keni: Oh, iya. Maklum.. *sensor karena saya lupa apa yang dia bilang*
Frisda: Tapi fans-nya Keni mah smsnya gini, 'Keni, ajarin~'
*Myu cekikikan lagi*

Emang bener. *lol*

Lama-lama KFC (Keni Fans Club, ndul!) memang harus didirikan.. :-"

*kabur sebelum disambit*

5 April 2007

Hari Kamis lagi, dan sekarang saya yang dikerjain.. Yah, sebenernya Keni sih yang jadi korban. Tapi kok saya diikutsertakan yah? *timpuks Sisi dan Bu Fernita*

Yah, kronologisnya begini.. Myu dan Keni kan bosan memperhatikan praktikan, dan kita berdua sama-sama ngantuk, sama-sama haus, sama-sama.... Pengen cari minum. Pas ke ruang asisten, ternyata teh-nya belum datang, jadi kita nunggu aja sekalian ngobrol sama asisten lain, termasuk Sisi dan Bu Fernita. Entah kenapa, pembicaraan tiba-tiba jadi seperti ini begitu teh datang dan diminum:

Sisi: "Keni, jangan manis-manis.." (teh-nya, red.)
Bu Fernita: "Iya, tar kena kencing manis lho."
Sisi: "Ah, tapi Keni kan ga manis, makanya bikin teh-nya yang manis."
Myu: *cekikikan* "Keni emang ga manis."
Sisi: "Eh, tapi kan Keni masih diterima sama Dian..." (yah, itu maksudnya saya, dudul~!)
Keni: "Oh, iya, kan kita emang pasangan serasi." *lirik Myu* "Iya kan?"
Myu: "Apaan sih?" *blushing* (Tapi nadanya terkesan lagi sebel.. ^^;;)
Sisi: "Aih, Keni.. Kasihan banget.."
Bu Fernita: "Iya, bahkan sama Dian aja ditolak. Eh, Keni tolong bikinin teh buat saya.."
*Keni bikin teh buat Bu Fernita* --> ^^;; (Kasihan.. Untung bukan Myu yang minta tolong, Ken..)
Myu: "Aih, saya ga nolak kok.." (Yah, sejak kapan saya nolak dia? :P)

Obrolan, gosip, dll berlanjut ke hal-hal lain, sampai ada yang lihat pulpen milik seseorang tergeletak begitu saja di dekat komputer lab. Tentu, Myu jadi sasaran lagi..

Keni *memperhatikan pulpen*: "Kok kaya gini yah?"
Bu Fernita: "Itu namanya lip-liner. Itu.. yang buat bikin garis bibir.." (padahal emang jelas-jelas pulpen.. *lol*)
Sisi: "Tawarin ke Dian, Ken. Siapa tahu dia mau..."
Myu: "Kalau gratis mah Dian juga mau..."
Sisi: "Tuh, kan. Dia mau. Ya udah, sok sana, beliin buat Dian, Ken."
Myu & Keni: #$@$@$@*&*^!@&#^!#???

Untungnya waktu Sisi mampir ke meja Myu dan Keni sejam kemudian, obrolan bukan lagi tentang gosip ga jelas dan aneh-bin-ajaib antara Myu dan Keni (Yah, sebenarnya saya rela aja sih digosipin kaya gitu.. XP). Tapi...

Sisi *lihat Keni mulai iseng menggambar sesuatu*: "...Keni kan dulu pernah ikut Indonesian Idol kategori lomba menggambar..."
Anggi: "Oh, emang ada gitu?"
Sisi: "Oh, iya, ada."
Keni: "Kalau Sisi bakatnya justru membohongi orang.. Siapa aja percaya kok."
Sisi: "Iya, di CV saya kemarin juga ditulis gitu kok.."
Anggi: "Membohongi orang kan? Kenapa ga ditulis aja, keahlian: membohongi orang, memasak, dll.."
Keni: "Iya, ya. Tulis aja gitu, Si. Kan semua orang pasti percaya kamu."
Sisi: "Ah, iya. Ya udah, tar ditulis gitu deh."


Nah.. Ngomong-ngomong soal bakat, Myu bakatnya apa yah? Meracau dalam puisi, itu jelas. :P Ya, ya, meracau di sini juga... --;

Heh, jangan menggosipkan Myu sama Keni lagi...! *timpuks* --;

7 April 2007

Felipe dapat pole position! That’s my brother. Yay! Abang Fernando nomor dua, trus Kimi dan Akang Hamilton. Anyway~ Red and silver front rows, eh? Lucu juga.

Adik saya, terus abang sepupu saya (kan Abang anaknya Ambu, sementara saya anak Daddy Schuey... :P), terus tunangan saya, trus... sepupu jauh saya. Keren. *kabur sebelum disambit*

8 April 2007

Alonso menang~ *timpuks Ambu yang jingkrak-jingkrak karena McLaren dapet 1-2*

Hayah, yang dapet podium mah orangnya sama aja. Abang Fernando, Akang Hamilton, dan Kimi. Urutannya gitu. Kalo yang kemarin, Kimi, Abang, Hamilton...

Balapan berikutnya Hamilton, Kimi, Abang?? Kalo bener, ROTFLMAO. Lingkaran setan. *kabur*

Yah, kan keren kalau kaya gitu... *ditimpuk pembalap lain yang juga pengen masuk podium*

*Indonesian mode OFF*

Well... When I dropped by a friend’s blog, MG’s blog to be sure, I saw she wrote a list of 50 people she loved the most. The list was inspired by the same list of Princess Mia’s in the Princess Diary. So, I want to make one, too, and here it is...

1. Mum, who gave birth to me and raise me until now.
2. Ryorin, who loves me very much, believe me and always willing to be a place to share.
3. Yang Ti (Mum's mommy), who always pray for my success and happy life.
4. Oma (Dad's mother), who, when she was still alive, always taking care of her children and grandchildren, including me, in a lovely manner, like someone who is taking care of beautiful flowers in the garden.
5. Michael Schumacher a.k.a. Schumi a.k.a. Schuey, who have been my inspiration for these 8 years.
6. V6, whom I loved very much for those sweet, happy songs. (OK, I know this is a group... But my love for them now are equal... XP)
7. Keni, my friend at the university, who has been a really really great friend for every people in the class all the time. (yeah, you know that you're too kind... XP)
8. Mbak Isty, my dearest sworn sister, and a friend for gossipping about *almost* everything.
9. K' Fadhony, my high-school friend, whom I respect as my own big brother.
10. Jacklin, my dearest sworn little-sister, whom I loved so much, and loves to share everything about sentai, V6, and love with me.
11. Mbak Tin, who has taken care of me when I was a little girl.
12. Cik Lisa, my respectable cousin, who has been an example on being a mother to me.
13. Pauline, my stubborn but lovely and beautiful niece.
14. Imelda, my little, cute, sweet niece.
15. Teddy, my hyperactive nephew whom I ever taken care of. (Missed you so much, Ted. Don't tell me you're enjoying Australia. XP)
16. T-tyq, one of my first friends at the university.
17. Nita, my dearest cousin, who I ever take care of, and has been a sweet girl.
18. DoR a.k.a. Amy, who owned TPS.
19. Kimi Raikkonen. (Anyone, don't tease me about the relation between 'first love' and Kimi, please. That is embarrassing.)
20. Sir Scepter a.k.a. Ian Adam Bravestone a.k.a. Greg, my TPS uncle, whose poetry I loved so much, and has been a good role model and kind mentor for me. (Except for that time, but I *no, WE* still love you~!)
21. Reinn a.k.a. Revo, my HPI friend, my lovely "little son".
22. RagDoll a.k.a. Merin, my crazy twin sister at TPS, the one who should be better known as the Smiley Queen.
23. P' Loka, my favorite biochemistry teacher.
24. Bu Dessy, who has been teaching me last two semesters.
25. Sley, my IJ friend.
26. Iman, my college friend who always tend to be selected as the class-leader in every class he is in.
27. Wak Twan, Dad's elder sister.
28. Wak Hian, also Dad's elder sister.
29. Tante Ariek, Mum's younger sister, who always love to tease me about SMS. (Don't sing that song, please... --;)
30. Lily, my HPI friend.
31. Moirae a.k.a. MoiMoi, my TPS aunt. *hugs*
32. Moccy-nee, my IJ friend, my o-neechan. (Nee-chan, gomen, I forgot to send you a happy birthday last time.. m(_._)m)
33. Maya, my college friend.
34. Nila, my college friend *too*.
35. P' Asob, my 10th grade homeroom teacher.
36. Dianne, my IJ friend.
37. Raven, also my TPS friend, one of those who were my first time friends there.
38. Katriona, again, she is my TPS friend, the one who loves nature so much. (I hope I can meet you sometime, Aunt Kat..)
39. P' Amin, my home lecturer.
40. Queen. Yeah, that's her name. (I love you, Queenie! *hugs*)
41. Umara Sophia a.k.a. Sweet Seductress, who preferred to be called Sophie.
42. White Demon a.k.a. Liz a.k.a. Elizabeth Scorzcik. (Miss you so much, girl...)
43. LuCinda. (Luv ya, LuCi!)
44. bcoyotey a.k.a. Penny. (I'll never let you go away! *g*)
45. inflames a.k.a. Flamey a.k.a. Scruffy Links a.k.a.... Whatever. *lol* *runs away from Flamey* (Hey, when will you and Sam take over the world? I can't wait...)
46. SE a.k.a. Boots. (Meow~!)
47. Fernando Alonso. (Now I can't believe you're in McLaren!)
48. Felipe Massa.
49. Arashi's Sakurai Shou.
50. PSS, a HPI friend.

Oh, well... Actually I would like to put Raidiese F. Branstein there.. *g* But since it's just the 50 *real* people I loved the most, he is uneligible. Oh, man. Poor Rai. *runs away*

Well, should I write 50 anime/manga/game/whatsoever characters I loved the most? I will, if you asked me to.

Welcome to Sepang International Circuit, the hottest circuit in the world. Literally. :P

The Saturday qualifying was absolutely great, since there were a totally close and exciting competition between Ferrari and McLaren, also between the drivers, Alonso, Hamilton, Kimi, and Massa. The result for the front row was Massa, Alonso, Kimi, and Hamilton, respectively. (Red-silver, that’s so cute~ *g*)

At the race, the start went really good for Alonso, as he could taken the first place from the pole sitter, Felipe Massa. McLaren then takes the lead, as Hamilton took the second place from the Ferrari cars which couldn’t able to maintain their position. Massa and Kimi the dropped to third and fourth, respectively.

There was a yellow flag because of a problem involving a Spyker car, but that didn’t stop Massa and Kimi from giving pressure to Hamilton. Massa almost managed to pass Hamilton, but he accidentally slipped and lost two position. (Silly Felipe... -.-;;) Kimi and Heidfeld went up to third and fourth.

Lap 14, Alonso leads with about 13 seconds (the same as Kimi last race, I guess). Massa was still battling with Heidfeld for fourth place, and Kimi was battling with Hamilton for second.

Lap 17, the pit-stop time has started, as Massa went in for a stop, followed by Alonso and Kimi one lap after. Hamilton entered the pit after Rosberg, three laps after Massa, to be exact.

Lap 20, Heidfeld leads the race, since he wasn’t pitted yet, followed by Alonso. Kimi dropped to fifth.

Lap 22, Heidfeld was in the pit, and Alonso took back the lead. Hamilton second, and Fisichella third. Kimi was fourth, and Massa sixth.

Lap 24, Kimi took back his third position as Fisichella pits. The only driver yet to pit was Coulthard in seventh place. Until this time, the race went really exciting yet also smooth. Only two drivers out of the race, Christijan Albers and Adrian Sutil, both from Spyker.

At the half of the race, Alonso leads by more than 8 seconds in front of Hamilton, and more than 20 seconds in front of Kimi. (Oh shi-! *faints*)

20 laps left and Massa still couldn’t get past Heidfeld, and Kimi still stuck in the third place. (Oh-me-gosh.)

18 laps left, and Hamilton dropped into fifth after his second pit. Two laps after that, Alonso pits and dropped to second. Massa stopped behind him and takes sixth position after the pit.

Three drivers out of the race (Coulthard was the last one..), and Kimi entered the pit on lap 41. He dropped to fourth, behind Hamilton.

13 laps left, and Nico Rosberg became the fourth man out... Of the race. Yellow flag. Alonso, Hamilton, and Kimi was the first, second, and third place, respectively.

9 laps left, and Kubica slipped off into the gravel, but he managed to went back to the track.

So, Alonso won the race, Hamilton second, and Kimi third. Behind them there were Heidfeld and Massa, for fourth and fifth place, respectively. This result makes Alonso become the number one in the driver championship with 18 points, Kimi second with 16 points, and Hamilton third with 14 points. McLaren still lead the constructor championship with 32 points, 5 points ahead of Ferrari.

It’s a hard day for Ferrari since Kimi has a problem with his engine (though he managed to get post that problem and finished the race) and that silly ‘slipping accident’ of Felipe’s, and a great day for McLaren since Alonso and Hamilton was dominating almost all the race.

That was a great work of Ferrari and McLaren, though. An exciting race. Anyway, I love Alonso, but I hate that when McLaren takes the lead in the constructor championship. Oh SHI-! *grumbles* I hate McLaren. Grr...

Oh, well. See you next week. ^^


You Should Spend Your Summer in the Mountains

You're quiet, introspective, and a great thinker.
You need a summer vacation that gets you away from the crowds and the heat.
So retreat to the mountains, where you can clear your head.

Mountains, eh? I thought it would be beach... But mountains is also cool... *g*

You Belong in Amsterdam

A little old fashioned, a little modern - you're the best of both worlds. And so is Amsterdam.
Whether you want to be a squatter graffiti artist or a great novelist, Amsterdam has all that you want in Europe (in one small city).

Er... I want to live in Switzerland instead...

You May Be a Bit Borderline...

Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame!
When you're up, you're a little bit crazy...
And when you're down, your whole world is crashing
Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute!

Oh well... That is so true. My mood is changing a lot everytime...

You Should Travel to China

China can satisfy your craving for many travel opportunities in one trip.
You can hang out in modern Shanghai, walk along the great wall, or visit sacred mountains.

Hmm.. I’d love to visit Japan, but maybe I could also take some cultural trip to China... Pretty nice, though.

You Are 60% Psychic

You are pretty psychic.
While you aren't Miss Cleo, you've got a little ESP going on.
And although you're sometimes off on your predictions...
You're more often right than wrong
So go with your instincts - you know more than you think

I’m a psychic? Aww. Geez. I can’t believe this. *g*

You've Changed 48% in 10 Years

You've done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you're still the same person.
You're clothes, job, and friends may have changed some - but it hasn't changed you.

The simple answer actually is, I didn’t change a lot. Most parts of me are still the same as 10 years ago.

You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few

Smart, insightful, and always a quality read. Is that so..?

You Should Visit Argentina

Cowboys, European food, beaches, and skiing. This country is like no other!
Learn to tango, hike across Patagonia, eat at fine restaurants... you'll never be bored.

Wow~! This is cool! I love Argentina!

Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

Umm.. My eyes color is already brown... *lol* What a coincidence.

You Are 80% Perfectionist

You are a true perfectionist. You are both demanding of yourself and others.
While it's great to have goals and standards, they don't need to be sky high!

Yeah, I’m a perfectionist. ^^

Capricorn - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You are serious about relationships and ready for a commitment.
You tend to help your partner attain the success they dream of.
You are a rock. Relationship problems don't seem to phase you.

Your negative traits:

Sometimes it's very hard for you to accept your partner's past.
You are emotionally reserved, and difficult to connect with.
You expect your partner to take care of you - and make cheat if they do not

Your ideal partner:

Is incredibly powerful and well respected.
Is often older than you - and could be a superior at work.
Has a good amount of money... or the ability to be rich someday.

Your dating style:

Practical. A "get to know each other" coffee date is just fine by you.

Your seduction style:

Bossy - you like to be the one in charge in the bedroom.
Slow and patient. You know that good sex takes time.
Calculating. You'll use sex to get ahead, if necessary.

Tips for the future:

Open up. A little emotional expression is a good thing in relationships.
Leap before you look. You don't have to run a cost benefit sheet on everyone you date.
Enjoy the now. No need to worry about marriage on the first few dates.

Best color to attract mate: Dark green

Best day for a date: Saturday


Your Ideal Pet is a Cat

You're both aloof, introverted, and moody.
And your friends secretly wish that you were declawed!

I’m a cat, and I love cats. Great result, isn’t it?

You Are Somewhat Mature

You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart.
While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later.

I don’t think I’m somewhat mature... But maybe that’s right...

Your Aura is Violet

Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach

The only part I don’t like is the careers....


So, we’ve come to the end of Chemistry in Life Thirty-third Edition. See you next week, and... Have a nice day!



Name: Dian Anggraini
Nick: Dian ~ Myu-chan ~ Miyuri ~ Xiao Yan Zi ~ Lady Di ~ Zeng Tian Mei ~ SC ~ Chryseis McSylvester ~ Muffin Princess
Birthdate: January 9th, 1988
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Astrology: Fire Rabbit
Birthplace: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Home: Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia
Current Residence: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Job: Student of Department of Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology
Side Job: Writing Formula 1 Reports on this blog, writing poetry and short-stories...
Interests: Science (Chemistry), Music, Nature, Culture, Arts, Formula 1, MotoGP, and many more...


~Michael Schumacher~
~Kimi Raikkonen~
~Junichi Okada (V6)~
~Miroslav Klose~
~Sakurai Shou (Arashi)~
~Felipe Massa~
~Robert Kubica~
~Ralf Schumacher~
~Zhao Wei~
~Michael Learns To Rock~
~Celine Dion~
~Utada Hikaru~
~Lin Xin Ru~
~Chae Rim~
~Rubens Barrichello~
~Takuma Sato~
~Valentino Rossi~
~Daijiro Katoh (R.I.P)~
~and many more...~


NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

Hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
Ironna hana o miteita
Hito sorezore konomi wa aru kedo
Doremo minna kirei dane
Kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
Arasou koto mo shinai de
Baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
Chanto mune o hatteiru

Sore na noni bokura ningen wa
Doushite kou mo kurabeta garu?
Hitori hitori chigau noni sono naka de
Ichiban ni naritagaru?

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Komatta youni warai nagara
Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
Ganbatte saita hana wa dore mo
Kirei dakara shikata nai ne
Yatto mise kara dete kita
Sono hito ga kakaete ita
Iro toridori no hanataba to
Ureshi souna yokogao

Namae mo shira nakatta keredo
Ano hi boku ni egao o kureta
Dare mo kizukanai youna basho de
Saiteta hana no youni

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
Hitotsu toshite onaji mono wa nai kara
NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

I saw many kinds of flowers
lined up in front of the flowershop.
everyone has their favorite kinds
but all of them are pretty.
Without competing to see
which was the best among them,
they were standing
straight up proudly inside the bucket.

So why then do we humans
have to compare ourselves to one another?
Eventhough each and every person is different,
why do we want to be number one?

Yes we are each..
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

There are people who are
constantly unsure of what they want,
as they laugh a little put out.
It can't be helped, all those flowers,
that did everything they could to bloom, are pretty.
when at last that person comes out of the store,
they're holding a colorful bouquet
and I see them smiling happilly as they go by me.

I never knew their name but
that day they made me smile.
we too are like flowers that bloom in places
where no one pays any attention.

Yes we too are each...
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

Small flowers and big flowers,
none are the same as one another.
There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana - SMAP


~Hard Luck Hero - V6~
~Kinjirareta Asobi - ALI Project~
~Madoite, Kitare, Yuuda na Kamikakushi ~ Border of Death - IOSYS~
~I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion~
~Wish I Had An Angel - Nightwish~
~Seishoujo Ryouiki - ALI Project~


~Ryorin ma chere amoureux~
Ambu Dian
Mami Ming
Marie Granger
Nna Sawamura
Putri Akanishi
Putri Halliwell
Trinie Lupin


Kitty's Paws Pieces
The Poet Sanctuary
The Poet Sanctuary Website
Harry Potter Bandung
Harry Potter Indonesia
Formula 1 Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Forum
IndoHogwarts Official Blog
National Novel Writing Month
True Friend Test
Hogwarts On Line
WWF Passport
Make Roads Safe
Free Burma!
HOL Ravenclaw
Death Eaters Indonesia
Johnnys Indonesian Forum
Monsters Game
El_leaved's Stories
Shaven Asylum
V6 Squad Forum
Potion Master Dungeon
Virtual Hogwarts


September 8
Ryou Kinomoto

September 9
Talitha Pedersen

September 10

September 13
Kamui Kobayashi

September 14
Maria Theresa Gow

September 17
Damon Hill

September 28
Mika Hakkinen

..and everyone else celebrating their birthday in September...


Yukari Yakumo
~Youkai of Boundaries~

Original picture taken from: Touhou Imageboard

Picture modified by: -mYu-.




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