Monday, July 23, 2007

Chemistry In Life Fourty-first Edition

Welcome back to Chemistry in Life. Again, we have a long Another View this time, so be prepared.

And… For you who have some chocolate.. Please give it to me.


*Indonesian mode ON*

11 July 2007

Pertandingan Korsel vs Arab Saudi jadi pertandingan yang sangaaatlah romantis: skor 1-1 dan mati lampu sekitar 5 menit sebelum bubaran. Memang sih, akhirnya dilanjutkan lagi 20 menit kemudian, tapi hasilnya sama aja..

That’s was really romantic, isn’t it? *runs away*

12 July 2007
Pagi-pagi saya nonton berita, dan dapat kabar: Taufik Savalas meninggal dunia. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un..

Awalnya ga ngerti kenapa. Tapi setelah baca NewsTicker di Metro TV… Ternyata.. Kecelakaan. Duh, kasihan banget.. Mana mobilnya sampai hancur begitu.. T.T

14 July 2007

Indonesia kalah 1-2 dari Arab Saudi! Duh, mana pas detik-detik terakhir pula.

Jadinya, Kolev ga dapat hadiah kemenangan di hari ultahnya. Tapi menurut saya dan Ryorin, dia sudah cukup puas lah dengan timnas Indonesia. Gimana ngga, timnas kita itu mainnya udah cukup hebat! Menahan imbang selama kira-kira 90 menit bukan hal yang mudah.

Yang jadi perhatian saya: wasitnya itu geblek, teu puguh, kucluk, ora nggenah, gendeng, edan, kurang kerjaan, sinting, bungul, dll, dsb, etc.. Lha wong curang ke timnas ga tanggung-tanggung.. --;;

Yah, Indonesia kalah dengan kepala tegak! Semangat, Indonesia!

15 July 2007

Nonton HP 5 dan.. Cukup kecewa. Apalagi pas saya sampai rumah, soalnya saya sadar, ada banyak sekali adegan penting yang dipotong. Dan ada yang berubah dari bukunya, beberapa. Duh.

O ya, karena saya sangatlah malas menulis laporan... Maka baca saja laporan pandangan mata dari Ambudaff dan Renny Potter yang baik hati di sini

Ada fotonya juga, lho!


Ternyata~ Bukan cuma saya dan Ryorin yang sebel sama wasit Arab vs Indonesia, yang namanya Ali al-Badwawi itu...

SBY (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, dan juga Si Butet Yogya :P) protes, suporter protes, dan semua orang protes. Bahkan hampir semua blog yang isinya tentang Piala Asia memprotes kepemimpinan wasit sialan itu.

Sampai-sampai, saya usul begini ke Ryorin: ’Gimana kalau wasit bukan hanya ga boleh dari wilayah yang berdekatan, tapi benar-benar dari luar region yang akan bertanding?’

Maksud saya, kalau pertandingannya skala Indonesia aka nasional, wasitnya dari Australia atau Malaysia, dan kalau skala Asia, wasitnya dari... Amerika atau Eropa...

Dan.. ’Wasit Final Piala Asia dari.. Uruguay!!’

Begitulah kesimpulan kami. :P

Tapi… ide bagus toh? Daripada jadinya kaya si Badwawi itu…

Ah, well, meskipun wasitnya duduls berat, permainan timnas Sabtu kemarin dipuji, termasuk oleh Arab Saudi.

Dan Korsel kalah dari Bahrain. Skornya kompak banget sama Arab-Indo, dan Indo-Bahrain. 2-1. Walhasil, saya ngakak berat sambil nari-nari...

Tentu, saya jadi optimis Indonesia bisa mengalahkan atau paling tidak, menahan imbang Korsel... Maju Indonesia! Hidup Merah Putih!

PS: Sempat mikir gini juga: ’Wasit Final Piala Asia: Pierluigi Collina~!’ Eh, tapi kan dia udah pensiun...

16 July 2007

Karena terpengaruh komentar beberapa orang, saya beli majalah F1 Racing edisi Indonesia terbaru (bulan Juli, tentu!) dan... Ada artikel yang isinya komentar-komentar Kimi Raikkonen yang menarik.

Beberapa yang paling menarik buat saya itu yang ini:

“Hal yang bodoh menghabiskan uang untuk yacht tapi enggak punya waktu untuk menggunakannya. Buat apa beli dan membiarkannya di pelabuhan kalau kita cuma memakainya dua minggu dalam setahun? Jika kepingin yacht, saya akan menyewa yang lebih besar dengan harga lebih murah.”

Well, he’s very logical, isn’t he? In fact, he spent his money really logically. He owns almost everything fast, from bicycle to cars, but not much. And he only rent a yacht when he wants to use one.

“Tempat itu lebih santai. Saya tak suka kota besar – terlalu bising. Dan Swiss seperti Finlandia: banyak salju. Dan tentu saja, pajaknya tak terlalu tinggi.”

LOL. That’s why Kimi Raikkonen decided to live in Switzerland... ^^;;

“Banyak yang menjuluki saya Iceman. Tapi saya tak merasa seperti itu. Saya hanya tak ingin banyak membual.”

Kimi, Kimi.. Admit it, Iceman is the best nick for you. Moreover, it sounds better than.. Cuteman. :P (Yeah, Kimi is really cute recently, especially when he is smiling or laughing…)

Dan.. Apa yang dilakukan penduduk Finlandia di waktu senggang?

Inilah jawaban seorang Kimi Raikkonen (dengan gaya yang tetap kalem –dan mungkin sedikit kaku-):

“Well, pada musim panas biasanya memancing dan berpesta. Dan di musim dingin… tidak pergi memancing.”

LOL. *timpuks Kimi* *ngakak berat*

That’s the funniest Kimi’s comment I ever known… I don’t know why, but I cracked up when reading it… LOL.

Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi, tapi saya pikir sebaiknya Anda baca sendiri majalahnya…


Umm.. dan… ternyata penyebab kegagalan Anthony Davidson di Montreal kemarin adalah… seekor tupai tanah!

Aih, gimana sih kamu, Ant, kok bisa nabrak tupai tanah?


Cucu-cucu saya, Lily dan Herda, ternyata terkena demam Harvest Moon.. Duh, telatnya kalian.. Padahal saya sudah main itu sejak berabad-abad yang lalu.. :P

18 July 2007

Ngomong-ngomong, apa ya hubungan Ron Dennis dengan Robert Kubica? Benarkah Om Dennis pernah menyelamatkan Kubica..?

..Ternyata, maybe yes, maybe no. :P

Yah, ternyata dokter yang menyelamatkan Kubica dari kecelakaan di Kanada kemarin itu namanya Dr. Ronald Dennis. Kebetulan yang *cukup* mengerikan.


Tahukah Anda…?

Di Indianapolis kemarin, rupanya ada seorang pengemis yang mengejar-ngejar Bernie Ecclestone sambil berteriak, ‘Hei, milyuner.’, karena ada seorang penonton balapan yang mengatakan Bernie adalah seorang milyuner sewaktu Bernie melewati pengamen tersebut.



Perkataan Giancarlo Fisichella ini mungkin perlu diingat semua pembalap di grid saat ini:

“Selain persiapan fisik yang sempurna, pembalap jangan membatasi dirinya hanya konsentrasi pada diri sendiri.”

“Ia bukan satu-satunya orang yang bertempur dalam balapan. Belasan orang di garasi dan pabrik juga terlibat di dalamnya.”

Yeah, memang. Balapan sebenarnya bukan kerja individu. Kesannya saja seperti itu, tapi sebenarnya bukan. Ia adalah kerja tim. Tanpa tim/paket yang mumpuni, balapan akan kacau.

Kalau seorang pembalap menang, ia pasti merayakan bersama tim-nya. Dan, sebaiknya, saat kalah, ia tak boleh menyesali (atau meratapi atau apapun) kekalahannya itu sendirian. Hadapi saja bersama tim. Mereka kan sudah bekerja bersama, jadi menang atau kalah, kita hadapi dan lalui bersama.

(Oh, dan karena saya sadar di F1 kita harus bekerja sebagai sebuah tim, dan tim itu seakan adalah keluarga kecil di arena F1... Maka saya menganggap Ferrari sebagai keluarga saya, keluarga dekat. Dan tim lain sebagai keluarga jauh, termasuk McLaren –walaupun saya suka sebel-. Well, fans juga bagian dari keluarga besar sebuah tim kan? Jadi jangan heran kalau saya menganggap Schumi adalah Daddy saya, dan Felipe adalah adik saya (walau jelas-jelas ia lebih tua). Dan pembalap lain di luar Ferrari.. paman atau sepupu saya.)


Dan... Indonesia kalah 1-0 dari Korea Selatan! Duh.

Permainan TimNas sebenarnya lumayan bagus, sayang, kadang terburu-buru, jadi peluang yang ada malah sering terbuang sia-sia. Tapi bagus lah, kita hanya kalah 1-0 dari Korsel. Artinya, pertahanan kita sudah terbilang baik. Dan ya, serangan kita juga cukup bagus, hanya saja, sekali lagi, mungkin lain kali kalau bertanding tidak perlu terlalu terburu-buru seperti tadi sore. Terus, lini tengahnya lebih diperkuat lagi, soalnya Myu dengar di situ kelemahan Indonesia.

O ya, kata Ryorin, ’Paling tidak pertandingan kita bermutu semua… ’

Bener juga sih, jarang-jarang nonton TimNas itu menyenangkan... Biasanya mainnya ga terlalu bagus dan terkesan asal-asalan, malas-malasan... Tapi di Piala Asia kali ini, mainnya semangat banget, dan lebih bagus dari yang kita harapkan.

Suporter kita sendiri patut diacungi jempol, karena bisa bersikap lebih dewasa. *tepuk tangan*

Duh, coba kalau nonton sepakbola antar klub bisa seperti nonton timnas, tertib, aman, dan damai, kalau kalah ga rusuh.. pasti enak....

Oh, dan buat mas Ponaryo dkk, maaf banget ya, saya ga sempat nonton pertandingannya secara utuh, walau cuma dari layar kaca. Harap maklum, berhubung Myu lagi sebel ama Ryorin yang mengganggu pendengaran saya. Bayangkan saja, lagi dengerin komentator soal kang Zaenal Arif, dipotong sama komentarnya Ryorin. Kontan, saya ngamuk-ngamuk.. Dan, ya, begitulah, maaf ya Teletubbies, maaf Kelik Pelipur Lara.. *ditimpuks*

Loh, defendernya TimNas Indonesia itu Teletubbies kan? Dan kaptennya (Ponaryo Astaman, red.) mirip Kelik Pelipur Lara (dari samping) kan? :P

Hehe. ^^; *kabur dari kejaran pemain-pemain TimNas*

Yah, bravo Merah Putih! Kita kalah dengan terhormat, bung! Kita kalah, dengan kepala tegak!

Mudah-mudahan… TimNas tahun-tahun mendatang bisa sebaik ini, atau kalau bisa, lebih baik. Amin.

PS: Wasitnya cakep banget! Euh, boleh kenalan ga? *ditimpuks*
PPS: Om Kolev, makasih banget ya! Jangan kapok melatih TimNas, walaupun sekarang kita gagal....
PPPS: Iya, iya… makasih juga buat TimNas dan juga suporter-nya yang luar biasa (termasuk SBY dan istri tercinta...)


Btw, ada satu hal menarik buat saya: Arab Saudi mengalahkan Indonesia, Indonesia mengalahkan Bahrain... Arab Saudi mengalahkan Bahrain (4-0, kalau ga salah).. Yah, hitung-hitungannya masih bener.

Kalau Indonesia-Bahrain-Korsel... kok kaya lingkaran setan ya? Indonesia mengalahkan Bahrain, Bahrain mengalahkan Korsel, dan... Korsel mengalahkan Indonesia... Kebetulan yang mengerikan dan aneh sekali...

21 July 2007

Hari ini ada launching buku Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Katanya, di Gramedia Merdeka ada games-nya. Tadinya Myu mau ke sana, sama Lily, Renny, dan Manda, tapi entah kenapa malamnya saya ga bisa tidur dan baru tidur jam 1 malam. Walhasil, paginya saya langsung ga enak badan.

Tapiiii~~… Kata Manda, games-nya ga seru! Sepi!


Nick Heidfeld punya anak cowok~! Horeee~!!!

Congrats! ^^

So, Nick, tell me his name, please… *g*


Akang Lewis sayah tiba-tiba nabrak ban pembatas di ronde ketiga kualifikasi!! Aaarghh~~!! T.T

Duh… Kok ya bisa, itu ban bocor di tengah jalan.. Padahal kan baru ganti… Apa jangan-jangan Akang sempet nginjek sesuatu?

Dan pas tabrakan, begitu keluar keliatan banget Akang shock.. Kasihan...

Ah, ya, Kimi pole! Abang kedua, Felipe ketiga... Akang, terpaksa start dari grid ke-10 karena kecelakaan itu…

22 July 2007

Well.. Kimi bawa neneknya hari ini… dan..

Nurburgring kebanjiran hanya dalam lima lap! Restart deh…

Btw, kata Ambu, bentar lagi balapan F1 bakal pakai mobil yang dilengkapi sama dayung dan layar…

Aaargghh~!!! Mana ramalan cuacanya hujan lagi 12 menit setelah keputusan restart.. T.T

Beberapa lap restart, ganti lagi ramalannya. Ga akan ada hujan. OMGWTF.

Well, ya, memang setelah itu cuaca terbilang cukuuuuuuup cerah. --;;

Dan.. Aaarrrghhh~!!! Kimi-nya bermasalah gara-gara insiden di ujung pit lane pas hujan tadi! T.T

Yah, saya sedikit puas tapi kecewa dengan Abang Fernando podium pertama, Felipe kedua, Webber ketiga...

Huwaaaa~~~ *peluk-peluk Felipe sambil nangis*

Aaarghh~! That was really a horrible day.. T.T *pats Kimi and Hamilton*

Euh, dan kata Ambu, Daddy Schuey lutu kalau pakai kemeja di atas podium...

Okeh. Siapa dulu anaknya~~~ Miyu... *pasang wajah sok imut dan lutu* *disambit*

Aih, kan saya memang lutu... *narsis mode ON*

*semua orang di seantero dunia langsung menyiapkan sesuatu buat nimpuk kucing narsis*

*gubraks* *bletags* *jleger*

Huwaaa~~~ *pundung berats*

Masa saya bercanda dikit ditimpukin gitu sih.. T.T Harusnya kalian kan menghibur diri saya yang lagi pundung gara-gara balapan yang kacaunya minta ampyuuuuuuun~~ T.T

Yah, Abang Fernando, selamat yah. Dan… Kapan kawin? *disambit Abang pake helm*

Iya, iya, Felipe, Kimi, I love you both! Next time, we’ll have a Ferrari one-two, or at least both car finished… *hugs*

Next time, I don’t want neither Kimi, Alonso, Felipe, nor Hamilton retired from the race. Well, probably also all the other drivers.. I don’t care if Alonso or Hamilton is Macca’s driver, and if they gain more points… But the race is a lot more fun when your rivals are on the track, along with your team’s hero(es). Absolutely.

Oh, well.. let’s keep crossing our finger, Ferrari! Keep crossing your finger, everyone!


Okay, tambahkan satu mitos: Kimi dilarang dapat hasil kualifikasi yang saangaaaaat bagus kalau mau berhasil di Nurburgring. Dari data, mending kualifikasinya ga bagus-bagus amat. Pasti masih bisa finis. *ngeloyor*

Atau mungkin Kimi perlu bawa burger dari Burger King supaya berhasil di Nurburgring? *kabur makin jauh*

Eh, tapi mungkin sialnya Kimi kali ini adalah supaya Kimi ga sial di Hungaria seperti tahun kemarin.. (pole, dan malah gagal finish.)

Yah, oke, sekarang saya merasa baikan... Tapi... Chocolate please!

Kalau bisa, yang banyak yah, coklatnya.. :P


Jepang, Korsel, Arab Saudi, dan Irak masuk 4 besar di ajang Piala Asia. Nanti, Jepang bakal ketemu Arab, sementara Korsel akan berhadapan dengan Irak di semifinal.

Hmm... Kalau nanti setelah semifinal ini Jepang bertemu Korsel, dan Arab bertemu Irak... Bakal lucu. Ada duel ‘Penalti Dorama’ (karena Korsel dan Jepang lolos ke semifinal melalui adu penalti, dan sama-sama terkenal dengan dorama alias sinetronnya), dan duel ’Minyak dari Timur Tengah’. (karena, yah... Arab Saudi dan Irak kan sama-sama dari Timur Tengah yang kaya minyak... *ditimpuks karena ga penting*)


Suporter Indonesia yang diwakili oleh suporter Persib, Persikota, dan PSMS (dan entah mana lagi saya lupa..) berjanji untuk menjadikan momentum Piala Asia sebagai kebangkitan para suporter dalam kedewasaan berpikir di acara News Dot Com di Metro TV. Jadi, mereka janji untuk menganggap suporter lain saudara; bukan musuh, menjunjung tinggi fair play, dan tidak bakal terlibat tawuran. Ada lima poin tadi kalau ga salah, tapi intinya sih itu.

Semoga saja resolusi ini *benar-benar* dipenuhi... Hidup Indonesia! Amin.

23 July 2007

Jam 2 pagi tiba-tiba adik saya SMS, nanyain kabar, kenapa ga pernah ada kabarnya, dan kenapa dia dilupain..

Aih, aih.. gomen ne~~~ Onee-chan sibuk nih.. Kesana-kemari... Mulai dari ngurusin suami, nonbar HP, dan tentu saja... Kimi Raikkonen dan Felipe Massa. *dibunuh*

O ya, dan saat ini kami punya kesamaan! Sedang terkena insomnia… T.T

Erm. Dan tepat pada hari ini, ada dua orang teman saya yang berulang tahun. Well, ya, seperti yang Anda tahu, salah satunya adalah cowok yang selama satu semester ini digosipkan punya hubungan dekat dengan seorang cewek cantik nan imut-imut di sebuah lab.

... Iyah, dia.

........ Iyaaa~!!! Kita emang deket, tapi kan hubungan kita bukan seperti ituuuu~!!!

*penulis nimpukin pembaca yang hobi bergosip pake bola kristal segede bulan*

Yah, yang merasa dirinya hari ini berulang tahun dan berjenis kelamin pria, pernah menjadi korban saya di kelas, dan... err.. well, yah... anoo~ etooo~ Sadar, nak? Bikinin saya teh, ya. Ga pake gula.

*orang yang lagi ultah pundung*
*penulis dirajam*

Hoho. Kan ga serius… *ngeloyor kabur ngumpet di balik lemari*

Yah, Keni, happy birthday~!

Jangan lupa, kalau saya ketemu kamu, saya bakal minta traktiran dobel. Traktiran ultah, dan kelulusan. Harus itu~! :P *kabur*


Beberapa waktu yang lalu Myu pernah ngobrol sama Ryorin soal kalau kita punya anak... Anak kita ga boleh naik mobil ayah atau ibunya ke sekolah! Hohohoho~ *evil grin*

Jadi, dia bolehnya cuma naik sepeda, angkutan umum, atau.. jalan kaki!

Err... tapi masalahnya, Myu ga bisa naik sepeda, Ryorin juga.. Jadi yah, jalan kaki aja, ya, nak! Biar sehat... :P

Indonesian mode OFF*


Hello, folks! Isn’t it great to have a race again this weekend? *g*

And now it’s time for a Ger.. No, an European Grand Prix. I heard the promoter of Hockenheim doesn’t want Nurburgring to use the name ‘Grand Prix of Germany’, so it’s now European. And yes, no Germany GP this year. Maybe next year, where Hockenheim will be used (AFAIK).

On the qualification day, Kimi Raikkonen got a pole position, Fernando Alonso second, Felipe Massa third, and Nick Heidfeld fourth (yay for our little hero! Okay, Nick. It was for your son… *g*), while Lewis Hamilton.. Had to start from tenth grid as he had an accident during the third stage of qualifying. His tire suddenly had a puncture and he went off the track, crashed into the tire barrier. His car was a bit damaged, but apparently, Hamilton was having almost no injury, except a great shock.

Let’s began the race, dude!

*OT mode ON* Kimi brought his grandma to the track on the day! And Daddy Schuey was there!! *OT mode OFF*

As the lamp went off, Kimi led the race after a bit struggling when trying to kept up his position from Felipe and Alonso. Felipe was second, and Alonso third. There was crowd at the back, Kubica spun and some drivers went a little off the track. Suddenly, it rained heavily and all the drivers had to change their tire. Well, Kimi had to has a few lap before he entered the pit. The race is currently led by Winkelhock.

Lap 3, the rain was really heavy, and Button, Rosberg, Speed, Sutil, Hamilton….Retired. Well, they crashed into the first turn… Yellow flag. Safety car was ready.

And then, Liuzzi retired. The track seemed to be soaked with water now.

Lap 4, Hamilton was allowed to went back to the track. Markus Winkelhock who replaced the departed Christijan Albers still led the race in his Spyker car, behind the safety car.

Lap 5, the red flag is on, as the rain is incredibly heavy. And yes.. Nurburgring was flooded. Obviously, with water.


Well, it seems we would have a restart. Winkelhock first, Felipe second, Alonso third. The pole sitter Kimi had to restart from seventh, because of the former ‘accident’ when he was about to enter the pit lane.

Alonso even took a nap for a few minutes!

Okay.. FIA said the race restarted at 14.35, local time… And after that, the weather forecast said that it would rain again in 12 minutes.. T.T


And the race restarted, with Safety Car leading.

Well, everything still went well with the Safety Car out there… Some drivers changed their tires, though.

Now comes prediction.. again. No rain in 30 minutes. &$*@&$^$@??? Oh, well. Yay.

Lap 6, the race truly restarted. Felipe was head to head with Alonso and Winkelhock, and he led the race. Alonso second, Kimi sixth. Winkelhock now eighth. Hamilton is still on the back grid.

Lap 8, Nick Heidfeld set a fastest lap, while Lewis Hamilton was still struggling.

Lap 9, Kimi tried to pass Kovalainen, but the youngster prevented his senior from passing him.

Lap 10, we heard from Webber’s radio that his team was ready for a pit stop. It’s a gamble, anyway. Kimi pitted soon after that and rejoined in 13th.

Lap 11, a new fastest lap was set by Lewis Hamilton. Both Felipe and Alonso had a pit stop. Alonso had a longer one. Kimi now fifth.

Lap 15, Winkelhock retired. He seemed to had an engine problem. Or whatever it is…

And, well. Yellow flag is on. Kimi set a new fastest lap, then. Felipe led the race.

Lap 18, Kovalainen pushed a little bit and passed Wurz. He was fifth at the time.

One lap after it, Ralf Schumacher hit by Heidfeld’s car (probably unintentionally, but the race stewards still investigated them), spun into the final turn, and sadly.. He had to retired from the race. Yellow flag is on.. again.

It’s 38 laps before finish, and we only had 14 drivers left. Felipe Massa lead for about 4 seconds ahead of Alonso, and Kimi was just about 1 second behind the running world champion.

Lap 28, Barrichello’s lamp was flailing. Kovalainen pitted and rejoined in tenth place.

Lap 30, it seemed that the sky upon the track was clouded… Lewis Hamilton was the fastest man on the track, while Felipe Massa still led the race.

27 laps before the end of the race, and Hamilton tried to get past Fisichella. However, Fisichella didn’t even give a chance for him to do that.

Well, he did that just a few turns before the end of the lap.

Lap 37, Kimi seemed to had a problem with his car. He went a lot slower than before. Hamilton pitted.

24 laps before the race finished, Kimi made his looong way to the pit lane. He’s retired, and… Schumi looked a bit upset. Seemed that Kimi had a technical problem because of the crazy race at the very first…

And a few seconds after that, in the Ferrari garage, we saw Chris Dyer talking to the Ice Man who’s trying to hide his upset.

22 laps remaining, and Felipe pitted. Meanwhile, Kimi was interviewed by the reporter. He said that he missed the pit lane at the first stage of the race because it was really slippery, but I didn’t hear well about his car problem. Anyway, later, I heard it was because of hydraulic problem...

Well, it seems that the ‘Nurburgring jinx’ was still working on the poor Kimi Raikkonen. *pats Kimi*

19 laps remaining, and Hamilton passed Barrichello, making him became tenth at that moment.

16 laps to go, and all the Ferrari crew was crossing fingers, laid down their hope to the Felipe Massa, the remaining Ferrari soul on the track.

12 laps remaining and… A new weather forecast said that it would rain within 7 minutes… T.T

Meanwhile, in the pit wall, the Ferrari’s Michael Schumacher looked up to the sky, a little bit worried.. And the spectators was ready with raincoat.

One lap after that, Kovalainen gambled for a pit and finally used an intermediate tire.

And.. it’s only nine lap to go.. While the rain began to falling down to earth.. again. Everybody in the pit lane was ready if the drivers want to change their tire.

Well, everyone did change their tire, except for Kovalainen who had it just a few lap before.

6 laps remaining, and Alonso was giving a lot of pressure to Felipe.

5 laps to go, Alonso took the lead from Felipe! Argh. Seemed that the McLaren’s car is much stronger when it is raining.

4 laps remaining, and Jean Todt looked very worried. Felipe was still struggling in the second place. Daddy Schuey was upset, but he had to give the trophy for the constructor winner… So he left the building to change his clothes.

And… Fernando Alonso won the race (which was predicted Kimi’s or at least, Ferrari’s), followed by Felipe in second place, Webber third (though he slipped a few metres before the finish lane), Wurz fourth, Coulthard fifth, Heidfeld sixth, Kubica seventh, and Kovalainen eighth. For those who wants to know about Lewis Hamilton.. He’s ninth.

Anyway, Daddy Schuey was looked a bit upset after he gave the trophy to the McLaren principal Ron Dennis.

Well, it was a horrible day. 9 drivers became the real victim of the awful race, including Ferrari’s Kimi Raikkonen, and Honda’s Jenson Button. In fact, everyone was really struggling… So, congrats for the finishing drivers, and hugs for everyone.

Err… Well… Ferrari is now 27 points behind of McLaren. As the driver’s championship, Hamilton still leads with 70 points, followed by Alonso in a close second (68 points), Felipe third with 59 points, while Kimi is now fourth with 52 points.

A lot of work to do for the Ferrari people… Oh, well. As Michael Schumacher told us by his crossing finger gesture at the first of the European GP.. Keep crossing your our finger! *hugs Kimi, Felipe, Schumi, Todt, all the crews, and all the tifosi*

Next time, we’ll bring a lot of burgers to Nurburgring! *Ferrari people: OMGWTF, ROTFLMAO*

See ya.

Race Review
Drivers' Quotes
Press Conference


(The answer was written at July 15 night, at home. :P)

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4
'...disebabkan oleh pengendalian Lectin liar.' (yup, it's the sentence. :P)

Stretch your left arm out as far as you can
*stretch out her arm* Nothing...

What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Asian Cup Match, South Korea vs Bahrain!!!

Without looking, guess what time it is:

Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
21.30. ^^;;

With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
The sound of my television...

When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Urm.. This morning, going to Paris van Java Mall, watching Harry Potter.

Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
Hasumi's wallpaper, which is.. a picture of Kimi Raikkonen and his Ferrari car. *g*

What are you wearing?
Green dress.

Did you dream last night?
Erm... I think so.

When did you last laugh?
Just now, because Bahrain beat South Korea with the score 2-1! Err.. the funny thing wasn't that, anyway. But I can't tell it right now.. *laughs very hard*

What are on the walls you are in?
Clock, calendar(s)... err.. nails?

Seen anything weird lately?
Weird? Umm.. I've seen nothing weird lately.

What do you think of this quiz?
No comment.

What is the last film you saw?
Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
It would be a lot of things.. Well, I would buy Suzuka Circuitland, of course! Also, I would spend certain amounts for religious spending, and if I could, buy some books, invest some money, buy F1 tickets for 1 or 2 years (or maybe more), and.. a lot of ice cream, chocolate, and muffins!!

Tell me something about you that I don't know :
Should I tell about it again? Well... *copy-paste* I am totally perfectionist and moody. I want everything to be perfect, and my mood changes every seconds, every minute, every time. I can be warm and friendly on occasions, but I too could be cold and hostile in front of people sometimes. Some people maybe thinks different about me, but this is the fact. This is my secret I'm willing to share. Well, another secrets should remain secrets.

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Ah, well... *no idea* Could we have a world with a lot of muffin trees? Garlic chips trees, jellybean trees, cupcake trees.. I think those thing would be nice, too. *runs away*

Do you like to dance?
Well, yeah, but... I think I don't want to dance in front of crowd. It's... Freaky. (I mean, the people, not me!)

Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
If this is imagining... Well.. let's see.. Rhysanne, nick-named Rhys. (And... my first daughter was.. Momiji! Ryorin's mom's laptop.. *g*)

Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Umm.. Rai? because I want to give the name Raidiese to my first son... (Actually, my first son was Balthasar aka Bal, Ryorin's PC.. :P)

Would you ever consider living abroad?
Well, I think so. But, remembering that I have someone I can't left alone here, well, you know who I mean.. I think.. Well, yeah. If he also wants to... I, myself, will be thinking like this: 'Sure, why not? It will be a nice experience.' *g* And, yes, I would like to live in Switzerland or Japan. Switzerland maybe will be the best place since it's a nice and quite place. And the tax is not too high. (Thanks, Kimi! :D)

What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
.................Well done.


Because I found that I have so many weirdness… Well.. I have this second part.. *g*

1. Actually, I am… Very narcissistic if I met a camera! But… sometimes I avoid to be photo-ed, just to avoid my narcissism which is *actually* really awful.

2. I never wanted to have a cell phone with camera. Because if I have that kind of cell phone, the gallery’s content may be my own photos, or any weird photos…

3. Often refers to myself as ‘Ore’ if I am talking Japanese. Yeah, it should be a man who talking, not a girl.

4. Really, really love to playing or walking under the rain without an umbrella! No matter if it’s heavy rain, I love it so much. Ah, well, but now Ryorin prohibits me from it.. T.T

5. I really love to grab a bit of salt, sugar, and pepper (and eat it, of course) if I am cooking at the kitchen.

6. My favorite vegetable is… Uncooked veggies! Especially uncooked carrot and beans… It’s… So crunchy!!!

Tagged people:
1. Talitha
2. Herda
3. Amanda
4. Ryorin
5. Lily
6. Dianne

Monday, July 09, 2007

Chemistry In Life Fourtieth Edition

Hello there. Nice to see you again.

Anyway, if you can’t understand Indonesian properly, I suggest you to borrow an Indonesian dictionary or ask a friend to translate it, since we’ll have a long Another View this time. :P You have been warned.


*Indonesian mode ON*

6 July 2007

Hari ini Zinedine Zidane datang ke Indonesia atas undangan Presiden SBY. Lucu juga lihat seorang Zizou pakai baju batik, dan main bola bersama Presiden (juga anak-anak) di Istana Negara.

Katanya sih, kedatangan Zizou itu juga demi perbaikan sepakbola nasional... Bagus lah.

Jadi ingat kata Ambu dulu, agak lupa sih pastinya gimana. Tapi kira-kira gini: ’Mau gak ya Schumi kita undang ke Indonesia buat kampanye ’Road Safety’?’

Well, berdasarkan kata-kata Max Mosley waktu Euro Road Safety tahun 2004, Daddy Schuey sih pasti mau kalau urusan kampanye keselamatan berkendara. Masalahnya, kita mau dan berniat mengundang dia apa ga...

Jadi, Pak SBY, kita undang Michael Schumacher, yuk.. Kalau perlu, ajak Daddy naik angkot, metromini, busway (kalau mau), taksi, dll.. Kalau perlu lagi, Daddy Schuey jadi supir angkot atau apapun itu. *ditimpuks Presiden* Aih, biar sama kaya Om Hakkinen… Bukannya Om Hakkinen sempat jadi supir taksi, ya? *dilempar sandal*

Heheh. Tapi Sirius, eh, sori, serius nih, Pak. Mari kita undang Michael Schumacher dan menyelenggarakan acara ‘Indonesian Road Safety’. Jadi orang-orang di Indonesia bisa berkendara dengan baik dan benar, dan yang penting, ga ngebut… ^^

So, Mr.Schumacher, would you like to come to Indonesia for a road safety campaign?

Euh, kata Ryorin, kayanya kita butuh kampanye ‘Indonesian Travel Safety’ juga… Tapi kayanya kalau berkendaranya udah aman, perjalanan juga aman kan? Seharusnya begitu, dan… Semoga saja.


Daaaan~ Beberapa hari ini saya dengar berita, ‘harga susu naik’. Yeah, harga susu naik 10 persen gara-gara kita kekurangan bahan baku, terutama dari negara sahabat kita, Australia dan Selandia Baru.

Tahukah Anda bahwa saya malah bingung waktu orang-orang pada protes dan pengen harga susu murah? Saya betul-betul heran, kan kita sudah punya susu yang gratis, walaupun bisa murah, bisa juga mahal, tergantung ibunya makan apa. Ya, ya, ya… Masa Anda semua ga tahu ASI sih? Air Susu Ibu. Ga tahu? Aduh, Anda ini ter-la-lu. Sungguh teerr-laa-llu.

Susu formula itu kan pengganti ASI untuk balita, jadi... Kalau bayinya masih berumur di bawah satu tahun, kasih saja ASI. Ga susah kok. Begitu di atas satu tahun, kasih saja bayinya ASIP atau ASK. Air Susu Ibu Sapi atau Air Susu Kedelai. *ditimpuks* Eh, dulu waktu kecil saya minum ASIP sampai umur 11 tahun (kalau ga salah), dan nenek saya bilang saya ini ‘anak sapi’. Duh, padahal saya kan tidak meminum susu itu langsung dari sumbernya... *timpuks eyang*

Well, kalau ASIP mahal, cari saja ASK. Katanya sih, bisa dibikin sendiri kok. Ga tahu gimana, jadi cari sendiri aja ya caranya… :P Yang jelas, lebih murah daripada susu formula. Dan lebih bagus.

Yah, Anda bisa saja bilang ke saya bahwa susu formula sekarang ’bagus-bagus’, tapi ga ada yang sebaik ASI, ASIP, atau ASK. Terutama ASI, karena dia mengandung sesuatu yang sangat baik untuk bayi kita (jujur saja, saya lupa apa itu, jadi ini PR Anda), dan… Dia dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gizi bayi kita tercinta di saat itu.

Masih berpikir susu formula mahal? Masih ingin harga susu turun? Cari dong alternatif lain. Kalau mau harga susu murah boleh, tapi jangan lupakan ASI dong… juga ASIP dan ASK. (Lupa apa kepanjangannya? Scroll ke atas!) Masa ibu-ibu sekarang lebih memilih susu formula daripada ASI? Takut bentuk payudaranya rusak? Apa susunya yang ‘itu’ cuma buat suaminya? Duh, maaf, tidak bermaksud apa-apa, tapi itu kenyataan. Wanita sekarang, lebih memilih tidak menyusui anaknya supaya bentuk payudaranya itu ga rusak, atau, tidak menyusui dengan beralasan bahwa ASI-nya tidak keluar. Padahal, ASI bisa keluar terus, bahkan sang ayah bisa membantu supaya ASI itu keluar lagi, kalau perlu, lebih banyak. Dan, bentuk payudara orang menyusui itu ga rusak kok. Malah bagus-bagus. Saya sudah melihat *banyak* buktinya.

Jadi.. Ayo dong, ibu-ibu, berikan ASI pada bayi-bayi kita tercinta!

Euh, dan sebenarnya, kalau orang-orang protes buat dirinya sendiri sih ga-pa-pa... Tapi kalau pakai alasan ANAK, awas aja deh.. *timpuks orang-orang*

Edit-to-add: Nih, kata Ambu *kopi-pes dari comments*...

"Untuk mereka yang tidak mau menyusui bayinya karena takut bentuk payudaranya jadi rusak, itu tidak benar.

Payudara membesar bukan karena menyusui, tetapi karena HAMIL. Jadi kalau takut payudara rusak bentuknya, JANGAN HAMIL.

*Ibu menyusui 3 anaknya sampai 2 tahun bahkan lebih*"

So.. Masih ragu untuk menyusui? Ga usah hamil sekalian deh...

(Euh, saya tidak termasuk! Saya kan berniat punya 23 anak... *ditimpuks Ryorin*)


Ah! Breaking news: Setelah berkunjung ke Istana, Zizou pergi ke Sukabumi sebagai duta Danone Nations Cup!!

7 July 2007

Hari kedua di Indonesia, Zizou pergi ke Cisaat, Subang. Kali ini, ada anaknya juga! Hihi, anaknya imut banget.. Ga tau deh umur berapa, tapi sumpah, imut. Dan... Harusnya begitu datang, dia kan harus ke peternakan. Ini ga, malah dia tiba-tiba main ke rumah warga dulu, keliling rumah, dll... Sampai-sampai pengurus kegiatan sama reporternya kaget, karena ini ga direncanakan sebelumnya. Dasar Zizou..

Terus, dia juga sempat berinteraksi, main bola, dengan (lagi-lagi) anak-anak di suatu acara, lupa apa pastinya, hehe..

Aih, aih~~... Lucunya lihat Zizou di tengah-tengah lautan anak-anak... *ditimpuks*

Dan begitu Zizou pergi, anak-anaknya ga mau diwawancara, malah ngejar-ngejar Zizou sampai ke helikopter.. LOL.


Akang pole! Duh, padahal Kimi sempat nomor satu, di detik-detik terakhir dikalahkan sama Akang. Tapi ga-pa-pa deh. Kan masih nomor dua... *ditimpuk Kimi*

Jadi, Akang Lewis, Kimi, Abang Fernando, dan Felipe. Nomor 5 Kubica, terus keenam Uncle Ralf. Huhuhu~ Tumben om saya bisa sebagus itu... *peluk-peluk*

Ngomong-ngomong... Ada skandal spionase antara dua anggota tim McLaren dan Ferrari. Salah satunya, Nigel Stepney, sudah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat dari Ferrari. Gara-garanya, dia membocorkan sesuatu tentang mobil Ferrari atau apalah itu (seputar masalah teknik, kalau saya ga salah ingat. CMIIW) ke seseorang di McLaren. Diduga, orang itu adalah Mike Coughlan, yang memang terbilang dekat dengan Stepney. Bisa dibilang, Stepney melakukan sabotase dan spionase terhadap Ferrari.

Nah, Stepney ini justru tidak mau mengakui keterlibatan dia. Padahal, ada seseorang dari Ferrari yang bilang begini: "We have proof that Stepney had been supplying technical information to a McLaren employee and we found evidence of that fact in his (Coughlan's) home."

Duh. Ini sih betul-betul skandal memalukan. Terutama buat Stepney dan entah-siapa-itu-kru-McLaren (kalau itu Mike Coughlan, selayaknya Anda malu, bung!). Memalukan juga untuk Ferrari dan McLaren, karena mereka tim besar. Mana ada rahasia tim dibocorkan ke orang lain, dari tim lain pula. Ga bisa dan ga boleh lah, walaupun itu teman dekat...

Kabarnya, McLaren mengakui ada keterlibatan orang seniornya. Dan, katanya lagi, McLaren mau membantu melakukan investigasi bersama Ferrari, tapi ga tau lagi deh... Semoga aja benar-benar dilaksanakan.

Okay, I know McLaren had two superb drivers. Ferrari, too. Lewis, Alonso, Felipe, and Kimi, they all are really a special and wonderful drivers. But, we should be ashamed of this scandal. Especially McLaren and Stepney. And, whoever do the actual thing in McLaren. This is really a shame. My father said, McLaren should be disqualified. For me, okay, if McLaren really help to find who is the real person beside Stepney, if they really help to investigate and interrogate their people (especially the suspected Coughlan), AND there is NO Ferrari’s part in their car, I think they don’t need any disqualification. BUT, if they are not helping at all, or even trying to hide the person, OR there IS ANY Ferrari’s part in their car (but they don’t admit it)… I can’t say anything else, except I want to ask for a disqualification.

So, McLaren people, be ashamed. This case is really a SHAME. Even I am ashamed there were Stepney, I am ashamed of this scandal. This is sport, so we have to do fair play. So please help to solve this case, to find who really did it. Do you want to get yourself disqualified? If you don’t care, you should be sorry. And you have to ask for an apologize to Alonso and Lewis, since if McLaren is disqualified from the races, from the championship, they will be the victim. It is bad, since they are a wonderful drivers.

Still, I am ashamed. This scandal is totally… A SHAME. Maybe we should say ‘..I’m sorry for this stupid scandal, for letting an unfair thing have done…’ to all the McLaren and Ferrari drivers. To Lewis, Kimi, Alonso, and Felipe. Because they are the victims. Well, I bet all of them want to win fairly. If they win because of a ‘help from a scandal’, I bet they won’t feel so happy. They will feel like ‘I shouldn’t win’… Remember how Schumi and Rubens look at the 2005 American GP? Maybe that is what Lewis or Alonso will look like if the scandal is true.

Oh, well. We all want to win. But we have to be sportive.


8 July 2007

Setelah Presiden dan anak-anak ASIK main bola bareng Zidane, gantian Menpora Adhiyaksa Dault dan Gubernur DKI Sutiyoso yang dapat giliran bermain bola sambil memecahkan rekor MURI, 846 pertandingan futsal *CMIIW* sepanjang jalan… (euh, jalan apa ya? Lupa.), dalam acara Futsal On The Street.

Dan.. Pak Sutiyoso berhasil membuat 5 gol, dan mengantarkan tim Zidane menang 8-3 atas lawannya!

Siang ini juga, Zizou mengadakan konferensi pers tentang kunjungannya ke Indonesia.


Kimi menang lagi! Yaaay~~

Abang kedua, Akang ketiga. Btw, Abang kok kelihatan beda yah? Apa karena keringatan, jadi itu rambutnya kelihatan berantakan..?

Kimi masih 18 poin di belakang Akang, dan Ferrari masih 25 poin di belakang McLaren. Masih butuh kerja keras...

Anyway, once again, where is Daddy Schuey, eh? Is he hiding again in the garage or somewhere in the paddock?

O ya, ada Beckham dan Simon Fuller juga!

Indonesian mode OFF*


Alright, now we have reached the eighth race of Formula One season this year. And… Welcome to Silverstone! Another supposed-to-be-replaced circuit. Ack! I don’t know why…

The day before the race, in a VERY hot qualifying, Lewis Hamilton got the pole position in the very end, leaving Kimi who *really* almost got it in the second place. Alonso started third, Felipe fourth, Kubica fifth, and Ralf Schumacher sixth.

And… The race began.

The start went… OK, the start was delayed for a moment, because Felipe had a problem with his car, and had to start from the pit-lane.

And.. The race *RE…*started.

Lewis Hamilton keep his position at the start, defending himself from Kimi who tried to both closed Alonso’s way and passed Hamilton, but Kimi only managed to be second at that time. Alonso third. Felipe gain about two position or so.

Lap 2, Felipe already sixteenth, while Kimi was the fastest man on the track. Hamilton still lead.

Lap 4, Hamilton increased his gap with Kimi and one lap after, he set a new fastest lap of the day.

Lap 8, Felipe was on a rampage. He was 12th.

Lap 9, Kimi get closer to Hamilton, while Massa passed Coulthard and being eleventh.

Lap 10, Mark Webber entered the pit and retired.

Lap 12, Felipe already ninth! One lap after, Kimi set a new fastest lap and decreased his gap to Hamilton.

Lap 14, the gap between Kimi and Hamilton is already below 0,4 s. Kimi tried to passed Hamilton in a chicane, but he failed. Kimi was still second, and it seemed to be a bit rainy.

Lap 16, Kovalainen began the pit stop time.

Lap 18, Kimi set a NEW fastest lap, Hamilton pitted, and… Adrian Sutil was burned. Yellow flag was ON.

Lap 19, Kimi stopped for 9,1 seconds, and out fourth, right ahead of Hamilton. Alonso lead, Heidfeld third, not yet to make a stop.

Lap 20, Alonso pitted for 6,3 seconds, and out STILL as the leader. Massa stopped as well.

Seems it would be a HOT battle today…

Lap 24, Massa was on traffic and struggling. Anyway, Ralf Schumacher was out because of a suspension problem.

Lap 29, Kimi pushed really hard and went a little wide.

Lap 30, Scott Speed crashed with Wurz’s Williams, and he have to be out from the race. Yellow flag was on.

Lap 32, Davidson became the next man to be retired from the British Grand Prix. At the same time, Barrichello pitted.

Lap 35, Jenson Button was in for his ONLY pit-stop. Alonso was over 16s ahead of Hamilton at the moment.

Lap 37, Hamilton was over 21s behind Alonso, and he seemed to lose about 2s per lap. One lap after, Alonso pitted from the lead for 8,4s and become second. Kimi led the race. A few lap after, Hamilton also pitted.

17 laps before the end of the race, Heidfeld pitted. Kimi was more than 26s (maybe even more than 27s or so) ahead of Alonso, and finally pitted for second time. Kimi regained the lead.

14 laps remaining and Felipe was pitted from third place. Liuzzi pitted as well. Trulli retired. And, Felipe came out fifth after the stop.

10 laps remaining and Felipe Massa was still giving pressure on Robert Kubica. Kimi was over 6s ahead of Alonso, and over 30s ahead of Hamilton. Felipe seemed to set a new fastest lap.

8 laps remaining, Kimi was leading more than 7s ahead of Alonso. Kimi was also the fastest man on the track. Ferrari is faster than the McLaren.

6 laps remaining, Felipe was still in a battle for fourth place with Kubica.

4 laps remaining, yellow flag… ONCE AGAIN, WAS ON!! Liuzzi retired after a certain problem.

And… Kimi Raikkonen won for the second time in a row! Alonso second, Hamilton third. Behind them there were Kubica, Felipe, Heidfeld, Kovalainen, and Fisichella.

It’s almost the half of the season, and is also still a long season to go. However, this is the current standings: in the Drivers Championship, Hamilton still leads with 70 points, Alonso second with 57 points, Kimi third with 52 points, and Felipe fourth with a close 51 points. For the Constructor Championship, McLaren still lead with 128 points, 25 points ahead of Ferrari (103 points).

Great work, Kimi, Felipe! Keep up your hard work!

See you later! BYE!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Chemistry In Life Thirty-ninth Edition

Welcome to the brand-new Chemistry in Life. Don’t ask why there is no cats now. *g*

Oh, and sorry, I haven’t finished writing about biofuel yet. Some of my documents are missing, so I couldn’t finish it right now. Really, sorry.

Okay, enjoy what we have today!


*Indonesian mode ON*

26 June 2007

New layout, new look. A brand-new Chemistry in Life.

Btw, jangan protes kalau kucingnya hilang. :P

Eh... Kucingnya ga hilang, kok. Disimpan! *ngeloyor kabur*

30 June 2007

Yay~! Ferrari on the pole!

Yah, Felipe pole, terus Akang Lewis, Kimi, dan Kubica. Btw, Abang Fernando payah ah. Kena masalah gearbox di mesin, mana di stage terakhir pula.

Makanya, jangan merahasiakan itu cincin yang dipake apaan, dari siapa... Nikahnya kapan.. Masa mau saya nanya gini ke Abang, ‘Kapan kawin? Kawin kapan?’, pake gaya kaya iklan yang di TV itu... Mau?


*kabur sebelum ditimpuks cewek-cewek penggemar Abang yang bakal patah hati kalau Abang nikah nanti*

1 July 2007

Ferrari 1-2!! Yaaaay~!!! Great job, guys!

And look who’s back.. *eyeing on Kubica*

Eh, dan mencari-cari di mana Daddy Schuey.. Setelah baca berita ini, usut-punya-usut, ternyata orangnya ngajak Zidane keliling Magny-Cours pakai mobilnya. Eh, tapi itu kan bukan pas balapan, ya?

Jadi, kemanakah dia saat balapan berlangsung? *celingukan*

2 July 2007
Ngecek blog, dan Ambu ninggalin pesan di shoutbox: 'Abang jeleeeeek! Akang sih konsisten.. Gunz jeles lagi nggak, Kimi yang menang?'

Tahukah Anda bagaimana saya membalasnya?

D: Chrissy – G
U: Fei – R
DU: Dilarang cemburu sama Kimi~!!! :P

U: Ambu – R
DU: Tuh, suami saya sudah saya larang cemburu sama Kimi...

Wikikik. Dan kata Ambu, istrinya Kimi (Jenni Dahlman-Raikkonen, red.) ga cemburu karena dia udah punya Kimi sepenuhnya. Nah Ryorin, punya saya aja belum.. Dan katanya lagi, itu Ryorin takut dipoligami sama Kimi. *timpuks Ambu* Emang siapa yang mau poligami, Ambu?

Dan saya salah nanya lagi, masa saya nanyain 'Kapan mau nikah?' ke Ambu... Harusnya kan ke Ryorin...

Ryorin, jadi mau saingan sama Abang nih ceritanya... (Duh, lupa, saingan apa yah...?)


Ah, iya, orangnya baca waktu saya nulis ini!!! Bodo ah.

Dan, Ambu juga protes soal tret. Udah ada tret MotoGP di HPI, kok belum ada tret F1. Dan lihatlah.. Apa yang terjadi di HPI.

Lihat sendiri aja deh.

*kabur makin jauh*

Indonesian mode OFF*


Why, hello there. It’s time for a French GP at Magny-Cours. There’s a rumor that this GP maybe the last time the French GP is held at Magny-Cours, but I don’t know if it’s true.

And.. Ferrari is back! At the qualifying, Felipe Massa of the Ferrari being the fastest man and secured a pole from his rivals. Lewis Hamilton second, Kimi Raikkonen third, and Robert Kubica fourth. The running world champion, Fernando Alonso, had to start the race from 10th place, because he has a problem with his machine’s gearbox on the last qualifying stage. What a shame for Alonso. Takuma Sato, who was given a penalty, had to start from the 22nd place. Then, Adrian Sutil had a little problem with the car and had to start from the pit lane.

The start went really good for the Ferrari duo. Felipe lead the race and Kimi took the second place from Hamilton. There was crowd at the back, and an accident involving Liuzzi and Davidson occurred. Just a few turns after that, Kovalainen’s Renault was pushed by Trulli’s car and he spun at the middle of the track. Yellow flag was on.

Lap 2, yellow flag was still on, and Alonso now giving pressure on Rosberg. He was seventh. Sato 16th. Kovalainen pitted. One lap after it, Trulli pitted and sadly, he had to be retired from the race.

Lap 5, Alonso was trying to pass Heidfeld, but he failed, and Heidfeld managed to secure his position at that time.

Lap 16, Hamilton became the first man to enter the pit for a stop. He rejoined in seventh. Alonso pitted as well, got a new harder set of tires, and then he was ninth.

Lap 18, the race leader Felipe Massa had a 8,4 s stop at the pit, leaving the lead to Kimi. One lap after that, Fisichella and Kubica pitted at the exactly same time.

Lap 22, Kimi entered the pit, as well as Heidfeld. Felipe retook the lead.

Lap 28, Alonso was pushing too hard on Heidfeld, causing him to went a little wide and failed to pass Heidfeld.

Lap 29, an accident occurred at the pit. When Christijan Albers was ready to go back on the track, one of the mechanic was pulling the fuel hose too late. And, Albers was out from the pit with the fuel hose still on his car. Soon after it, he had to retired. Yellow flag.

Lap 33, Alonso finally passed Heidfeld and became fifth.

Lap 37, Hamilton pitted for the second time and rejoined right behind Kubica. He managed to passed Kubica just a few turns after it, anyway.

Lap 39, Alonso went wide as Hamilton set a fastest lap.

Lap 42, Felipe set a new fastest lap. He was the fastest man on sector 1, Kimi on sector 2, and Hamilton on sector 3. Felipe pitted and rejoined second.

Lap 45, Kubica pitted from fourth place for 7,8 s. Kimi pitted as well, and rejoined *still* as the race leader.

Lap 51, Hamilton had a third stop. He was still third.

Lap 55, Alonso tried to get past Fisi, but he was stuck on seventh place. Kovalainen pitted.

13 laps remaining, Scott Speed had a problem. His steer seemed to be blocked, and there comes.. Hello, gravel. And then Speed should be out of the race. For the third time, YELLOW FLAG WAS ON!!

9 laps remaining, and Felipe was the fastest man on the track. Kimi was the second fastest, and Alonso was faster than Hamilton at that time.

7 laps remaining, Kimi lead for about 2s ahead of Felipe, which was over 29s ahead of Hamilton.

And finally, Ferrari 1-2. Kimi Raikkonen won for the second time this year, followed by Felipe Massa, Lewis Hamilton, Robert Kubica, Nick Heidfeld, Giancarlo Fisichella, Fernando Alonso, and Jenson Button.

Yaaay~! *dances around* Anyway, the championships table haven’t changed a lot yet, except for the value. :P Lewis Hamilton still lead the championship with 64 points, Alonso has 50 points, Felipe 47 points, and Kimi was still fourth with 42 points. McLaren still lead with 114 points, 25 points ahead of Ferrari.

Ferrari seems to be back. So.. Watch out.

See you soon for a British Grand Prix! Ciao!


Actually, this is an old quiz I read from Myojo, back in February 2005. But I think I should write it down here since I have no idea what to write.. ^^;;

Q1. Love begins when...?
When two people meet, starts to spend their time together, then found that they have many similar interest or anything else. When they start to learn about each other closer, that's the beginning of love.

Q2. It's the middle of the night. Your boyfriend calls and says "I wish we could meet up now". What would you do?
I'll find the reason first. If it's an important reason, I'll go meet him. But due to a reason, probably I'd make a teleport machine, so it's easy to me to go there and then go back to my room. (laughs)

Q3. Your boyfriend asks "between your job and me, which is more important?"
Well, both are important. Sure, he is more important than any other thing. But nowadays, job is important for either men or women. I'll just ask him in return, "If we're married someday, would you allow me to work?" As a woman, I know some husband do not allow his wife to work, but if my future husband do not allows me to work, I won't work. But if he gives me freedom, well then, I'll work.

Q4. "That was such an immature thing..." you recall. A somewhat embarrassing love talk.
When dating for the first time, and it's time to lunch, I have no idea what should we have for lunch... Since he is unselective and I am indecisive, he then asked me, "Would you use coin?" Well, guess what, we then flip the coin several times just to decide what our lunch is... After that, since he noticed that there are 20 food courts, he said, "I think another time we have to borrow D20..." Well, he said if it was just a funny thing, but for me it's really embarrassing...

Q5. To-date, what have you learnt from love?
Lots of thing. Sharing, understanding, forgiving... Well, the main thing I learnt of love is to keep alive though you're in a big problem... to support your soul mate at any time, any place, and any occasion. Ah, well... I've also learned that a man become patient if he is falling in love with a girl... (laughs)

Q6. Have you ever cried over love?
Yeah... When I was high school, I ever cried due to lost love. But for now, I think sometimes I did it due to happiness.

Q7. Is there anything your boyfriend does you'll find unforgivable?
Lying and betrayal. I would only forgive him for lying if it's for a certain reason, but betrayal is one thing that would make me sent him to hell.

Q8. When does it become obvious it's time to go separate ways?
Umm... (thinking quite hard) I have no idea for that.

Q9. Memories of you and your ex-boyfriend assail you, what do you do?
I'll try to simply forget it. But, well, it's not easy to forget the past, isn't it?

Q10. What is love?
Love is beginning of a miracle. It's a melody of two hearts. But overall, it’s somewhat like an atom which contains mercy, respect, longing, patience, regret, surprise, and forgiveness... Another important thing about love is commitment. There's no love without commitment.

Q11. What is the colour of love?
My colour, pink. But it would changes into colours of rainbow, then blends into white at the end. Well, love's colour always changed, depends on what time and occasion...

Q12. Do you believe we each have our own pre-destined lover?


Instructions: Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

So, I am..

1. Totally moody. If now I'm laughing with you, maybe just a 0,001 s after it, I will cry so hard or yell at you. And so does the opposite. I even don't know when my mood is up, and when it's down.. Just don’t make it worse when I am down, PLEASE.

2. If women loves clothes-shopping, I'm not. Really, I don't like shopping, especially clothes-shopping. Just because I can't choose the clothes well.. T.T

3. Always tends to sleep if I am having a trip with a sedan. Well, usually, with all kinds of sedans. The best one is always Citroen, anyway...

4. Loved my cell-phone so dearly. Even if it's now quite old and starting to has an error sometimes, I still loved that phone...

5. Named every device I have or ever have. From PC, until USB Flash Disk. Even I named some of Ryorin's devices, too. LOL. And, I treat all of them like my own children. I even remembered all of them, including the lost ones. Here are the names: Momiji, Asuka, Hasumi, Balthasar, Miama, Amamiya Eiji, Taiyou, Taisetsu, Yui, Sharazade, twins Miku-Mika, Mikuni, Lunareina, Takeru, Kotori, Savoia, and Asteia. Umm, actually, I named EVERYTHING I have…

6. A totally Formula 1 maniac. Even if someone asked me to go out with him/her, I would stay at home watching F1 if it's the day. I really wouldn't even want to miss any race, except if my television is broken. And, as you always know, I loved to ramble about F1.. so much. Even my first love is... Kimi Raikkonen! Yeah, yeah, that was an old high school joke about me.. --; (It’s 70% true, anyway..)

Tagged people:
1. Ambu
2. Herda
3. Ireth
4. PSS
5. Lily
6. Abay

Pass on! Ramble ON!



Name: Dian Anggraini
Nick: Dian ~ Myu-chan ~ Miyuri ~ Xiao Yan Zi ~ Lady Di ~ Zeng Tian Mei ~ SC ~ Chryseis McSylvester ~ Muffin Princess
Birthdate: January 9th, 1988
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Astrology: Fire Rabbit
Birthplace: Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Home: Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia
Current Residence: Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Job: Student of Department of Chemistry, Bandung Institute of Technology
Side Job: Writing Formula 1 Reports on this blog, writing poetry and short-stories...
Interests: Science (Chemistry), Music, Nature, Culture, Arts, Formula 1, MotoGP, and many more...


~Michael Schumacher~
~Kimi Raikkonen~
~Junichi Okada (V6)~
~Miroslav Klose~
~Sakurai Shou (Arashi)~
~Felipe Massa~
~Robert Kubica~
~Ralf Schumacher~
~Zhao Wei~
~Michael Learns To Rock~
~Celine Dion~
~Utada Hikaru~
~Lin Xin Ru~
~Chae Rim~
~Rubens Barrichello~
~Takuma Sato~
~Valentino Rossi~
~Daijiro Katoh (R.I.P)~
~and many more...~


NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

Hanaya no misesaki ni naranda
Ironna hana o miteita
Hito sorezore konomi wa aru kedo
Doremo minna kirei dane
Kono naka de dare ga ichiban da nante
Arasou koto mo shinai de
Baketsu no naka hokorashige ni
Chanto mune o hatteiru

Sore na noni bokura ningen wa
Doushite kou mo kurabeta garu?
Hitori hitori chigau noni sono naka de
Ichiban ni naritagaru?

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Komatta youni warai nagara
Zutto mayotteru hito ga iru
Ganbatte saita hana wa dore mo
Kirei dakara shikata nai ne
Yatto mise kara dete kita
Sono hito ga kakaete ita
Iro toridori no hanataba to
Ureshi souna yokogao

Namae mo shira nakatta keredo
Ano hi boku ni egao o kureta
Dare mo kizukanai youna basho de
Saiteta hana no youni

Sousa bokura wa
Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana
Hitori hitori chigau tane o motsu
Sono hana o sakaseru koto dake ni
Isshou kenmei ni nareba ii

Chiisai hana ya ooki na hana
Hitotsu toshite onaji mono wa nai kara
NO.1 ni nara nakutemo ii
Moto moto tokubetsu na Only one

There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

I saw many kinds of flowers
lined up in front of the flowershop.
everyone has their favorite kinds
but all of them are pretty.
Without competing to see
which was the best among them,
they were standing
straight up proudly inside the bucket.

So why then do we humans
have to compare ourselves to one another?
Eventhough each and every person is different,
why do we want to be number one?

Yes we are each..
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

There are people who are
constantly unsure of what they want,
as they laugh a little put out.
It can't be helped, all those flowers,
that did everything they could to bloom, are pretty.
when at last that person comes out of the store,
they're holding a colorful bouquet
and I see them smiling happilly as they go by me.

I never knew their name but
that day they made me smile.
we too are like flowers that bloom in places
where no one pays any attention.

Yes we too are each...
a flower unlike any other in the world
and each and everyone of us carries a different seed
We should focus all our efforts
on trying to make that flower bloom.

Small flowers and big flowers,
none are the same as one another.
There's no need to be No. 1
you've always been a very special only one.

Sekai ni Hitotsu Dake no Hana - SMAP


~Hard Luck Hero - V6~
~Kinjirareta Asobi - ALI Project~
~Madoite, Kitare, Yuuda na Kamikakushi ~ Border of Death - IOSYS~
~I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion~
~Wish I Had An Angel - Nightwish~
~Seishoujo Ryouiki - ALI Project~


~Ryorin ma chere amoureux~
Ambu Dian
Mami Ming
Marie Granger
Nna Sawamura
Putri Akanishi
Putri Halliwell
Trinie Lupin


Kitty's Paws Pieces
The Poet Sanctuary
The Poet Sanctuary Website
Harry Potter Bandung
Harry Potter Indonesia
Formula 1 Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Website
Kimi Raikkonen Official Forum
IndoHogwarts Official Blog
National Novel Writing Month
True Friend Test
Hogwarts On Line
WWF Passport
Make Roads Safe
Free Burma!
HOL Ravenclaw
Death Eaters Indonesia
Johnnys Indonesian Forum
Monsters Game
El_leaved's Stories
Shaven Asylum
V6 Squad Forum
Potion Master Dungeon
Virtual Hogwarts


September 8
Ryou Kinomoto

September 9
Talitha Pedersen

September 10

September 13
Kamui Kobayashi

September 14
Maria Theresa Gow

September 17
Damon Hill

September 28
Mika Hakkinen

..and everyone else celebrating their birthday in September...


Yukari Yakumo
~Youkai of Boundaries~

Original picture taken from: Touhou Imageboard

Picture modified by: -mYu-.




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